Name:1ο ΣΕΚ Αγίου ΔημητρίουAmenity:School. [read more]
Name:ποδηλατες No NameAmenity:Bicycle Rental. [read more]
Name:Warehouse EdgePhone:+30 21 09427722Amenity:BarSmoking:OutsideTakeaway:YesDrink Wine:ServedDrink Coffee:ServedOutdoor Seating:BackyardOutdoor Seating:Patio. [read more]
Name:Πρεσβεία ΧιλήςOffice:DiplomaticCountry:CLAddr City:ΑθήναDiplomatic:EmbassyAddr Street:ΡηγίλληςAddr Housenumber:12. [read more]
Name:Πανεπιστημιακές εκδόσεις ΚρήτηςShop:BooksDescription:Εκδόσεις από το Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας. [read more]
Bus:YesRef:070010Name:ΑΦΕΤΗΡΙΑ (ΔΗΜΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΛΕΩ)Note:891Highway:Bus StopNetwork:ΟΣΥOperator:ΟΑΣΑPublic Transport:PlatformThe place where passengers are waiting for the public transport vehicles. [read more]
Shop:TicketName En:Ticket Shop AcropolisName Es:Taquilla AcrópolisName It:Biglietteria Dell’acropoli. [read more]
Shop:GiftName Es:Tienda De Recuerdos. [read more]
Emergency:Emergency Ward Entranceto mark the entrance to an emergency ward. [read more]
Name:Λόφος ΦιλαρέτουPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village. [read more]
Name:ΚαλυκοποιείοPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village. [read more]
Name:ΙεράποληPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village. [read more]
Name:ΚυθηρίωνPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village. [read more]
Name:Νέα ΑλεξάνδρειαPlace:NeighbourhoodA neighbourhood is a smaller named, geographically localised place within a suburb of a larger city or within a town or village. [read more]
Name:ΑλεβιζόπουλοςShop:HardwarePhone:+30 21 0942 5264Addr City:ΚαλλιθέαAddr Street:ΙσμήνηςAddr Country:GRAddr Postcode:17674Addr Housenumber:41. [read more]
Name:EditorShop:ClothesClothes:WomenAddr City:Νέα ΙωνίαAddr Street:Μικράς ΑσίαςAddr Housenumber:11. [read more]
Name:Ακιανίδης ΑλέξανδροςPhone:+302102790160Amenity:PharmacyAddr City:Νέα ΙωνίαDispensing:YesHealthcare:PharmacyAddr Street:Μικράς ΑσίαςAddr Housenumber:11. [read more]
Name:ΙΩΆΝΝΗ ΣΑΡΑΝΤΟΥFixme:NameOffice:AccountantAn office for an accountant. Addr Street:Γέμελου Κ. Addr Housenumber:50. [read more]
Name:Εργαστηριο ΙωνιαςAmenity:DoctorsHealthcare:DoctorAddr Street:Ιωνίας. [read more]
Name:Ιατρειο Μικρων ΖωωνςAmenity:VeterinaryAddr Street:7ης Μαρτίου 1944. [read more]
Name:ΠΟΛΥΙΑΤΡΕΙΟ MedicaAmenity:ClinicHealthcare:Clinic. [read more]
Name:ΙΑΤΡΕΙΟ ΠΑΘΟΛΟΓΙΚΟAmenity:DoctorsName En:Pathology Medical CenterHealthcare:DoctorAddr Street:Χελμού. [read more]
Name:ΟΦΘΑΛΜΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΙΑΤΡΕΙΟAmenity:DoctorsName En:Ophthalmology Medical CenterHealthcare:DoctorAddr Street:Χελμού. [read more]
Name:Βιτζηλαίου Ζώτου ΑσημίναShop:ChemistPhone:21 0501 2520Website:Https://www. e-pharm. grAddr City:ΠετρούποληAddr Street:25ης ΜαρτίουAddr Country:GRAddr Postcode:13231Addr Housenumber:124. [read more]
Name:ΦράγγοςShop:TyresAddr City:ΑθήναAddr Street:3ης ΣεπτεμβρίουAddr Housenumber:49. [read more]
Name:γυμναστήριο ΠΑΛΛΑΔΙΟΝLeisure:Fitness CentreFitness centre, health club or gym with exercise machines, fitness classes or both, for exercise. . [read more]
Name:παθολόγοςAmenity:DoctorsHealthcare:Doctor. [read more]
Name:κουρείο και κομμωτήριοShop:Hairdresser. [read more]
Name:Les CadeauxShop:Interior DecorationPhone:+30 210 2435978Website:Https://lescadeux. grAddr Street:Θρακομακεδόνες. [read more]
Name:KatsisShop:Bakery. [read more]
Name:VinaShop:ClothesClothes:WomenAddr City:ΑθήναAddr Street:ΦρύνηςAddr Housenumber:36. [read more]
Name:Como 5Shop:Hairdresser. [read more]
Name:Τομέας Α. Κ. Ε. Δ. (ΣΕΜΦΕ)Amenity:University. [read more]
Name:Τομέας Μαθηματικών (ΣΕΜΦΕ)Amenity:University. [read more]
Name:PC Lab - Eργαστήριo Προσωπικών ΥπολογιστώνAmenity:University. [read more]
Name:Δημαρχείο Αγίων ΑναργύρωνAmenity:Townhall. [read more]