DD’s Delight Menu. An everyday delicious dishes like lovely Spanish rice,with baked chicken ,potato puffs and so much more delicious dishes. [read more]
Member of the Massy Group of Companies. [read more]
Blending is my cardio. Certified Freelance Makeup Artist. [read more]
Chell's Donut Hub is committed to adding sunshine to your day by offering unique homemade donuts, freshly served and at affordable prices. With every bite you are overtaken by joy and.. [read more]
Diamond Nursery School provides education to children of 3 years 6 months to 5 years 6 months. . [read more]
Lokono Outdoors creator Lancellot Willkie is a Lokono “Arawak” indigenous native born in the jungles of Guyana. He has over 30 years of guiding experience in the local rainforest. [read more]
Hook'd On Hookahs provides a 5 star experience to our customers, providing the best hookah products in Guyana. We are able to provide an experience that makes your date nights, birthday parties, or.. [read more]
CollieBlack Hair Designs was established to cater to both our natural and relaxed hair clients. . . interlocking, braids, twists and a whole range of wigs weave and a whole host of looks. [read more]
Cakes for all occasions whether baby showers,wedding,birthday parties,anniversaries any occasion/event. . [read more]
INNOVISION BUILDERS is based in New Amsterdam, Berbice, We Specialize in General Residential Construction Services. You Name it, We Do it! WE BUILD ONLY QUALITY!. [read more]
Zorina's Blackpudding and Souse, located at Montrose Public Road, Georgetown. [read more]
WhatsApp us @ +19293876016 CLICK LINK TO GET STARTED!! https://sites. google. com/view/hfxtraders/home Don’t let this opportunity get pass you. Sign up with Us now, take this life.. [read more]
Jonestown fue el nombre informal del Proyecto agrícola del Templo del Pueblo, una comunidad intencional al noroeste de Guyana específicamente en la actual región N°1 de Barima-Waini dentro.. [read more]
Conducătorul Templului Popoarelor, Jim Jones, a îndemnat sute dintre adepții săi să comită o sinucidere în masă, în comuna lor agricolă dintr-o regiune de lângă nord-vestul Guyanei. [read more]
琼斯镇(Jonestown),又译琼斯敦,是人民圣殿教的人民圣殿农业计划(Peoples Temple.. [read more]
«Храм народов» — новое религиозное движение или религиозная тоталитарная секта, основанная.. [read more]
Świątynia Ludu – sekta religijna, założona przez Jamesa Jonesa w 1956 w Indianapolis i przeniesiona w 1965 do Kalifornii. W szczytowym okresie popularności do sekty należało około.. [read more]
人民寺院(じんみんじいん、Peoples Temple)は、1978年にガイアナで集団自殺を行ったことで知られるアメリカのキリスト教系新宗教である。カルトの典型とされた。歴史初期人民寺院は1955年に、ジム・ジョーンズ(ジェームス・ウォーレン・ジョーンズ)によってインディアナ州インディアナポリスで設立され、1959年にはクリスチャン・チャーチに加盟し、「人民寺院・クリスチャン・チャーチ・フルゴスペル」と改名した。その後、1963年にカリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに拠点を移している。「人種差別撤廃」を掲げ、ジョーンズ自身も韓国人と黒人の子供を養子にしていた。当初マスコミでも優れた社会活動家であるという報道がなされ、時代のヒーローとなった。そのため、この時期に数多くの有力政治家たちと結びつきが強くなったとされる。しかし、実際にはジョーンズ自身の主張とは裏腹に、信者の8割以上が黒人などの有色人種でありながら教団幹部は白人のみで構成されていた。都市の下層民を収容し、福祉サービスを供給するコミューン(公社)としての性格も有していたとされた。しかし、その実態はジョーンズとその一派による独裁団体で、次第に脱退信者やマスコミなどから批判を受けるようになった上にジョーンズも大麻・薬物に強く依存し、強迫観念に駆られるようになった。ガイアナ移住そこでジョーンズは南アメリカにある、ガイアナへの集団移住を決意した。なお、この頃には極左思想に傾倒し、かねてからジョーンズ自らがシンパシーを寄せていた共産主義の到来を唱えた。1973年に人民寺院は、ガイアナ西部のジャングルを切り開き「ジョーンズタウン(Jonestown、正式名称はPeople's Temple Agricultural Project)」と呼ばれる町を作り上げ、外界と完全に遮断された状況下で自給自足の生活を開始した。その後アメリカから多くの信者がジョーンズタウンに移住した。. [read more]
High Five Party Promotions is a company that will host or assist you in celebrating life's events or just life. We can also be found on the seawall. . [read more]
C. B. & Associates Inc. , located at 94 Campbell Avenue, Georgetown. [read more]
We specialize in business cards, invitations, programs, compliment slips, letterheads, photocopying, printing. . [read more]
인민사원은 1978년 11월 18일 가이아나 존스타운에서 일어난 집단 자살로 널리 알려진 종교 집단이다. 1953년 짐 존스 교주가 미국 인디애나 주 인디애나폴리스에 세운 예배당이 그 시초이다. 존스 목사의 기괴한 행위와 신도들의 집단자살로 인하여 사이비종교의 반사회성을 보여주는 대표사례로 언급된다. [read more]
Templul Popoarelor a fost o sectă înființată în anul 1955 de Jim Jones. Este faimoasă pentru evenimentele de la 18 noiembrie 1978 când au murit 909 persoane, din care majoritatea s-au.. [read more]
GATE Systems is a systems design and solutions provider, based in the Caribbean. . [read more]
Retail Store with a multitude of electronics, toiletries, home goods, kitchen supplies, bathroom supplies and clothing. . [read more]
S. C Construction specialized in landscaping, machine rental, sand delivery, waste pick up, construction, maintenance and more. . [read more]
Der Bourda Cricket Ground ist die zweitgrößte Sportstätte in Guyana und liegt in der Hauptstadt Georgetown im Stadtteil Bourda. Es liegt unterhalb des Meeresspiegels und ist deswegen von.. [read more]
Driving is an ART, so, Let us go lively. . . [read more]
Enhancing a well needed Service of Public Transportation to a higher level , guaranteeing our customer a prompt, reliable and safe service. . [read more]
Environmental Management Consultants (EMC) is a Guyanese consulting firm providing environmental services. . [read more]
Printing (Black and White & Colour) | Photocopying (Black and White & Colour) | Laminating | Binding| Gift Items | Stationery | Masks | Online Shopping and Much more. [read more]
Something inspirational, Something informational, Something recreational. . [read more]
Yassin Internet Service. They can be contacted via phone at +5926945104 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We are specialized in: Graphic Designing, Binding services, Limitation services, Typing Services, Scanning, Passport and Visa pictures, Visa application, Photocopying , Laser Printing , Labels.. [read more]
specializing in: Nail Design,Manicure,Pedicure,Brow lining,Wash and Press hair. Make Up for all occasion such as: Birthday Party, Weddings, Bridal Make up, etc. [read more]
WhatsApp number +592683-3367. [read more]