
The Asuogyaman District covers over 1,500km2 and is home to over one hundred thousand people, many of which cannot even obtain enough money to travel to the regions few health care facilities. Here at Freedom for Health Asuogyaman we are committed to providing medical aid to the most isolated and poverty-stricken areas of the Asuogyaman District. Our program will give each qualified medical volunteer an opportunity to make a big impact on the communities within the Asuogyaman District. The organization is funded internally by private investments, in doing so the NGO will also develop the economy of Frankadua, creating jobs and reducing the unemployment rate. The benefit of supporting the NGO with private business is program fees for volunteers will be very minimal and the money volunteers bring to Ghana can be spent on the communities and critical patients. The organization works closely with the local medical clinics in the district and regularly provides support and resources to strengthen the governments efforts here. The medical program adheres to all government policy for medical procedures and we have a great relationship with the Department of Health, we are always looking for ways to improve health care in the region.We are absolutely committed to catering for all the health care needs within these communities. Here at Freedom for Health Asuogyaman we have identified that lack of health education amounts to many of the problems within the district. The medical program also focuses on first aid classes within the communities, health care and hygiene classes, sexual education classes within the local schools in the area. To donate visit:https://www.gofundme.com/f/freedom-for-health-asuogyaman

Tags : #HospitalHealthCare, #Hospital&HealthCare

Location :
Bisikrom, Eastern Region


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