This is only for testing purpose!!!. [read more]
BankNordik er eitt sterkt fíggjarsamtak, ið veitir fíggjartænastur til privatkundar og vinnulív í Føroyum og Grønlandi. Harumframt reka dótturfeløgini Trygd og Skyn.. [read more]
Betri Trygging tryggjar teg, tíni og títt. Røtur okkara røkka aftur í 19. øld, og felagið er grundað á tað samhaldsfestið, sum eigur lívið í føroyingum. [read more]
We are specialists in plastic and composite materials, with a variety of cutter and mill technology for cutting and moulding different materials. We also have expertise in robotics. [read more]
Vi er et lille software virksomhed som sætter data I centrum, fra opsamling til præsentationen af data. Vi har mange års erfaring i at udvikle løsninger til små og store virksomheder. [read more]
Bygma Balslev er timburdeild, byggibúð, køksdeild, handverkarabúð og gólvdeild. Vitja okkara heimasíðu ella støkk inn á gólvið til eitt óbindandi prát. [read more]
BankNordik is a full-service bank that provides retail banking, corporate banking, asset management and investment banking services. Employee Count: 1. [read more]
Í Betri P/F eru allar tænastur savnaðar á einum og sama stað fyri at veita kundanum best møguligu tænastu. Kundin skal bara brúka eina hurð fyri at nøkta allan sín tørv innan.. [read more]
Bil Taxi is a taxi cab company in the Faroe Islands, based in the capital Tórshavn, we offer service all over the Faroe Islands. Including AirportTaxi, local and national cab rides. [read more]
Football Club based in Argir (Tórshavn) in the Faroe Islands. Grass root, Women and Men's football played. We aim to be an important part of our neighborhood and our society as well as a.. [read more]
Høvuðsendamálini við Arbeiðsloysisskipanini eru sambært § 1 í løgtingslóg um arbeiðsloysistrygging og arbeiðsávísing frá 13. juni 1997: - at veita fíggjarligan stuðul.. [read more]
A4 is a company that was founded in 2016 by CEO Dávid Isaksen. From a small amount of purchases every now and then – it has grown – into a company that daily cooperates with all relevant industries. [read more]
A. D. Thomsen Ltd. operates mainly as port agency for vessels that call Faroese port. In addition to port agency operation the A. D. Thomsen is able to assist foreign shipping companies with.. [read more]
akkord er eitt ráðgevaravirki (les: avgreiðsluvirki). akkord samskipar og avgreiðir fyri teg. Vit átaka okkum alt frá HTU verkætlanum til at framleiða hondbøkur, framløgur,.. [read more]
Alpha Travel offers professional assistance in all aspects of business and maritime travel. BUSINESS TRAVELBusiness is done around the clock and especially when operating in multiple countries we.. [read more]
VIT VILJA GERA MUNAlmannaverkið er hornasteinur í føroysku vælferðarskipanini, ið umsitur eina røð av sosialum skipanumOKKARA ENDAMÁLTryggar lívsumstøður og eitt gott sjálvstøðugt lív. [read more]
ArtiCon er byggifelag í breiðastu merkingArtiCon hevur serligan førleika innan jørð-, kloakk-, betongarbeiði, byggibúgving, vega- og havnagerð, fjarhita, timbur- og snikkaraarbeiði eins.. [read more]
Vit kunnu veita tær ráðgeving og heildarloysnir innan trygd í breiðastu merking. ANSNI umfatar nú fýra høvuðsøki innan trygd: Vakt, Tøkni, Tilbúgving og Flutningshjálp á føroysku vegunum. [read more]
AVAVA Spf. provides accounting services and legal advice for small business; specially companies in accounting class A and B. - Accounting, VAT, Tax etc. [read more]
Atlantic Petroleum is an independent and upstream oil and gas company with a focus on exploration assets. . [read more]
Atlantstøkni provides a variety of IT services and solutions. Our main priority is to deliver a service of high quality. Our areas of expertise are: * Developement and maintenance of systems.. [read more]
sonygood is a company, located at Streymoy. [read more]
Spark Media is a company, located at 15 Vestara Bryggja, Tórshavn, Streymoy 100. [read more]