
Airports Council International - ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East

1 Tang Jie


Head-quartered in Hong Kong, ACI Asia-Pacific serves as the voice of 132 airport members, operating 623 airports across 47 countries in Asia-Pacific and Middle East. Asia-Pacific is the largest civil aviation market in the world in terms of traffic volumes. ACI represents the collective interests of airport members to promote professional excellence in airport management and operations through advocacy efforts. Founded in 1991 to cater to Asian airports, ACI Asia was merged with ACI Pacific in 2006. ACI Asia-Pacific also collaborates with other regional offices, including ACI EUROPE, ACI North America, ACI Africa, ACI Latin America and the ACI World.

Tags : #AviationAerospace, #Airport., #Aviation, #AviationSecurity, #AviationSafety

Location :
1 Tang Jie