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OlympusEducation.com is located at Μ. Αλεξάνδρου 8, Νέοι Πόροι, 60065 Néoi Póroi, Pieria, Greece. They can be contacted via phone at +302352044303, visit their website www.olympuseducation.com for more detailed information.

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Tags : #BusinessService

Location :
Μ. Αλεξάνδρου 8, Νέοι Πόροι, 60065 Néoi Póroi, Pieria
Added by Jopie, at 11 April 2018

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32 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    23 May 2019

    Several days ago in Larisa region we've had tough hail. Today with agriculture technicians we've been repairing the damages of the heavy rain in peaches plantation in that part of Greece. Since early morning we've been picking and collecting damaged fruits to support and help local entrepreneurs deal with occured situation.

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  • Anynomous
    23 May 2019

    We're also having an architecture technician and gardener technicians, who turned out to be very creative and talented youngsters. One of their tasks were to came with an idea of changing the surroundings of the Golden Sun hotel and put a new pool for the guests of the venue. The maquettes which you can see on the pictures were their own projects and were built from materials they've found by themselfes. We're still under impression of their hardwork, creativity and being so details oriented.

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  • Anynomous
    23 May 2019

    Pupils from specialization agriculture technician for almost 2 weeks were having their internships in local green house in Platamonas. They're learning about diversity of environment and plants in Greece, but as well they had an opportunity to know methods and tools to make their work easier and more efficient.

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  • Anynomous
    23 May 2019

    Spring 2019 was very busy and exciting time for us. We've got several groups from different fields of education. Since march they've started to have their internships and visits in many Greek companies. They've lived in Poseidon Palace and in Golden Sun hotel.

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  • Anynomous
    31 October 2018

    14 days passed very fast and today we are saying goodbye to our friends from Adam Naruszewicz’ School Complex in Janów Podlaski in Poland. Received certificates is not the only thing acquired during Erasmus+ adventure. A lot of great experience taken from work under supervision of our mentors from Symonis and Pierias Endurance Horse Team, beautiful memories taken from trips to Athens and Olympus mountains range. These are the things which will help our practicians in creating their future career and personal pathways, going forward stronger and more confident :)

    See you guys and thanks you for all awesome moments spent together!

    Vocational training is realized within the project: „Stażyści z Naruszewicza podbijają rynek pracy!”/ “Trainees from Naruszewicz conquer the labor market”, number 2018-1-PL01-KA102-048011.

    Project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, Vocational education and training sector

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  • Anynomous
    30 October 2018

    Certificates given by Olympus Educations Services to students from ZSOiZ in Ciechanowiec!

    See you next time! :)

    Vocational training is realized within the project: „Europejska Praktyka = Klucz do Rynku Pracy”/ “European Practice = Key to the Labor Market”, number 2018-1-PL01-KA102-047607.

    Project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, Vocational education and training sector

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  • Anynomous
    30 October 2018

    Third time of ZSOiZ in Ciechanowiec from Poland in Greece! This time we had a chance to host students of gastronomy and hairdressing, who took part in 2-weeks internships programmes. Great time spent in Olimpic Riviera, practicing in Poseidon Palace Hotel and Lux Shop Barber & Hairdressing. Besides of practices they had a change to visit Meteora, go to Skiathos with the boat of Captain Kostas as well as went through Athens with the guide who showed all of the most important places in the capital of Greece!

    Vocational training is realized within the project: „Europejska Praktyka = Klucz do Rynku Pracy”/ “European Practice = Key to the Labor Market”, number 2018-1-PL01-KA102-047607.

    Project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, Vocational education and training sector

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2018

    Our hotelars students visited 3* hotel Sun Beach in Platamonas. They had an opportunity to find out how reception works and communicate with other departments or external partners. ☺️

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2018

    Today, we went with our gastronomy and logistic students to Kalorogiannis Frozen Sea Food in Larissa. This company takes Fish and other Sea food from natural and artificial fishing and then clean them, froze and pack. They own their distribution chain with warehouse, manufactory and trucks.

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2018

    In last few days our gastronomy students weny to the Greek bakery. They followed whole manufactoring process and assisted in daily duties as putting dough on the tray and then to the oven! The bakery is located in Pyrgetos where the best pastries come from 😄

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2018

    It's already one week behind our students from Janów Podlaski practicing in the field of horse breeding and agriculture mechanization. During last days they had a chance not only to practice and acquire news skills, but also to get to know culture of Greece a little bit better during excursions to Skiathos and Meteora! Next days full of new experiences coming! Vocational training is realized within the project: „Stażyści z Naruszewicza podbijają rynek pracy!”/ “Trainees from Naruszewicz conquer the labor market”, number 2018-1-PL01-KA102-048011.

