
The Eleanor Foundation



The Eleanor Foundation is a Guernsey registered charity working in Biharamulo District, Kagera Region and Chato District, Geita Region in north west Tanzania. We have also established Eleanor Foundation UK as a UK registered charity. Our work in Tanzania is implemented by Eleanor Foundation Tanzania which is based in Biharamulo and has NGO status in Tanzania.Our activities are largely focused on providing better access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) through the construction of shallow wells and boreholes within rural communities, toilet blocks at schools and provision and promotion of handwashing facilities at schools and within communities generally. We have also supported the construction of health care facilities through the completion of a dispensary and maternity ward in Chato District.We partner with communities and local government and have a long term commitment towards the provision of better access to basic needs.All of our projects are open ended and will continue for as long as there a need.

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