Jukka Ala-Mutka is a noted thought leader in leadership, agility, organizational culture, and innovation, as well as a keynote speaker, and an appreciated contributor in social media. [read more]
Kuvittele, että näkisit puhelimestasi, mitä kaikkea omistat. Myisit ylimääräiset tavarasi napin painalluksella. Löytäisit uutta inspiraatiota muilta. Ostaisit vastuullisesti ja turvallisesti. [read more]
JLL Finland is a real estate agency, located at 7 Keskuskatu, Helsinki, Uusimaa 00100. [read more]
Johnny L was founded in the summer of 2018 with the intent to offer PR, communications, and marketing services in Finland and internationally for cool and interesting clients. [read more]
Commercial Photography and digital art for all sort. [read more]
Would you like to work with skillful professionals? Do you recognize the following definitions?- Professional- Long experience- Innovative- Proactive- Quality- FlexibleIf your answer is yes, do.. [read more]
Airiston Nuorkauppakamari toimii Turun, Kaarinan, Paimion ja Paraisten alueella. Kamari kulki aikaisemmin nimellä Kaarinan nuorkauppamari, mutta toiminta-alueen hiljalleen tapahtuneen.. [read more]
Journalism Research News is a news site about the latest academic knowledge in journalism. It improves the quality of scholarly communication about ongoing research. [read more]
Johtamo offers Marketing Leadership for companies who want real results. Contact Johtamo if. . . 1. You need a proper Marketing Strategy. It makes no sense to realise tactics without a plan. [read more]
Jakobstad is a company, located at 1 Strengbergsgatan, Jakobstad 68600. They can be contacted via phone at +35806-786-3111 for more detailed information. [read more]
The ability to give the proper information and services to the people is critical to the success of this company. . [read more]
JCI (Junior Chamber International) Kotka is a volunteer organization for young active people. Our chapter has about 25 members. JCI Kotka was established in 1958. [read more]
Johtela Company is a company, located at Helsinki, Uusimaa. [read more]
Juoksutek offers premium quality coaching of running technique, physical coordination and muscle reinforcement for teenagers in order to create the foundations for the following running improvement. [read more]
Johan Ekblom Productions is a company, located at 11 Vatselankatu, Turku 20500. They can be contacted via phone at +358(040) 770-7251 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mission:To help Indian women living in finland to integrate within the finnish society. To empower women and to make them thrive and improve their livelihoods with meaningful support and help. [read more]
IUC is a leading multidisciplinary B2B consulting service provider dedicated to assisting companies looking to Internationalize their operations towards MENA markets. [read more]
Isossakyrössä on aina tartuttu toimeen ja saatu aikaan. Yhdessä. Mitä rohkeampi idea, sen innostuneemmin se saa tuulta alleen. Isokyrö sijaitsee kahden maakuntakeskuksen – Vaasan ja.. [read more]
In the green energy transition, we as energy consumers play a key role in the balance between power generation and demand. Due to the fluctuating and unreliable nature of renewable sources such.. [read more]
Do you want your product to speak to different languages and cultures? We've got you covered. We provide localization, market research and globalization strategy services. [read more]
Reliable parents` assistant Enables monitoring of the baby's most important health indicators and provides with the answers to the most disturbing questions. [read more]
Iquja Attorneys Ltd is a Helsinki based highly focused boutique law firm serving corporate and foundation clients. Our services focus on dispute resolution, creditor sided insolvency, congrats.. [read more]
Mainostoimisto IdeaVerkko tarjoaa laajan osaamisen graafisesta suunnittelusta 3D-renderointihin. Yrityksen pitkät asiakassuhteet kertovat oman osuutensa asiakastyytyväisyydestä, joka on.. [read more]
IYC Suomi is an NGO operating in Finland since 2015. It is a local branch of the network International Youth Cooperation, a non-governmental organisation with more than 25 years of experience.. [read more]
Specialists in profitable, prosperous and sustainable fisheries seafood sectors. [read more]
The 6G systems will be driven by societal and business needs that are extending beyond the needs of high data rates, massive connectivity, ultra-reliability, and low latency defined under the.. [read more]
Providing Professional HR services for employers and employees in Finland. [read more]
Me Intensivellä uskomme, että ainutlaatuiset tulokset ovat saavuttavissa aidolla intohimolla ja ammattitaidolla. Meidän intohimomme on myynti, jota teemme rakkaudesta lajiin. [read more]
Islamilaista Psykologiaa tarjoaa traumatietoista terapeuttista työskentelyä muslimeille. Olen psykologian opiskelija ja kesällä 2021 aloitin auttamaan isompaa joukkoa musliminaisia.. [read more]
A virtual creative agency for clients who know too much. Advertising, brand and product design by creatives awarded at Cannes Lions, The Red Dot, Eurobest, Epica, Clio. [read more]
Panostamme tuotekehitykseen ja pyrimme jatkuvasti tehokkaampiin ratkaisuihin. Meillä on oma korjaamo, jossa korjaamme ja kehitämme kalustoamme yhä paremmaksi. [read more]
Invest in Pohjois Savo promotes investing opportunities in the North Savo region. The cornerstones of invest in opportunities are regional ecosystems such as Kuopio Health and Pohjois-Savo's.. [read more]
INTOO Koulutus - Koulutamme joka vuosi yli 300 yrittäjää ja asiantuntijaa. Meillä voit opiskella Verkkokauppaa, Digimarkkinointia, Myyntiä ja Taloushallintoa - myös maksuttomasti oppisopimuksella. [read more]
Iisi is a lifestyle Cafe and Restaurant on an old historical island of Vallisaari. In our two locations in the beginning and in the end of the trail we are laser focused on making sure that.. [read more]
ITC on kuopiolainen IT-talo, joka tarjoaa kattavat IT-ratkaisut kaikenkokoisten yritysten tarpeisiin. Muut toimipisteemme sijaitsevat Viitasaarella ja Iisalmessa. [read more]
Luotsaamme taloyhtiöitä menestymään! Tarjoamme isännöintiä, jollaista itsekin haluaisimme saada. . [read more]