JAEDD est une organisation non gouvernementale, a but non lucratif, a caractère professionnel et social. Cherchant des fonds auprès des bailleur de fonds pour aider les jeunes a.. [read more]
Sanun Jàra is the administration of the Manden. The Manden includes over fourteen countries in West Africa. This page was started to gather friends of the Manden in one common platform around.. [read more]
The digitalization of Africa's education system is next and Technomaniac is determined to pioneer. . [read more]
lycée français Albert Camus is a company, located at Guinea. [read more]
English:iFrica360 is the video sharing platform for Africa. We create vivid content and develop digital solutions for African creators and media outlets. [read more]
Ecopay est la solution gratuite de transfert d'argent multidevises sans frais de change pour la Guinée. Elle permet de payer et de recevoir de l'argent en dehors de la Guinée. [read more]
CMC is a diversified mining company that is currently extracting and exporting commercial-grade bauxite ore from the Republic of Guinea in West Africa. [read more]
ADAF is an agricultural consulting firm that provides advisory services and training to existing and aspiring agricultural value chain stakeholders. . [read more]