    Project is implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, Vocational education and training sector

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  • Anynomous
    18 October 2018

    Yesterday was a very busy day for our It students and Hotelars technician, who came to Greece in Monday and they are located in Golden Sun Hotel. IT was mainly focused on programming and related topics. Hotelars do their internship in hotel, where they work on the reception, on dining room or doing housekeeping. In the next few days, they will have an opportunity to know few more places which are common with hotel's infrastructure.

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  • Anynomous
    09 October 2018


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  • Anynomous
    09 October 2018

    Polish trainees staying in Hotel Golden Sun in Erasmus program - Speciality IT. They had practice in Larisa - Robotic's Academy today. Students not only found out many interesting things but also they had a great time and a lot of fun. ☺️☺️☺️

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  • Anynomous
    05 October 2018

    Students from the veterinary technician's profile during internships at a recreation center Philoneikos in Karditsa. Trainees gave the animals anti-lice vaccines.

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  • Anynomous
    08 June 2018

    We are hosting wonderful group of horse breeder technician and agriculture mechanization technicians from Zespol Szkol im. A. Naruszewicza in Janow Podlaski, who are taking part in school practices within European Union project "Stażyści z Naruszewicza = poprzez praktykę zagraniczną prosto na rynek pracy" no. 2017-1-PL01-KA102-037625. During first few days, besides of organizing work place and getting familiar with Greek conditions, they already had also a chance to undertake more serious professional tasks. Horse breeders were getting familiar with the conditions of horse breeding, taking care about horses as well as riding on them. Agriculture mechanization technicians took part in all of the works related to preparation of different machines to Greek harvest season, including inspections of agricultural vehicles such as tractors and combine-harvesters. It's just 4th day and already so many positive memories for us and our participants!

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2018

    Yesterday evening we organized Karaoke night and it turned out that our interns are not only hard working, but they're also having🎤🎤 beautiful voices.🌛🌜

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2018

    We are still warmly remembering group of gastronomy and hoteliers from Bochnia who for the past 2 weeks were also having their practices in Hotel Golden Sun. 🍜🍮🍨

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2018

    Also today our pupils finished renovating summer open theather in Aigani. They did great job what was also confirmes by the local government representative. 👍👍👍

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  • Anynomous
    16 May 2018

    This is the final result of renovation works which were made by our interns. Public Health Center in Mesangala is ready and is waiting for its patients. 🏡🚑😊

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  • Anynomous
    14 May 2018

    Our mechanics continiue their practices at Maroukas Service with the help of main mechanic of Service - Mr. Evangelis. 🔧🔩🔩🔧🚗🚘☺️☺️☺️

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  • Anynomous
    14 May 2018

    Today part of our interns from builders specialization started renovation of the sport field and open theather in village Aigani. 😊😌😉

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2018

    For the last 2 days during our free time we organized volleyball tournament between schools. There were only 6 teams and thousands of emotions! 🤓😈🤢🤸⛹️🤾

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2018

    And finally come the time to learn traditional Greek dances.😘😘😘

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2018

    Greek newspapers wrote again about our interns. We are very proud of our pupils who are participating in renovation of Public Heath Center which will end on 14th of May 😊

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  • Anynomous
    11 May 2018

    Yesterday evening we visited Club Marabu and we were having fun not only to Greek rhytms but also to Polish music. 🍹😉😚😘

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  • Anynomous
    10 May 2018

    Despite the fact that our project is in Greece, even polish newspapers are writing about practices which are taking place in Mesangala.😍😍😍

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  • Anynomous
    10 May 2018

    Today morning group of pupils from engineering specialization started renovation in Public Heath Center in Mesangala. We are very proud that their participation in this project can contribute to local community. 😊

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  • Anynomous
    09 May 2018

    During the past days in Hotel Golden Sun there are many interesting things taking place. Polish students from from 5 different specializations - gastronomy, mechanics, mechatronics, engineers are having a lot of practical tasks and they're gaining a lot of knowledge! 😉😉😉

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  • Anynomous
    01 May 2018

    This is about us, Olympus Education 😊

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  • Anynomous
    20 April 2018

    Second week of the group from Ciechanowiec also full of new experience related to professions: technicians of nutrition and food services as well as building technicians. New tasks, new competences, a lot of attractions, related to visits in Athens and trip to Skiathos! Project "Zagraniczne staże zawodowe kluczem do rynku pracy - rozwój zawodowy technika żywienia i usług gastronomicznych, technika usług fryzjerskich oraz technika budownictwa", no. 2017-1-PL01-KA102-036234, implemented within the Erasmus+ Programme, Vocational Education and Service.

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  • Anynomous
    18 April 2018

    Today, in Golden Sun hotel the internship students specilising in food technology prepared a Greek dish moussaka under the supervision of chef Nikos. 😀 For car mechanics it was also a busy day. 🤔

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