On a mission to inject life with joy, connection and relaxation to help you feel empowered to live your life with courage.
π€βΊπ Joyful Friday πβΊπ€
"Dancing in the rain brings joy to your soul. "
I'm currently visiting my beloved parents in Germany who I hadn't seen for 7 months. This already makes my heart sing. However, there's more. π
When we stepped off the plane into 38Β°C heat at 6pm in the evening I truly appreciated the aircon in my dad's car or the cool 24Β°C I would wake up to the next day. However, the best thing was when the clouds formed and brought some rain and much needed relief. I couldn't stop myself and had to dance in the rain much to the joy of my parents and son.
It felt so refreshing! I eventually released a sigh of relief and all the tension I was still holding on to from the last few weeks dissapeared. For those minutes in the rain I experienced pure joy.
What did you do recently that filled you with joy? ππ€βΊ
π€ππ»β€ Energy Wednesday β€ππ»π€
"The easiest way to raise your energy levels is through movement."
Do you ever feel you can't think straight anymore or you're stuck on a mental problem and you cannot find a solution? Then get up, change your position, move your body and your energy levels will rise again.
Our bodies want to be moved in order to keep our energy levels up. It doesn't matter how much or how vigorous you move, the key is to move at all and to change your position. So if you can only wiggle your toes or shake your arms, then wiggle and shake. π The intention in your movement is most important! Energy follows that intention.
And the beauty of this is, often a change in position or a the simple act of movement helps change perspective and therefore find solutions to seemingly difficult challenges.
I encourage you to try it - get up and move (walk, dance, jump etc). Stay curious and tell me what you noticed. Have an awesome day! πππ»π
ππβΊ Motivational Monday πππ
"Have the courage to be imperfect."
What a great reminder in our age of perfect - perfect house, perfect relationship, perfect job, perfect body, perfect children, perfect holiday
This little saying has helped me many a times when I get too carried away with wanting to be perfect. It took me years to embody this message and I still struggle from time to time. However, more and more I just embrace my way rather than wanting to be perfect according to someone else's idea.
This enables me to feel free and follow MY path, MY life without excuses. And only then can I be the best version of myself!
My question today: Have you got the courage to be imperfect? πππ
π€βΊπ Joyful Friday πβΊπ€
"Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out when we get too busy chasing down the extra-ordinary." Brenè Brown
I had some very busy weeks recently and am finally able to take off some time to recuperate, recharge and connect with myself and my inner joy. So today's post is short and sweet. π
I would simply like to leave you pondering over this quote from one of my favourite teachers of our time. I invite you to be present in the ordinary moment and notice the joy you experience.
And I'm off having a joyful day with my most favourite 2 people. Much love to you allππ»β€π
π€ππ»β€ Energy Wednesday β€ππ»π€
"What people think of me is none of my business."
I strongly believe that spending my time with worry, or compare myself to others or judge myself and others is neither healthy nor productive.
However, this saying seems to take it just that bit further. Don't get me wrong, I still struggle at times wanting to please people. After all, I love people and everything about them. π Yet, more often I catch myself early and check if this worry helps me and my personal growth. It usually doesn't, so I decide to stop worrying and spend my energy on more useful things like enjoying the time with family and friends, truly experiencing the wind on my face or reading a book.
In order to shift from this state of worry to a more helpful state I take a deep breath, exhale the worry very deliberately, shake it off, smile to myself and carry on with my day.
I invite you to try it today. Free yourself and have more positive energy. ππ»β€ππ»
ππβΊ Motivational Monday πππ
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." A A Milne
Do you find it hard sometimes to carry on to follow your dreams? Don't know what your next step is supposed to be? I assure you, you're not alone. Most people have moments where doubt takes over and the future seems impossible.
I have learnt to slow down in these moments. To step back, relax and take stock. I look at how far I've come, what I have achieved and make myself celebrate the smallest of successes. It's a wonderful practice as it helps me stay on track and give myself credit for what I've accomplished. By taking a step back and giving myself some space, the next part of my journey becomes apparent. It happens naturally rather than through forced thinking and helps me to figure out what I want to do next to move closer to my goals.
