This page is for the school to share news and events with families and friends of the school and the local community.
Please do not use this page to raise or discuss any issues or concerns. Please come and speak to someone at school.
Thank you to all the Reception parents who joined us today for 'parent partnership'. The children loved showing you how they learn through different types of play.
115 Club (After School Provision) are recruiting. Please see attached image of the job advert. Thank you.
For your information: The School Crossing Patroller based at Windham / Cleveland Road Traffic Lights has been signed off work. Please be vigilant when crossing the road and keep our children safe. Thank you
Is your child, or someone's you know, due to start school in September 2019? Come along to St Clement's and St John's Infant School Open Evening. Prospective parents will be able to look around the school and learn about what we do and what makes us special. MONDAY 8th OCTOBER 6-7pm.
Thank you to everyone who brought something into school to donate for Harvest Festival. All donations will be given to a local food bank. If you are able to help and have not yet, we will still be collecting until the end of the week. (Friday) Thank you.
Year 2 Parents and Carers are invited to join their children in a short session about 'Writing'. You will see what the children do at school, how teachers develop the key learning and how you can support at home. Most importantly thoughyou get have fun with your child and learn together! Please come to the front office at 9am to sign in.
Year 1 Parents and Carers are invited to join their children in a short session about 'Reading'. You will see what the children do at school, how teachers develop the key learning and how you can support at home. Most importantly thoughyou get to have fun with your child! Please come to the front office at 2.15pm to sign in.
Early Years Reception Parents and Carers are invited to join their children in a short session about the 'importance of play'. You will see what the children do at school, how teachers develop the key learning and how you can support at home. Most importantly thoughyou get to play and have fun with your child! Please come to the front office at 9am to sign in.
If you haven't already - please read the lastest newsletter. Remember that newsletters are emailed to you so please check email accounts regularly. Thanks
Don't forget that you are all invited to attend the PTA meeting on Friday 28th Sept at 3.30pm at Bethany Junior school.
Reception: Please come to school in your PE kits tomorrow (Wednesday 19th Sept). If it is cold they can wear dark coloured tracksuit bottoms. Children will not need their school uniforms. They will need coats. Thanks
Year 2: Please keep bringing in stuff for junk modelling (eg: cereal boxes, Yogurt pots, plastic bottles etc..) For Monday. Thank you.
If you haven't already please read our first 'Reading Magazine'.
If you would like to learn more about what the PTA do and how you could get involved please come along to the meeting. It will be held at Bethany Junior School and shouldn't take more than 10/15 mins. There will be cakes and drinks served afterwards!
Last week you all received a leaflet about 'safegaurding' at St Clement's. Please use this link if you havent yet read it. Thank you.
The council are looking for someone to fill the position of 'School Crossing Patroller' on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please see the attached job description. Any inquires please contact Kate on her email address:
A message from Bournemouth Council: Julie, your road crossing patroller, is unwell and has been signed off work until Mon 24.09.18. There is no-one to cover the position during this time. Please be vigiliant when crossing the road and help keep our children safe.
Please read the first school newsletter this year. Use the link below.
Free Car Seat Check - Weds 5th Sept