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Wood for Health project

Kainuu 87400


Wood for Health project is a company, located at Kainuu 87400, Finland. Visit their website www.woodforhealth.eu, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

WOODforHEALTH will promote safe and increased use of wood products through the development of antimicrobial surfaces, hygiene concepts and by providing the first extensive guideline for use of wood in healthcare buildings. This will be in response to demands from both the construction industry, investors and owners of healthcare buildings, who wish to extend their use of wood in construction but are unsettled regarding the feasibility and safety, particularly for hygienic reasons. Using as a case the fictional re-design of the Queen Silvia Children's Hospital in Gothenborg conceptualized by the project partner White Arkitekter, the WOODforHEALTH research team will explore the limits and potentials for wood products in health buildings with an emphasis on surface aspects.

Tags : #Research

Location :
Kainuu 87400
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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