I invite you to take a few minutes next time you desperately are trying to think about where to go or what to do next. Slow down, look at your achievements and then take the direction that naturally follows from that. π£
I found it's better to not force it, to trust the process and to have fun with it. Enjoy it. π€π
π€βΊπ Joyful Friday πβΊπ€
"You will be exactly as happy as you decide to be."
Have you ever seen the film 'Yes man'? It's about a man who was miserable in life, nothing worked out for him and he felt rather hard done by. So, one evening he goes to see a motivational speaker (v American) and he's led to believe that in order to change his life he needs to say yes to more things. He commits to it. Now, whilst he believes he hasn't got a choice to say no anymore because otherwise bad things will happen, the change in him is remarkable. He experiences true joy in trying new foods, meeting new people, listening to new music and of course meeting a girl.
What I love about this story is that by saying yes more often he chooses to be more positive & happy in the situation that presents at that very moment.
I invite you today to CHOOSE to be happy no matter what happens - do you have to wait at the traffic lights, then enjoy the few seconds to watch life happening around you. Do your children play up because they're tired, be happy they feel safe enough with you to show how they feel rather than pretend.
Revel in the beauty of life, CHOOSE joy, CHOOSE happiness. ππ€π€©
π€ππ»β€ Energy Wednesday β€ππ»π€
The school holidays are finally here. No more mad rush in the mornings to get to school, no more school uniforms to wash and dry in time for the next day because pen or glue have found their way onto the white t- shirt. No more smelly PE kit. At least for the next few weeks.
I love the slower pace of the hols. I love the fact that we can now recharge our batteries as there is some more flexibility and less rigid structure in our lives for the next 6 weeks. And of course I love the idea of going away to see family and friends and just having fun.
Knowing this is enough to get me through the next 7 working days before I take some time out with my family. It gives me that extra bit of energy I need for those last few days.
What about you? How do you get through the last stretch before you can venture off on holiday? ππ€
ππβΊ Motivational Monday πππ
"It doesn't matter what others are doing. It matters what YOU are doing." anonymous
Do you find yourself comparing your actions, feelings, experiences and emotions to your friends, your family and colleagues? Where does that leave you more often than not? Wondering why others have it better, easier, feel happier? Do you then you lose sight of your own path because things work out differently or not at all?
Why not stop comparing yourself to others and concentrate on what really matters? Focus on YOUR goals, YOUR dreams, YOUR wishes, YOUR hopes and how you can achieve them with the skills and resources YOU have. Draw on people around you for support but refrain from judgment and comparison.
You are unique and so is your life path and how you'll achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams. Revel in that knowledge, embrace your uniqueness and start moving towards the life you always wanted. Live your life your way and feel more joyful, happy, empowered and connected.
π€ππ»β€ Energy Wednesday β€ππ»π€
"Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness. " Caroline Muss
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were to give up all the shoulds in your life? Believe me, you will live so much calmer, freer and happier. You'll have much more energy as you won't waste it on unhelpful thinking of what you should do or think; how you should dress or talk; or who you should be friends with and who not.
Today, I invite you to follow your heart and gut feeling. Do what those parts of your being advise you to do instead of listening to the 'should' voice in your head. Notice how different this might feel and how much more energised you are by simply giving up the 'should' and embracing the life you truly want to lead. Follow your heart! β€ππ»π
πβΊβοΈ Motivational Monday βοΈβΊπ
Sometimes when life seems a bit out of kilter all you need is a hug or two. π€ I know I need many today after a very broken night's sleep so that I could tend to my son and his infected nailbed.
Hugs and human touch in general is very soothing to the nervous system and therefore helps calming down, reconnecting and keeping you on track to achieve your goals.
Today I will seek human connection to help me stay energised and motivated ready to achieve the tasks I set myself for this week.
How will you stay on track? π
π€βΊπ Joyful Friday πβΊπ€
'Comparison is the thief of joy.'
Such powerful and truthful words. How often do we kill our own joy or give permission to someone else to do it through comparison with something or someone else seemingly better? Has this ever led to something positive or more joyful? Hardly, I hear you say.
