Happy Helpers is an organization that aims to develop educational resources that would make teaching and learning easier.
Innovating to create educational solutions.Innovating to create educational solutions.
"To think that it has only just begun". This is our first product and the reception received by schools so far throughout Guyana has been very overwhelming. This was just one way of showing we are truly grateful to schools that have supported us. We are looking forward to your continual support! Only purchase from authorised distributors! BIG THANK YOU to Andrews Supermarket and its CEO SAIKU!
Have you heard about our Classroom Package Amazing Offer?Have you heard about our Classroom Package Amazing Offer?
INTERESTING STORY BEHIND THIS PICTURE Looking at these children reminds me of myself. There is no better feeling than to see them with this book! We're really happy to help these students from Success Elementary School!
Guyanese that make it elsewhere should remain proud Guyanese. However, Guyana as a nation should pause to think, how is it possible that we let them go? The answers that will be revealed, startling.
Ensure the environment is conducive to people staying. Not people coming, to take, then go.
With the National Grade Six Assessment drawing nearer, equip your child with "A PREPARATION TOOL FOR ELEMENTARY SCIENCE EXAMINATIONS!" Studying has never been made this easy and fun! With every purchase, fill the coupon and your child can win a 2 IN 1 TABLET that they can use in High School. WE'RE HAPPY TO HELP!
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After sharing this book with a teacher. Her response was "I heard about this book even before you came" I'm Overwhelmed and Grateful that what she heard was of good report too! If you haven't heard or seen, here's your opportunity to at the Hope is Rising Celebration of Life Mega Concert!
Success is Preparation's encounter with Opportunity...