Brilliant day exploring the art of Africa. So much to do, we always run out of time 🤣 Here are some photos of our participants. I'm really proud of my 2 girls helping out, they interacted with the young people so well. They look so tall - I can't believe they started in my classes when they were diddy; Isobel was about 2!!
Some availability for 14th & 16th August (y)
Down in Sussex for a course for Holly but also managed to collect some wheat, barley and ash keys for our African masks (y)
An enchanting day at Myth & Magic. The young wizards loved their staffs of power and much brandishing was enjoyed!! Spell books are being written in with spells in secret codes, wands waved and helmets of protection worn. Great stuff! Loved it :-)
The kids would love this - but how long would it take to dry?!?
Another great making and collecting day for Thursday's Myth & Magic. Our Wizard's staff has runes of knowledge and power (because that's what you need when you're a wizard) and spell books can be tied closed to keep out the uninitiated. Found some great feathers at Arley Hall to add into the mix too. (y)
Workshop Dates are filling up: 7th August "Africa" & 9th August "Wild & Wonderful" only a few spaces left. Don't miss out on the dates you want!
Been really enjoying putting together some ideas for Art-Zone. This is our "Green Man". I give the young people lots of freedom so I may end up with "Yellow Men", "Rainbow Men" or "Sky-blue pink men" but. here's one I made earlier! From oak leaves on the tree to the final gentleman
This week in After School workshops we are working on pieces for the Celebrating Holmes Chapel competition: "A place in Holmes Chapel that I love" & "A picture of my friend". This talented gentleman shows us how it could be done!! :-)
whilst I think fruit and veg carving with a very sharp implement 😳 may be beyond us in Art-Zone - some of those Japanese patterns look great to work with.
Wow - what a young artist can achieve!!!
Art-Zone now booking for Summer workshops (y)
We were out in the woods this weekend looking for the Green Man but we only found Holly up a tree! Collected some oak leaves to create our own Green Man on our Wild & Wonderful workshop in the Summer (9th August). I LOVE a bit of ancient magic! :-)
An evening without a painting apron on - yes, they really exist!! Lovely to network with local Holmes Chapel businesses tonight through Junction 18 - Holmes Chapel including SynergyCPD JWC Health & Fitness The Sew-Cial Gathering Beautymarks Currancy Art-Zone Nick Spencer and many more. Oh, and a great beer too! Thanks The Bottle Bank (y)
This is incredible work. Leads me to ask "how can I bring these ideas into Art-Zone and share the inspiration with our young artists?"
I've been working up some ideas for holiday workshops:- our own forest guardian ("Wild & Wonderful"), some bendy acrobats ("Carnival"). a magic wand ("Myth & Magic") and an African wall hanging ("Africa"). Things are shaping up nicely!! (y)
Wow - big art!
These are a tad large for Art-Zone but WOW!