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McCallum and Logue Dental Practice is a dentist, located at 10 Dunkenny Square, G15 8NB Glasgow, United Kingdom. They can be contacted via phone at +441419449090 for more detailed information.

NHS dental practice in Drumchapel, Glasgow

Tags : #GeneralDentist

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10 Dunkenny Square, G15 8NB Glasgow
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Added by Jopie, at 21 February 2018

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4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    02 March 2018

    We’ll be open from 9.15 this morning, but operating a very reduced service as only one dentist and two nurses will be able to make it to work. If we need to cancel your appointment we will be in touch as soon as possible. If you don’t want to come in for your appointment and can’t get through to cancel don’t worry, you won’t be charged for your appointment. If you need to be seen today because of pain or swelling try to phone first, but it’s ok just to come in and wait to be seen - please try to come in as soon as possible. Please try to avoid travelling to the practice by car - the main car park looked unusable at 3pm yesterday.

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  • Anynomous
    01 March 2018

    Ok, it turns out that saying “open tomorrow as normal” was being overly optimistic

    We’re aiming to be open from 9.15 tomorrow, but we’re expecting some disruption because of the state of the roads, etc. We’re likely to be short staffed so won’t be able to provide a full service.

    We might have to postpone some routine treatment or cancel some appointments, and there might be longer waits than usual. We might also have to change the time of your appointment. If you’d rather not come in for your appointment, please cancel it if you can. If you’re not able to cancel don’t worry, you’ll not be charged for missing your appointment.

    Please contact us if you have pain or swelling and need an emergency appointment.

    Apologies in advance if your rescheduled appointment is a few weeks away. If you have any problems before your appointment is due please contact us to arrange an emergency appointment.

    Thanks for patience and understanding!

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  • Anynomous
    01 March 2018

    We’re opening at 12 today for emergencies only - if you need to be seen today just come in or phone after 12. There will only be one dentist in, so you may have to wait. At the moment we’re still planning to be open tomorrow as normal. However, this may change depending on the weather. If you would rather not travel tomorrow and want to cancel, please phone us today.

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  • Anynomous
    28 February 2018

    Due to adverse weather, we are closing at 2pm today, and opening tomorrow at 12 noon for emergencies only. If you have an emergency before then, please phone NHS 24 on 111 for advice. Any updates will be posted here - we hope to be back to normal on Friday.

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