All things and views related to Green Faroe Islands and beyond. [read more]
FO: Skelti, Bannarar, Prentlutir, Lýsingarlutir, Roll-ups, Folie, LED-display. Gott og væl alt prent!Vit veita eisini: Glas gelendarar - OUTDOOR Møblar - Virkisgávur - Messuskipanir.. [read more]
heimasidur is a company, located at 40 Torfinsgøta, Tórshavn, Streymoy 100. [read more]
Hiddenfjord is a salmon brand from the Faroe Islands that emphasises sustainability, innovation and high-quality salmon. We have worked tirelessly for decades to develop innovative,.. [read more]
We are running a Local Car Rental Agency in the Faroe Islands fantastic nature. We provide excellent service, personally pickup service from airport, and budget prices for quality cars. [read more]
Vit eru fremsti veitari innan videofundarloysnir, kunningarskíggjar, fundarhølir og stórskíggjar í landinum. Vit vilja tryggja viðskiftafólki okkara loysnir, ið gera arbeiðsdagin lættari. [read more]
Aðalmálini hjá Føroya Tele nú og fyri á leið 110 árum síðan eru lík, men tó so ymisk. Vit knýta føroyingar saman í einfalt fjarskifti, sum helst er tað besta og fremsta av sínum slagi í Føroyum. [read more]
Our reach is global,– we work locally. Faroe Ship is the major transport and logistics company in the Faroe Islands. Faroe Ship offers the following transport and logistics services:.. [read more]
Formula er fremsti heildarveitari av kunningartøkni til fyritøkur og stovnar í Føroyum. Okkara aðalmál er at virka fyri at okkara viðskiftafólk fáa optimerað teirra virksemi, og.. [read more]
Føroya Landsbókasavn is a company, located at 27 J. C. Svabos gøta, Tórshavn, Streymoy 100. [read more]
Fonn Flog is an IATA approved travel agency based in the Faroe Islands. We are taking care of all travel needs for our clients, business as well as leisure travel. [read more]
FMT - Faroe Maritime Technic FMT provides a total solution for treating oily sludge and contaminated bilge water and has developed two unique solutions. [read more]
The University of the Faroe Islands is an educational and research institute, established by an Act of Parliament. The University is mainly financed by public funds, i. [read more]
Expertise and local knowledge about the Faroe Islands and travel options for leisure, DMC, and Incentives. . [read more]
FAROE LAW Í STUTTUMVit eru eitt vinnulívs advokatfelag við skrivstovu í miðbýnum í Tórshavn. Okkara eyðkenni er, at vit hava eina praktiska og vinnuliga tilgongd, tá ið vit arbeiða fyri kundar okkara. [read more]
BankNordik is a full-service bank with activities within retail banking, corporate banking, asset management and investment banking. The Bank is active in the Nordic region with branches on the.. [read more]
Í 2011 settu nøkur fólk seg fyri at stovna ein nýggjan flokk við tí endamálið at broyta politisku kósina íFøroyum. Hesin flokkurin skuldi koma at hava eina liberala grundhugsjón,.. [read more]
Faroe Maritime Services providing clients with valuable services both locally and globally. We are a team of experienced brokers, commercial, nautical and technical consultants, all of.. [read more]
The firm is a business-oriented law firm located in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. . [read more]
Chocolate production in the Faroe Islands. [read more]
Spf. Grannskoðarastovan, tín samstarvsfelagi, tá ræður um grannskoðan, roknskap og bókhald, umframt skatta- og fíggjarviðurskifti. Við meira enn 25 ára royndum innan grannskoðan.. [read more]
Green IQ was founded with one goal. develop simple innovative green solutions both on sea and land. The founders' backgrounds as marine engineers and mechanics has given them first hand knowledge.. [read more]
Geymin veitur nútímans KT-tænastur til føroyskar fyritøkur, stovnar og sjálvstøðug vinnurekandi. Vitja okkum á https://geymin. fo. [read more]
The purpose of Faroexpo is to focus on companies and their activities and to strengthen relations between companies in the Faroe Islands, as well as between Faroese and foreign companies. [read more]
Felagið er stovnað til at vera stuðul hjá navigatørum í lønarspurningum og í stríði, sum kann taka seg upp millum okkum og reiðararnar ella arbeiðsgevararnar. [read more]
Glasir - Tórshavn College is the largest college and upper secondary school in the Faroe Islands. Glasir offers sixth form education, vocational training, continuous professional development.. [read more]
A holding company dedicated to mutual business and tech development on the bridge of Faroe-Islands and Israel's business and tech ecosystems. we believe in win-win strategies and nurture trust.. [read more]
[Data Sharing Platform]AI and data analytics are only as good as the data sets they are based on. Data professionals lack a good, global entry-level tool to acquire, organize and protect their.. [read more]
GreenGate Incoming is a Faroese travel agent specializing in leisure and mice to the Faroe Islands. GreenGate Incoming's unparalleled service, attention to detail, and list of unique.. [read more]
Guide to Faroe Islands is the largest marketplace for tours and activities in the Faroe Islands. [read more]
"a truly exeptional festival experience in a location unlike any other". . . Kerrang"probably the wildest event on the festival calendar"The Guardian"G! is simply fantastic and comes.. [read more]
SEV is the main energy supplier in the Faroe Islands. Situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean the Faroese live in co-existence with nature. [read more]
Suscríbete a nuestra Newsletter en www. elfarodeloslibros. com !. [read more]
Gourmet seafood fra bæredygtigt fiskeri i Nordatlanten. . . . [read more]
Faroe Media is a company, located at 25 Heiðavegur, Saltangará 600. They can be contacted via phone at +298(+298) 509 811 for more detailed information. [read more]
Faroe Islands Stamps is a company, located at 2 Óðinshædd, Tórshavn, Streymoy 100. [read more]