Field trip to the police station.
"What we see changes what we know. what we know changes what we see." - Jean Piaget
Saying goodbye
Graduation 2017
"Play is our brain's favorite way of learning." -Diane Ackerman
Learners at play.
Learning more about plants in the garden of Eden.
"Tell me and I'll me and I may remember. Involve me and I'll learn. Bengamine Franklin.
Heritage month celebration.
Kite flying 2017 with Torres strict, Simon Mohammed, Colette vanderstoop.
Trinity Street Nursery field trip on the water taxi and snacks at churches chicken
Field Trip to the New Amsterdam stelling to see the boat
Happy birthday Jaden Fraser have a god bless day bbz
Hat display Guyana's 50th anniversary
Transition from nursery to primary thanks to All Saints Primary for accommodating the kids
We getting ready for the country's birthday