“At this moment there is another genocide in Libya and in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s a genocide and we will not be able to say to our grandson or granddaughter that we did not know.”
EU internal and external borders kill refugees!
Riots at “hotspot” on Samos island today. 8000 people in space for 650. One toilet per 300 people, one shower per 500. All day in line for food. Children cutting themselves. Protests of refugees, Heavy Tear gas by police as response, forced local authorities to close schools around the area to protect children from chemicals. We stand in solidarity with refugee and migrant’s struggle
Lesbos migrant camp children 'say they want to die'
More than 18000 refugees ( among them 7000 children) are sufferingandr in the cold weather and under the heavy raining in hell of #Moria hotspot in Lesvos.
2/3 of the refugees in Moria are still in tents.
Shame… and rage!
refugee camp Greece!
Six refugees were found dead in the cold in Evros borders within 48 hours. It is the first time that such a number of deaths from hypothermia have been recorded in such a short time. The locations where four of the six victims were identified testify that people crossing Evros to maiinland choose a new route, which runs parallel to the Greek-Bulgarian border and turns deadly due to the wild terrain and extremely low temperatures.
They are four men and two women. There is no evidence of their identity as they had no documents. The two women are of African descent and the age of the victims is estimated to be between 18 and 30 years.
The first two victims were found near the river in a field outside the village of Gemisti. The other four people, however, were located far away from Evros.
Trying to avoid the Egnatia avenue and police raids, people cross the river and head behind Soufli. They then walk along the Greek-Bulgarian border, following dirt roads and the instructions of traffickers that they receive via GPS. In addition to the directions, no physical presence of traffickers along the route has been found, sources said.
Migrants want to reach Komotini and from there take the bus to Thessaloniki. The journey from Evros to Komotini can take up to seven days, depending on the weather.
There is still something. People who walked along the Greek-Bulgarian border reported being robbed by strangers who wore wrestling clothes as they described.
All this is happening as flows to Evros are increasing and the government plans to take additional measures to halt them, including the extension of the fence that exists since 2012 to the only inland part of the border. The fence is 12 kilometers long and as a result it has simply passed the crossings south to other parts of the river.
"Central to the EU’s strategy over the past decade has been the outsourcing of immigration control, paying countries from Libya to Sudan, from Niger to Turkey, to deter potential migrants to Europe. In this process a new form of imperialism is emerging, whereby rich nations, in the name of protecting their borders from migrants, trample all over the borders of poorer neighbours."
Croatia, Greece and same situation
SHAME on Europe.
People at the hell on the earth are facing the winter!
Eastern Aegean Islands of Greece: 37025 humans… capacity 6178.
Refugees camp in Chios, Greece.
“We are each, our own devil, and we make this world our hell.” ― Oscar Wilde
Stop Eu funding slavery in Libya!
Adverse effects of the negative political rhetoric.. and media propaganda
Illegally push backs continue and getting brutal.
Arabic translation bellow / الترجمة للعربية تحت
At 04.00 17th of May, a boat started out from Kusadasi, Turkey towards Samos, carrying 56 people. Before entering Greek waters a boat suddenly arrived, with three men, in uniforms, wearing masks and carrying guns. The boat had no flag ore distinctions, the men likewise.
They tried to cut the petrol hose, after several attempts they succeeded. The petrol tank was thrown overboard, the rubber boat was dead in the sea.
Continue ReadingTo the countries that refugees kids have been return, are the once UK, have been involved in the war and conflicts, like Iraq, Afghanistan, ext
Always there are some pieces of hopes!
The rise of of far right and nationalism in europe and migration policies!
Brutal police violence in hotspot Samos Island, Greece
We support every good initiative of the neighborhood!
The small park for the kids of the neighborhood opened today and we are there to support and also to bring together all the kids together.
Solidarity will win!
New report about the condition of refugees in Northern Greece!
Έρχεται το 22ο Αντιρατσιστικό Φεστιβαλ Αθήνας! #22ndAntiraFestAthens f/book event here:
'Among the cases identified are a Spanish firefighter who faces up to 30 years in prison for rescuing migrants from drowning at sea in Greece, a French olive grower arrested for feeding and sheltering migrants on the border of Italy and a 70-year-old Danish grandmother who was convicted and fined for offering a lift to a family with small children..'
Europe needs to stop its shameful criminalisation of solidarity 😡😡
3 years #CityPlaza Solidarity win! ❤️
3 χρόνια/years #CityPlaza Solidarity will win!
A big night of solidarity for the 3 years anniversary of City Plaza just starting!
Solidarity will win!
❗️Today from 7pm ❗️
We live together, we struggle together and we will celebrate together, 3 years of our community and struggles!
