እውነት እሰማለሁ ግን ኣላየሁትም. [read more]
Ο οβελίσκος του Αξούμ ή στήλη της Ρώμης, είναι μνημείο του 4ου αιώνα στην πόλη του Αξούμ στην Αιθιοπία. Είναι κατασκευασμένο από γρανίτη και διαθέτει ύψος 24 μέτρων και βάρος 160 τόνων. [read more]
The Kingdom of Aksum (Ge'ez: መንግስቲ ኣኽሱም), also known as the Kingdom of Axum or the Aksumite Empire, was an ancient kingdom centered in what is now Eritrea and the Tigray Region of northern Ethiopia. [read more]
Dear to all customers (tour operators, tour guides , Drivers , and brokers when you need a tour , transport , to buy ,rent and sell city cars in Mekele pls contact us and we are here to give.. [read more]
military, technology, economy and any other life issue analysis. . [read more]
ዝተፌላዩ ናይ በርዝደይ መርዓ ስራሕቲ ንሰርሕ ብተወሳኪ እውን ክሊፓት ዶክሞቴሪታት. [read more]
Abi Adi College of Teachers' Education is the oldest public training institution located in Abi Adi , Tigray, Ethiopia. . [read more]
ቤተ ውበት. [read more]
ማሕበር ምትሕግጋዝ ማይደገነ. [read more]
follow this is my new page. [read more]
Mihiznet Debit and Credit Association, located at Shire-Enduslassie, Tigray, Shire. They can be contacted via phone at +251914776507 for more detailed information. [read more]
This page would like send news,newspaper,info,breaking news,all about Semitics history especially in the world moments. . [read more]
Video Sharing, News Media and Entertainment website. . [read more]
አፅበ ወንበርታ ማለት ጥንታዊ አብያተክርስትያናትን ገዳማትን፣መበቆል ሁራ ፫፣ዓዲ ጥሕሎ፣ዓዲ ሜስ፣ዓዲ ዱቋ፣ዓዲ መዓርን ዓዲ ጠስምን ዋኒንና እዮም።. [read more]
You can follow this page to be updated on looking for vacancies like and share. [read more]
these page is created to help for the community specially poor people who are living in Malka Tigray region. [read more]
Afrina a a taxi hailing service based on mekelle that gives you affordable,simple,fast and secure services. . [read more]
ብኩሉ መዳይ ነቅ ዘይትብል ዓባይ ትግራይ ምምስራት ናይ ቀትርን ለይትን ሕልመይ እዩ።. [read more]
እዚ ልሳን ውድብና ህወሓት ጨንፈር ሳምረ እዩ. [read more]
“ ብሕታዊ ወኪል ማሕበረሰብ ንግዲ ትግራይ!”. [read more]
Irob Advocacy Association is Non-Governmental, Non-Partisan, Non profit & Non-religious, civil organization established & registered under F. D. R. E Agency for civil society organization.. [read more]
الرجولة النقية. [read more]
trattoria con specialità pesce e primi piatti tradizionali. [read more]
ስለ ተለያዩ ጤና ነክ ጉዳዮች መረጃ በጤና ባለሙያዎች ያገኛሉ. [read more]
Adulis Tours is based in Ethiopia offering domestic and international tours and conference tourism. What travel and tour services do you need? Hotels, airfares, tours, insurance, passport,.. [read more]
this page is created to promote the business company which it focuses on the contracting work of all about electrical engineering works and supplying of electrical equipment. [read more]
Endeavouring to end needless blindness and giving real eye care services to the community!!. [read more]
A digital marketing agency working in the Ethiopian market, with focus on Facebook advertising. . [read more]
I am an instructor of theology in St. Frumentius Abba Slama Kesate Birhan Theology College. I want to share some theological issues;which are important to your spiritual as well as carnal life. [read more]
Privately owned by members who aspire to create a business service that helps entrepreneurs to alleviate to their dreams by creating opportunities from their long term savings and with access.. [read more]
Obelisk z Aksum – sjenitowa, monolityczna stela o wysokości 23 m i wadze ponad 100 ton, wzniesiona w ok. IV wieku przez władców starożytnego państwa Aksum w mieście Aksum na.. [read more]
Аксумский обелиск — памятник архитектуры древнеэфиопского города Аксума. Обелиск высотой 24 метра и весом 160 тонн был создан во времена древнего Аксумского царства. [read more]
Never give up. [read more]
The purpose of the Tigray Region Meserete Kirstos Church Youth Association is to help the young Christians in the region grow up knowing Jesus Christ and to witness the gospel in their life.. [read more]
The voice of Enderta!. [read more]