Blue Berry Hill Nursery School was formally known as the Mount Carmel Nursery School which is situated at Blue Berry Hill Wismar. It was housed in the Saint Bernadette's Hall, which is attached to the Mount Carmel Catholic Church. In 1969 the Roman Catholic Organization built and opened a church and Recreation Hall for its members in the Blue Berry Hill community. The then Priest
Father Terrence Petrie had a growing concern for the children between the ages of three and six years, who were left to play around the neighbourhood unattended. He visited homes and shared his concerns with parents of the community.
Subsequently on September 13, 1970 two young church members, Mi of thrss Pansy Glasgow and Miss Bernadette Williams started a school for children between ages three and six years old. It was known as the St Bernadette's Kindergarten School.
Furniture was borrowed from the church for seating accommodation and each child was required to pay a fee of five dollars {$5.00] per month in advance. A small sum of fees was given to the Church as an offering. Teachers were paid and materials were bought for the school.
The school then operated on a whole day basis for five {5} days a week, from 9 :00 am to 11:00 am and 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm.
At the opening of the school fifty children were enrolled and parents had to provide writing materials for their children.
During the period 1974 to 1975 Miss Pansy Glasgow attended a training programme on the "Young Child" , which was conducted by the Guyana Association of Childhood Educators. This helped to make her more competent in teaching young children.
In 1976 when the Guyana Government assumed full responsibility for education from Nursery to University, the St. Bernadette's Kindergarten was merged with teacher Olney's Kindergarten from the northern side of Blue Berry Hill. It was then given the name "Saint Bernadette's Nursery School".
In 1978 the Ministry of Education officially changed the school's name to Mount Carmel Nursery School.
In January 1980 Miss Pansy Glasgow was transferred to Miss Juliet Beckles was appointed Teacher-in-charge acting. In 1989 she was appointed Headmistress acting, January 9 , 1995 Miss Beckles was transferred and Miss Debbie Beckles was appointed Headmistress acting.
blue berry hill nursery
#imguyaneses #nomatterwhereibe
“A year ago Guyana became politically free and independent. She assumed the untrammeled right to make her own decisions on what ought to be done or ought not to be done within her border. Since then, hers has also been the right to decide what course she would take and to state her views and opinions positively in the fora of the world. As we celebrate the first anniversary of freedom, it is our duty to take account of what we have achieved or what we have failed to do, to note where we have done well and what we ought to have done better.” (Forbes Burnham, First Executive President of Guyana)
When I was very young, most of my childhood heroes wore capes, flew through the air, or picked up buildings with one arm. They were spectacular and got a lot of attention. But as I grew, my heroes changed, so that now I can honestly say that anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me. – Fred Rogers