Then why do we keep doing it? What if we allowed ourselves to feel joy and stopped comparison taking that wonderful feeling away from us? How you might ask?
I encourage you to start by acknowledging your thoughts when you start comparing and validating, and then choose to move back to feeling joyful. You could also thank that part of yours for the insight you started to compare. The more often you do this the less frequent will you feel the desire to compare as you learn to accept and love the fact you feel joyful without having to validate why or compare it to others.
Through this practice you create choice in your life. And what's more wonderful than choosing to feel joyful.
En-Joy! πππ»π
π€ππ»π Energy Wednesday πππ»π€
'Nurture what inspires you.'
I came across this sentence and it hit a chord with me. Experiencing the feeling of inspiration is energizing in itself. Do you know what truly inspires you? Check for a feeling deep within you that ignites you and leaves you full of energy. You might feel a burning desire or an inner knowledge of your truth or complete happiness. π€©
Why not check in with yourself today when you feel elated and experience that feeling of inspiration. Once you've found it, feed and nurture it through your thoughts and actions. This will bring more energy into your life. ππ»ππ»
ππβΊ Motivational Monday πππ
"Be unstoppable. Be a force of nature. Be fierce. Focus on your goals and don't stop until you've succeeded."
I needed to hear this just now to be reminded of how to best reach my goals. A day at home in such glorious weather is tempting me to lounge in the garden when I was planning to get on with creating flyers, vouchers and other stationary for my business. π
I'm all for looking after myself and incorporating special me-time to recharge. Sitting in the sun is one of these special times. So I will have a coffee in the sunshine now for 20mins. And then I'm going to embrace my tasks, focus and finish - just like I intended. π
What do you want to achieve? What is tempting you away from your task and how do you find your focus again? πππ»π
πβΊπ Joyful Friday πβΊπ
We bought a car on Saturday and yesterday the shock - it wouldn't start. It's one of those fancy keyless ones, you just press a button and it starts. Only, it wouldn't do it
The AA came out and they couldn't find a remedy for it either. My husband read the manual back to front without finding a solution. Then he wiggled the steering wheel a bit more forcefully and this released the steering wheel lock. So yeah, the car is working. ππ»
This was such a relief. We can travel to London to experience the show we have been looking forward to over 6 months - Slowdive, Editors, Goldfrapp, Ride, Interpol and The Cure.
This is why I'm so joyful today. What has made you happy this week? What has brought you joy? π€©ππ
πππ Energy Wednesday πππ
Positive thinking is an art. It's a state of mind and your emotions that focuses on the good. It requires openness. It's more than just thinking happy thoughts. It's about anticipating the good and believing life will work out despite its obstacles. Optimism is not about blindly ignoring negativity. It's about acknowledging it and focusing on the positive despite the negative.
I invite you today to notice and acknowledge negative thoughts. Then choose to either keep focusing on the negative or to look for the positives. Notice what's different in your life and share in the comments.
βοΈπβΊ Motivational Monday βΊπβοΈ
"Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your approach." Anonymous
Stumbled across this quote this morning and love it. It resonates with me so much because only in recent years have I been able to live according to this idea. And boy has it changed my life. I no longer struggle along because I initially set out on a specific path. I constantly evaluate, check in with me and assess if my approach is still serving me and my goal. If it doesn't I try it a different way. It's an iterative process and I do this until I reach my goal.
Question: What have you been trying to achieve for a while and not succeeded yet? What different approach can you take?
See where it takes you and have fun with it. π€
πβΊπ Joyful Friday πβΊπ
Good morning βοΈππ» It's a beautiful day full of sunshine again. Seeing the blue sky and sun at 6am is already enough to fill me with joy. And there's more
It's been a great week starting off with a day focusing on me and different ways of looking after my wellbeing, seeing clients, delivering a session on team building and emotional intelligence at work, spending time with my family and we even bought a new car this week. Yikes.
Now I'm off to London for a workshop on conversations and in the evening I'm meeting my besties to hear the wonderful Gabby Bernstein talk about judgement and how to free yourself from it.
Well, I'm practically skipping with joy! π
What made you happy and joyful this week?π€