The Faroe Marine Research Institute (FAMRI) is a governmental institute which conducts various marine research and provides the Government of the Faroe Islands with scientific advice based on.. [read more]
The Faroese Ministry of education is the govermental body which is responsible for all education in the Faroe Islands. . [read more]
A new craft distillery on the Faroe Islands producing whisky, gin and akvavit. Faer Isles Distillery wants to benefit from the unique natural environment on these remote islands in the middle of.. [read more]
Føroya Náttúru- og Umhvørvisfelag (FNU) er sjálvboðið áhugafelag, ið ásannar, at náttúra og umhvørvi eru grundarlagið undir allari vælferð, og at hetta í dag er undir stórum.. [read more]
FarLit – an abbreviation of Faroese Literature - is a project that promotes awareness of Faroese literature on the international book market. FarLit has representatives that spans the Ministry.. [read more]
Find fish exporters, suppliers, sales and distribution of high quality fish and seafood products from the Faroe Islands. FaroeFish. com is a business directory that provides an overview of.. [read more]
Entrostor. com is a company, located at Gongin, Tórshavn 100. [read more]
P/F Elektron provides IT services to financial and governmental institutions and businesses. We offer application services as well as IT infrastructure and hosting services. [read more]
If you have any need for contact in the Faroe Islands regarding cargo, we are pleased to provide you with our services. As a cargo agent we take care of all transport services – air freight and.. [read more]
Føroya størsti plakathandilEinfalt byrjaði at gera plakatir í 2015 og er í dag handilin við størsta úrvalinum av plakatum. Stílurin hjá Einfalt er – sjálvandi - tað einfalda. [read more]
EYA provides counseling, concept development, proposals and planning within architecture, design and graphics etc. . [read more]
Drauschke Consult Føroyar Sp/f er ein ráðgevandi verkfrøðingastova, ið veitir ráðgeving til byggivinnuna í Føroyum og í Danmark. Vit hava holla vitan og royndir við at prosjektera.. [read more]
CAD/GIS, 3D animation and visualisation, website and regular programming, databases, linux. . [read more]
I Help Replacement Window, Siding and Roofing Contractors Save up to 83. 67% on Leads With Predictable Systems. [read more]
Endmálið við ráðstevnuni CRYPTOPIA 21 er at varpa ljós á teir mongu møguleikarnar við tøknini handan kend cryptogjaldoyru sum Bitcoin og Ethereum. Luttakarar á ráðstevnuni koma at.. [read more]
Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags, BFL for short, is the Faroese Teachers' Association's Publishing Company and specializes in children's and youth literature. [read more]
Lættari, skjótari og tryggariTað hevur ongantíð verið lættari at vera bankakundi í Føroyum. Flytingar, nándgjald og handil á netinum eru gerandiskostur. [read more]
Centrego Marine was established in 2021 by Runi Nielsen, Robin Turner and Tonny Nielsen with the aim to help the Marine sector worldwide with solutions for controlling microbiology through.. [read more]
Hví er shippingvinnan týdningarmikil fyri føroyska samfelagið? Hvat flytir seg í sjóvinnuni í Føroyum?Hvussu ger vinnan seg klára til framtíðar avbjóðingar?BLUE FAROE ISLANDS er.. [read more]
This is only for testing purpose!!!. [read more]
BankNordik er eitt sterkt fíggjarsamtak, ið veitir fíggjartænastur til privatkundar og vinnulív í Føroyum og Grønlandi. Harumframt reka dótturfeløgini Trygd og Skyn.. [read more]
Clementsen Seafood provites you exclusive seafood from one of the most unbelievable destination in the world. The Faroe Islands i located in the middle of the north atlantic ocean. [read more]
Betri Trygging tryggjar teg, tíni og títt. Røtur okkara røkka aftur í 19. øld, og felagið er grundað á tað samhaldsfestið, sum eigur lívið í føroyingum. [read more]
Í løtuni bjóði eg hesi skeiðini: - Myndatøka við fartelefon- Lær at filma við fartelefon- Verkætlanarleiðsla og samstarv við Trello- Business Model Canvas. [read more]
We are specialists in plastic and composite materials, with a variety of cutter and mill technology for cutting and moulding different materials. We also have expertise in robotics. [read more]
Vi er et lille software virksomhed som sætter data I centrum, fra opsamling til præsentationen af data. Vi har mange års erfaring i at udvikle løsninger til små og store virksomheder. [read more]
bituff is a creative consultancy firm based in the Faroe Islands. The name bituff stands for to be tough and is spelled tuff in slang version. As it can be challenging for people to learn new.. [read more]
Bygma Balslev er timburdeild, byggibúð, køksdeild, handverkarabúð og gólvdeild. Vitja okkara heimasíðu ella støkk inn á gólvið til eitt óbindandi prát. [read more]
Vit stremba eftir at bjóða kundum eina trygga, haldgóða og ómakaleysa loysn uppá allar innanhýsis netverks uppgávur. Um tær tørvar betur tráðleyst ella tráðbundið samband, so kunnu vit hjálpa tær. [read more]
BankNordik is a full-service bank that provides retail banking, corporate banking, asset management and investment banking services. Employee Count: 1. [read more]
Blái Krossur Føroya er ein felagsskapur við í høvuðsheitum trimum arbeiðsøkjum: Boðan av gleðiboðskapinum, fráhaldsarbeiði og diakonalt arbeiði. Sí meira á www. [read more]
Í Betri P/F eru allar tænastur savnaðar á einum og sama stað fyri at veita kundanum best møguligu tænastu. Kundin skal bara brúka eina hurð fyri at nøkta allan sín tørv innan.. [read more]
Bakkafrost is the leading producer of Salmon from the Faroe Islands. We offer a wide range of healthy and nutritious salmon products. The Faroe Islands are a boutique origin for top quality salmon. [read more]
Our goal is to create better web-experiences for your visitors. We believe that great content is the single most important thing for any company that want to sell or market themselves online. [read more]
Lunnar is a web design company based in Saltangará, Faroe Islands, which develops and designs exciting apps, websites, and web solutions. . [read more]
Advent Management exists to maximise the awareness, profit and purpose of companies, organisations and causes. This has been the core purpose of Advent Events since 2010. [read more]