The Mechatronics & Systems Automation Laboratory (MeSA) of the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (DECE) of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh) is one of the oldest Laboratories of the Department. It focuses its R&D efforts in innovative ICTs in Mechatronics and Systems Automation. The Laboratory is based upon its specialized scientific personnel, its computing facilities and its special purpose equipment that includes microprocessors, experimental devices, robotic platforms, measurement systems, machine tools, CAD / CAM software, PLC and data fusion – sensors. The laboratory consists mainly of two faculty members, aided by technical staff and teaching personnel of the Department, by external collaborating researchers and Ph.D. candidates. Research in MeSA laboratory focuses on mechatronics, systems automation, robotics, analog and digital electronic systems, measurement systems, instrumentation and measurements, CAD / CAE systems, wind generators and wind data processing, standards and certification. MeSA laboratory has a long experience in R&D projects targeting data fusion, sensors with applications in robotics and automation. These projects involved computer architectures, microprocessors and their applications and intelligent and autonomous robots (humanoids, animated, underwater, flying, etc.).
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Clobal temperature change (1850-2018)
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ειναι θέμα «τριβής», μέχρι το τελευταίο δευτερόλεπτο ;)
Antonios r u here?
FoF, Industry 4.0
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Walk-man ;-) to remember the old and to learn the young people