
AA+ is an English, Chinese and Mathematics learning program for students ranging from Primary to Secondary schools in Hong Kong.AA+ has a unique teaching method as they aim to make learning a fun experience for both students and teachers. We achieve this by taking students out of the classroom allowing them to use all of their five senses and thereby challenging them to use their creative problem solving skills.AA Plus 的課程設計獨特,運用認知教學法,引導學生從反思自己的上課經歷中深化學習;指導學生以不同的文章體裁學習。配合AAplus老師的教授方法,重視課業練習,並提供即時而具建設性的回饋。以小組形式教授課程,可照顧不同學生的學習需要,提高學習效率。AA Plus 亦定期舉辦課外參觀活動及遊學團,致力提供豐富的環境,培養學生的學習潛能,讓同學透過經驗和實踐加強知識,愉快學習。活動完成後,導師提供小組及個別回饋,指導學生從活動中進一步學習及反思。多年來不少AA Plus 的學生均在DSE文憑試的中文及英文科取得佳績。AA Plus的DSE老師經驗豐富,熟悉文憑試要求,在鞏固學生語文基礎的同時,訓練他們熟習試題形式,作答技巧和評分準則,裝備學生考取優異成績。

Tags : #GovernmentAdministration, #Tutorial, #TeacherTraining, #English

Location :
38 Nelson Street, Kowloon
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