በህዝብና በመንግሥት መካከል በሚደረጉ ግንኙነቶች መረጃን ግልጽ ማድረግ ተቀዳሚ ተግባራችን ነው።. [read more]
ሳሚ የግንባ እቃዎች አከፋፋይ አድራሻችን አደባባይ ወረድ ብሎ አሸም ሆቴል ፊትለፊት. [read more]
Is a Medium Clinic, located in Arba Minch (Sikela besides bus station), Ethiopia, owned by Dr. Desta Galcha (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon). Our Vision: is to see healthy and.. [read more]
Bonga är en ort i Etiopien. Den ligger i regionen Southern Nations, i den sydvästra delen av landet, km sydväst om huvudstaden Addis Abeba. Bonga ligger meter över havet och antalet invånare är. [read more]
Make Mother Nature great again. Need to plant 10m fruit plants in 5 years. Nature first. [read more]
A platform to communicate former and current students, teachers Yirgacheffe town residents, academicians, lovers of the town and city, others community members of Yirgacheffe High school on.. [read more]
Hi! This is Bieruhalm. Welcome to our Facebook page. I’m here to deliver amazing, useful, and up-to-date technology topics and Record and Promote Quality video about Arba Minch city. [read more]
Taxiye is an app-based taxi service and a reliable travel partner for your daily commutes and every other occasion. We provide taxi services with a wide variety of vehicles to choose from. [read more]
wondo genet resourt. [read more]
PJGD is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes editorials, articles, reviews & notes on issues of democracy, governance & development. . [read more]
AKEZA is a place where everyone can wear their dream clothes plus a small community to lift up all�. [read more]
በ Yenelist. com ያገለገሉ እቃዎችን በመሸጥ ተጨማሪ ገንዘብ ያግኙ!! ያገለገሉ እቃዎችን በመግዛት ወጪዎን ይቆጥቡ።. [read more]
የኢትዮጵያ ዜጎች ለመማሀበራዊ ፍትህ-ኢዜማ ሀዋሳ, located at Awassa. [read more]
Next Tech General Trading laptops, phones, general electronics supplier Address hawasa piazza London caffe. [read more]
Stay with Excitement!!!!!. [read more]
Gerese primary hospital is one of the governmental hospitals which is found in SNNPR,gamo zone Gereseworeda which is located 560 km from the capital addisababa. [read more]
Gidabo Integrated Farm is an organic farm in SNNPR, Sidama, Ethiopia. We have 1200 hect. of land and use Gidabo river for irrigation. Your organic farm!. [read more]
I had really great experience in omo valley With great guide With Perfect English speaker Guide and driver,it's Highly Recommendable omo valley adventure tours is the best!. [read more]
Omo Valley Tour is one of best Tour in the Southern Nation nationalities peoples region. . Omo Valley Tours been informative and knowledgeable during the visit. [read more]
General Knowledge and News Website. [read more]
オモ川(Omo River)は、エチオピアの川。エチオピア南部のオロミア州西部を水源とし、南部諸民族州を通ってトゥルカナ湖へと注ぐ。全長760km。流域全域がエチオピアに属する。水源はエチオピア高原の標高2000mの地点にあり、そこから500mのトゥルカナ湖へと注ぐ。標高差が激しいため流れは速く、ココビ滝などいくつもの滝があり、船舶の航行はできない。また流れが速いため大量の土砂を運び、トゥルカナ湖にある河口には広大なデルタを形成している。8月から9月にかけては洪水があり、エチオピア高原の肥沃な土が流域に堆積するため、周辺の諸民族はその上にソルガムやトウモロコシなど穀物の種を蒔き農耕を行う。オモ川にはワビ川やデンチャ川、マゴ川などの支流がある。この地域にはボディ族、カラ族、ニャンガトム族、ハマル族、ダサネッチ族など多くの民族が暮らす。オモ川の下流域からはアウストラロピテクスなど古人類の化石が多く出土しており、学術的に貴重なエリアとなっている。そのためこの地域は、オモ川下流域として1980年に世界遺産に登録された。オモ川は高低差があり水量も多いことから、水力発電が計画され、南部諸民族州に発電量1870メガワットのギルゲル・ギベ第3ダムが建設中である。このダムによりエチオピアはケニアやスーダンなどに電力を売却し外貨を得ることを計画している。一方で、このダムの建設によって従来の氾濫原での農業が困難になるほか、すでに砂漠化によって水位が低下しつつあるトゥルカナ湖がさらに縮小するとの懸念もある。2006年には大洪水が起き、456人が溺死し20000人以上の人が8月16日まで5日間避難を余儀なくされた。外部リンクOmo National Park | Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority. [read more]
I AM A Designer but i am not design only clothes i design also peace and peaceful environment. al my design collections are inspired from a beautiful ethiopian culture. [read more]
READY***35 Quality Bed Rooms wz cafe & Snack,Wifi,Free channel TV,Safe parking& Gas station. #046881179#0960399099 #rameshotelarbaminch@gmail. com. [read more]
Der 760 km lange Omo ist ein Fluss im Südwesten von Äthiopien (Ostafrika). VerlaufDer ganzjährig Wasser führende Fluss entspringt westlich von Addis Abeba und östlich von Nek'emte.. [read more]
SAMEN Heavy Truck Spare Parts, located at A8, Awasa. They can be contacted via phone at +251 91 117 8496 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Aleta Wendo is one of the woredas in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia. Part of the Sidama Zone, Aleta Wendo is bordered on the south by Dara, on the west by.. [read more]
ለሰላም ዘብ መቆም. . የኔም ሀላፊነት ነዉ። ይመለከተኛል!!! ያንተ መኖር ለኔም መኖር ነዉ። ሰላም ለሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ!!!. [read more]
ከመንግስት ጎን ቆሞ ለህዝቡ ትክክለኛ መረጃ የሚሰጥ እንዲሁም ከህዝቡ ጎን ቆሞ ጥያቄዎቻቸውን ለመንግስት የሚያቀርብና ምላሽ የሚያሠጥ ክፍል ነው።. [read more]
SABED MULTIMEDIA provides one stop automated solution for your company. Depending on the size and field of your organization, we have different services to meet your requirements. [read more]
ቅድሚያ ለተውሂድ።ቅድሚያ ለተውሂድ. [read more]
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Archdiocese of South Omo Jinka Holy Trinity Church Sunday School was founded since 1973 E. C. . [read more]
Fennet medium clinic, in Welkite. [read more]
Ethio Motives is a local travel consultancy firm engaged in the fields of travel & Visa consultancy along with other related services. [read more]
Bandar Udara Arba Minch merupakan sebuah bandar udara yang terletak di Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Terletak di ketinggian 1,187 meter AMSL, bandar udara ini memiliki sebuah landasan pacu sepanjang.. [read more]
በዚህ ምድር ላይ እግዚአብሔርን አውቀን እርሱን ተከትለን ለእርሱ እንደመኖር ያለ ነገር የለም። (We must be committed to be fruitful in every good work and grow into the knowledge of God). [read more]
L'aéroport d'Arba Minch est situé dans la ville d'Arba Minch en Éthiopie. Cet aéroport est notamment desservi par la compagnie Ethiopian Airlines. HistoriqueL'aéroport deviendra opérationnel.. [read more]