Trying sonething
.NEW HAMPSHIRE BLAZERS putting some work!
Blazers at work getting the lights setup for training for Granada hoops baketball this Febuary 4th!
New Hampshire Blazers cares for the little ones after all they are the future of tomorrow!
New Hampshire Blazers taking a tour of barthroom and toilet for the young ones.
New Hampshire Blazers on stage at our local school doing the presentation of our generous contribution to Miss Shondeline Niles!
New Hampshire Blazers decided to pay a visit to The Constantine Methodist School today to give a generous contribution to help subsidies the cost of constructing a barthroom and toilet facility for the little ones!
We were indeed welcomed and blessed by the children.
Just want to take the timeout to show our appreciation as a team to every one that supported and rooted for us at the 6th Annual and last Waggy T Basketball Knockout Championship by sending out a heart felt thank you! we really appreciated you all!
As one chapter closed a new one has just begun!
May you continue to root for your home team New Hampshire Blazers as we embarked on our new journey to excellence in the GNBA National Basketball Senior Championship Competition which will commence this Saturday 28th May!
On behalf of New Hampshire Blazers Basketball team. Your Humble Manager Jefferson Lewis
We express our gratitude to all of you!
This One Will Be EPIC!!!!
Blazers Making Headlines Again!