We are in the custom services industry since 1974. We are willing to help you with your imports and exports. . [read more]
Driven by our genuine care for senior citizens and people with disabilities in need of accessible tourism services, and our vision to make Greece the ultimate travelling destination for.. [read more]
At among we deeply believe that sustainable and holistic solutions for social challenges require an innovative, collective and systemic approach. Therefore, we encourage social innovation by.. [read more]
Mechatronics products, cnc router consumables, end mills. . [read more]
To Anima Fitness & Wellness άνοιξε τις πόρτες του τον Σεπτέμβριο του 1991 και ήταν από τους πρώτους συλλόγους που "έφερε" το άθλημα του Καράτε στην Κέρκυρα. [read more]
Since 1991, Apikyan Packaging SA is a well established import company in Greece that trades food and beverage glass packaging. With a diverse network of suppliers, commodity expertise and.. [read more]
A · R · C Laboratory is a dynamic team created by the partnership of experienced professionals in the field of conservation and restoration of works of art. [read more]
"Η ΑΕΙΜΗΧΑΝΟΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗ ΜΕΠΕ είναι μια ελληνική εταιρεία που παρέχει υπηρεσίες ενεργειακής συμβουλευτικής και ανάπτυξης έργων ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας. [read more]
In line with technological developments and modern trade requirements, ICS Karafyllis S. A. is a progressive company that continuously grows. The company meets all requirements for good operation.. [read more]
Agro Q company was founded in order to support the sustainability of the agricultural sector in Greece. We are agricultural advisors working on integrated production management systems and.. [read more]
Digital Marketing. [read more]
ARISTON NUTRITION P. C. | Applied Animal Feed TechnologyWithin the EU, we offer our services through nutritional products for all farm animals directly from our Feed Plant in Germany at.. [read more]
Agile Construction Hellas is a company, located at 10 Μακεδονομάχου Γρηγορίου Στεφάνου, Thessaloniki 543 52. [read more]
Built upon the solid Foundation of Granddad Artemis'Winemaking tradition Since 1952, this winery made a dynamic entry in contemporary winemaking in 2003, when grandson Artemis Karamolegos invested.. [read more]
KITCHENPizza, Greek, Mediterranean, EuropeanSPECIAL DIETSSuitable for vegetarians, vegan optionsMEALSDinner, LunchSee all the detailsMeals, Possibilities. [read more]
Aegean Medical Service, with its strong position in the primary care medical services sector in Greece, aims to provide reliable and affordable diagnosis, with respect for the person and the patient. [read more]
The public limited, design, construction and commercial company named ARIS PLOUMPIS S. A. was founded in Thessaloniki in 2002, but is the continuation of the individual enterprise and the.. [read more]
Alexandrion Experience Store welcomes you to a store of high aesthetics and gastronomic experience in Glyfada that promises to take you on a journey to the world of spirits. [read more]
Located in Paros, Greece, Absinthos creates sustainable, green-centric outdoors spaces, based on the special micro-climate of the Cycladic islands. Paying great attention to every little detail,.. [read more]
Axon Education is a company, located at 48 Αγίου Δημητρίου, Thessaloniki 546 30. They can be contacted via phone at +302310250518 for more detailed information. [read more]
Aristotle University is one of the largest universities in the Country and is hosting the most prominent School of Medicine. For the first time we are opening up our doors to English.. [read more]
AEP KOZANIS is a Greek Club playing the Gamma Ethniki (Third National Level in Greece). . [read more]
Agriside CropCare : εξειδίκευση στη βιοδιέγερση & θρέψη καλλιεργειώνΑντιπροσώπευση ειδικευμένων.. [read more]
Eίμαστε μια εταιρεία με εμπειρία ετών στο χώρο του επαγγελματικού καθαρισμού. Πιστεύουμε ακράδαντα ότι.. [read more]
A CFD & advanced engineering consultancy for airflow and cooling of data centers. . [read more]
The Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation is a dynamic, interactive scientific community, the largest laboratory within the Health Sciences Faculty and one of the largest of the.. [read more]
Afroditi Venus Beach Resort is located in Kamari on the Island of Santorini. The hotel has an ideal location since it is in the center of Kamari and right on the beach close to all activities.. [read more]
Ackermann Hellas I. K. E is a company, located at Greece. [read more]
Over 40 years ago, Vassilis and Irene Archontakis, the founders of ARCHONTAKIS company driven from their passion for quality Greek coffee opened in 1973 company's first retail store in a.. [read more]
Yogashop. gr provides the best of yoga equipment to maximize the yoga experience. Athens Yoga is representative of Manduka products in Greece. . [read more]
Education, Seminars, Specialties, Diplomas. [read more]
Agroma SA founded in 1977 in Veria - Greece as a small local company and now is the leader in manufacturing of spraying equipment in Greece. The company HQ are based in North Greece in the city.. [read more]
The aLife2Live team was created to cover all the service needs, in the Greek market, based on the many-years' experience of Argyrios Koursioumis (with multiple awards by the number 1 Real.. [read more]
Our company, Kougioumtzis M & Co, mark designation Anatomic Line, has been active in the sector of orthopaedic-medical technology products since 2005. [read more]
I have always been fascinated by human connections, captivated by new encounters and drawn to observing one's way of thinking and interacting. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that I.. [read more]
Launching of my services. Dear Crete Lovers!I am very pleased to let you know that my new Website with my offerings is online. I am offering services connected to finding your soul home on Crete,.. [read more]