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Paintings by David Phillips is an art gallery, located at PO Box 632, TW18 9GJ Staines, United Kingdom. They can be contacted via phone at 07948906581, visit their website paintingsbydavidphillips.com for more detailed information.

Gallery of paintings for sale to those interested. Visit paintingsbydavidphillips.com to view the gallery

Location :
PO Box 632, TW18 9GJ Staines
Added by Jopie, at 27 May 2017


Please see the web site for a full introduction. This is a repertoire of paintings by an independent artist

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15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    15 June 2018

    Apparantly I have to write a postI don't really have much to saysorryMy feet hurtdoes this help?

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  • Anynomous
    07 December 2017

    Been told to post something by Facebook so here you go :)

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2017

    Hello everyone. I haven't posted for a while. I've not been well. Thankfully the NHS have plugged me into the mains and I am a lot better now. Did you know they make you shave a patch on your chest where they attach the electrode? When you turn up fpr the procedure however the nurses always "tut tut" and shave the patch bigger. If you ask "Good grief how big a plate are you goind to use?" Glibly they reply "Oh no this is isn't for the metal plate its just we don't like the smell of burn't hairCharmingAnyway I digressThis painting has been selected for the EWAAC 2017 exhibition which starts tomorrow. Its on at La Galleria on Pall Mall. If you are down that way, please visit the gallery. Happy smiling face :)

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  • Anynomous
    23 September 2017

    Another one from the loft I am afraid. Hopefully the last

    Its called “Story-board” because that’s what it is. About 25 - 30 years ago I was interviewed by a publisher looking for artists/contributors for a Sci. Fi.. magazine he was launching. He commissioned this piece and on the strength of it I was offered a job I thought yes! get in there .. .the next Roy Lichtenstein Just watch me!

    Monday comes sitting there waiting for the first commission nothing happens Tuesday and Wednesday come and go and still nothing. Thursday the phone rings to let me know the company has folded and my services are not required as there will be no magazine.

    Two things I learn t from this. Commercial success for me as an artist is unlikely and “Oh bollox” is such a perfect phrase :)

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  • Anynomous
    02 September 2017

    According to FaceBook"206 people who like ' Paintings by David Phillips ' haven't heard from (me) in a while. Write a post!".I best do as I am toldSo here you go it is an extract from another piece. I hope you like it :)

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  • Anynomous
    07 August 2017

    This ones for my sister Emma Hamer. Back in the day she used to be a bit of a modette. Now she's become a staunch pillar of the community My how people change!!Anyway just got back from fitting a door and still have all my fingers!!That;s a plus:)

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  • Anynomous
    29 July 2017

    Found this in the loft too. Its called "8 Across - Gordon is a .. (5 Letters)" :) Right! I am off to try and mend the stairs

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  • Anynomous
    22 July 2017

    Yet another from the loft. Its called "Mondrian's girl" and I hope you like it :)

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  • Anynomous
    15 July 2017

    Another one found in the loft :). Thank goodness for Snappy Snaps in Staines for recovering the painting from a rather battered old slide. I hope you like the piece.Well I am off to try and mend some stairs.

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  • Anynomous
    08 July 2017

    Good morning everybody. I've been told by Facebook to POST SOMETHING!!. Best do as I am told. So here we are another one found when I cleaned out the loft. It was done a while back ( Its a third of the way along to being an antique!!) I hope you like it :) Well then.as usual for a Saturday I am off to pay some bills

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  • Anynomous
    01 July 2017

    G'morning everyone. Found this when I had to clear out the loft . It's an old commission of mine. Hope you like it :) Anyway I am of to a major DIY retail chain (Mustn't advertise!!) to buy some electrical stuff.

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  • Anynomous
    24 June 2017

    Good morning, a new one for you. Bit of a variation on a theme but I hope you like itRightI am off to pick up a boiler and measure some windows..Cor I leave life right on the edge.. don't I? :)

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  • Anynomous
    17 June 2017

    Here you go a new one. It's title is "Best Man Bob" Blame my sisters for the title they chose to call him this when they met him just before my wedding and it stuck. They hunt in packs you know? :)

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  • Anynomous
    10 June 2017

    Facebook have told me to post something because I haven't done so for a while. They also told me that someone couldn't be my friend??? Sounds like my mum!?! :)

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  • Anynomous
    03 June 2017

    Good morning everyone :)

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