❗️Saturday, May 18th, from 7pm at Pedion tou Areos (park) (entrance from Mauromataion)
❗️Music | dance | food | discussions | kids activities
👉🏿 Hamit Ourmie (Kurdish Cultural Ceter) 👉🏿 Thrax Punks 👉🏿 Petroloukas Chalkias
Also: The program has 2 hours activities for young and older children
👉🏿 19:00 games and other suprises for kids and adults 👉🏿 19:30pm clown without borders, show for all the families with live music, acrobatics and a lot of humour 👉🏿 20:00 Agia Fanfara + Make Some Noiz Balkan hymns, ethnic groove, dynisous sound, brass that take you to the heaven
The "Women Space" and women group "ReSisters" of #CityPlaza are preparing sweets for the 3 χρόνια / years CityPlaza | Θραξ πανκc και Πετρολούκας Χαλκιάς!
Petit Richard Fazo Fadiga an inhabitant of #CityPlaza wrote a poem for his family and community as a gift for the 3 years anniversary. 👉🏿 3 χρόνια / years CityPlaza | Θραξ πανκc και Πετρολούκας Χαλκιάς
"My name is Mohamed Fadiga, I am 24 years old and I come from Guinea Conakry. I am a professional footballer. I decided to make a gift for city plaza to thanks for all those people who did a lot for me, I feel at home and that I have a family now. I came on an adventure, I leave my studies because I couldn't go to my country and city plaza opened big arm for me and hugged me"
Solidarity will win! <3
❗️👉🏿 3 χρόνια / years CityPlaza | Θραξ πανκc και Πετρολούκας Χαλκιάς
We live together, we struggle together and we will celebrate together, 3 years of our community and struggles!
❗️Saturday, May 18th, from 7pm at Pedion tou Areos (park) (entrance from Mauromataion)
❗️Music | dance | food | discussions | kids activities
👉🏿 Hamit Ourmie (Kurdish Cultural Center) 👉🏿 Thrax Punks 👉🏿 Petroloukas Chalkias
A picture = 1000s words ——- The president of the Greek Socialist Party Fofi Gennimata visited the #Moria hotspot in Lesvos!
We participate and we support!
Moria hotspot Lesvos, Sept 20, 2018. The worse camp on the earth! ©Giorgos Moutafis
Moria is a state of emergency!
A major new study that documents the murderous activities of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn has been released by the European United Left/Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament [GUE/NGL]. The study comes as today marks the fifth anniversary of the assassination of the Greek musician and activist, Pavlos Fyssas, in Nikea by a local Golden Dawn ‘battalion squad’ and with the coordination of the regional branch of the fascist organisation.
Commissioned to coincide with the trials of the Golden Dawn leadership for their roles in the violent murders and attempted killings of numerous political activists, migrant workers and trade unionists, the study by Kevin Ovenden - a veteran writer, activist and observer of Greek politics - outlines the modus operandi the group’s leadership uses to eliminate their rivals, often by violent means.
Live at City Plaza Wednesday | 19.09 | 20:00 Acharnon 78 & Katrivanou ———- “The composer is dead! We are a mob, O.syndikat, a community of resisting pirate musicians trying to make the world a better place. Our music is not about beauty, it's about social and economic justice. We're not trying to produce political commentary - we're here to laugh, love, fuck and drink liquor and help the damn revolution come quicker!” Rosa Shakur
Live στο City Plaza Τετάρτη | 19.09 | 20:00 Αχαρνών 78 & Κατριβάνου
Watch - English subtitles.
5 years from the murder of Paulos Fyssas ——- The parents of Paulos Fyssas! What ever is the question, this the answer!
Today 5:30 Antifa Protest in ATHENS
Europe Deportation kills
2 fascist attacks in 2 days! 15/09 a Geek and 16/09 a Migrant victims of fascist attacks in Athens!
All in the days of anniversary of Paulos Fyassas murder by fascist!
No Passaran fascism ——— These are the victims of two fascist attacks that took place in Greece the last two days. Asif Hussein, a worker, was attacked while returning home, in Aspropyrgos by a group of fascists. One was holding him, while a second one assaulted him with brass knuckles on the face and a third one was kicking his body. Vaggelis Papamichail, member of Syriza's youth and an antifascist was attacked in Perama at a bus station by two fascist thugs of Golden Dawn. They hit him multiple times on the face and kicked him on the head. Today 5 years ago, Golden Dawn thug and murderer Roupakias stabbed and killed Pavlos Fyssas in Keratsini. There will be an antifascist demonstration in Keratsini. The trial of Golden Dawn is still ongoing No pasaran! Never let the fascist have the streets. Solidarity to the victims, their families and friends and to everyone taking the streets today in Athens.
Mistreatment is part the anti-migration policies of Greece and EU!
Bosnia: Police brutality against trapped refugees among the borders!