Simenbergens nationalpark ligger i regionen Amhara, i Etiopien. Parken täcker in Simenbergen med bergstoppen Ras Dashen, den högsta punkten i Etiopien och den tionde högsta i Afrika. [read more]
Сыме́н — национальный парк в Эфиопии, в регионе Амхара. Парк основан в 1969 году на площади 22 500 га для охраны уникальной природы Сыменских гор на севере Эфиопского нагорья. [read more]
Turaco Ethiopia Tours is a private tour company which is well organized by professional and experienced tour guides. . [read more]
Mera Bed and Breakfast is located in the suburb of Meskel Kibra kebele ( town district ), just in front of fuel station,. [read more]
Sekela woreda Administrative Office, located at Sekela, Sekela Gish Abay. They can be contacted via phone at 0912843941 for more detailed information. [read more]
أدرجت اليونسكو منتزه سيمين الوطني الإثيوبي عام 1978 إلى لائحة التراث العالمي والمنتزه هو محميّة حيوانات.. [read more]
Ellilta-Women at Risk’s ultimate aim is for every woman to leave prostitution and live a fulfilled life with self‐respect and dignity. . [read more]
ፈጣን፣ ወቅታዊ እና ትኩስ ኢትዮጵያዊ ዜናዎች እና መረጃዎች እንዲደርስዎት ፔጃችንን ላይክ እና ፎሎው ያድርጉ!!. [read more]
Introduce And Present different Art works on Dance,music,sport,Science to Everyone who is interested to mentioned Activity categories!. [read more]
Der 179 km² große Sämen-Nationalpark befindet sich im Norden von Äthiopien. Sein Name leitet sich von dem amharischen Wort sämén (ሰሜን) „Norden“ her. Er ist vor allem.. [read more]
Debre Tabor Airport är en flygplats i Etiopien. Den ligger i den norra delen av landet, km norr om huvudstaden Addis Abeba. Debre Tabor Airport ligger meter över havet. [read more]
'Reggae Boat Ride' w/host I-Timothy(c) is an excursion into the roots, culture & history of that unique Jamaican art form known as 'reggae muzik'!. [read more]
dejen worrda trade and market developemen office. [read more]
� Sami G Insight(የሳሚ ጂ ዕይታ), believe in the dictum, "Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons" as being different beats being better � Life is easy. . . . [read more]
ዉድ የምድረ-ገነትልጆች አብረን ስንሆን ያምርብናልና አብረን እንሁን. [read more]
ደባርቅ ከተማ ገቢዎች ጽ/ቤት, located at ሰሜን ጎንደር, Debark'. They can be contacted via phone at +251918220140 for more detailed information. . [read more]
የተሻለ ዋጋ ሰፊ አቅርቦት ባሉበት ሁነው ማዘዝ የሚችሉበት. . . . [read more]
Le parc national du Simien est un parc national d'Éthiopie créé en 1959 et inscrit en 1978 sur la liste du patrimoine mondial et considéré entre 1996 et 2017 comme « en péril ». [read more]
ለ ጤናዎ እናስባለን. . . [read more]
View Ethiopian historica, cultural and topographical pictures and flattery of all Bahirdar and around cities. [read more]
እንጫወት ጌምስ የኢትዮጵያን ተረቶች እና ታሪኮች ወደ ሞባይል ጌምነት የሚቀይር ግሩፕ ነው፡፡ ይቀላቀሉን. [read more]
Digital Marketing. [read more]
O Parque Nacional de Simien é um parque nacional da Etiópia. Ele foi declarado património mundial pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura em 1978. [read more]
Livelihood Improvement for Vulnerable Ethiopians (LIVE)-ADDIS, is a non-governmental, not-for-profit charitable organization devoted to enable poor households to improve their livelihood. [read more]
This Page represents Temesgen Tiruneh Dinku the President of Amhara National Regional State. [read more]
ፋሲል ከነማ ስፖርት ክለብ በ1960 ዓ/ም ተመሰረተ የአጼዎቹ ክለብ ከተመሰረተ 52ኛ አመቱን አስቆጥሯል፡፡ ለበለጠ መረጃ፦ +251918770424. [read more]
ኔትወርክ ዝ ር ጋታ እና ኮምፒውተር፣ላፕቶፕ ፣ሪዞ ማሽን ፣ ፎቶኮፒ ማሽን ፣ፕሪንተር እና ፕሮጀክተር አጠቃላይ ጥጋና. [read more]
Experience the magical lands of Ethiopia with our tour company. Operated by Mr. Kedir who has been working with Ethiopian Tour guides association (ETGA). [read more]
Florist, trade/sale of flower, plant and seeds. Event planner. . [read more]
Bahir Dar Backpackers is your place to take a short vacation from your travels, in the great city of Bahir Dar. . [read more]
청나일 폭포는 에티오피아의 청나일 강에 있는 폭포이며, 암하라어로 "연기가 나는 물"이라는 뜻을 지닌 티스 이사트라는 이름으로도 불린다. 타나 호에서 발원하는 청나일 강의 상류에 위치하며, 에티오피아에서 가장 유명한 관광 명소 중 하나이다. 낙차는 37 미터에서 45 미터 정도이며, 4개의 폭포 줄기로 이루어진다. [read more]
your next number one choice on media and advertisment. [read more]
Bet Amanuel è una chiesa monolitica ipogea scavata nella roccia. La chiesa, che sorge a Lalibela, in Etiopia, è di stile axumita (periodo che va dal IV secolo a. [read more]
Il parco nazionale del Semien è un'area protetta situata nel nord dell'Etiopia. Con una superficie di 179 km², deve il nome alla parola amarica sämén (ሰሜን), che significa «nord». [read more]
We are a registered travel company based in Gondar that specialises in organising tours and trips all over Ethiopia. . [read more]
Lalibelan kalliokirkot ovat Lalibelan kaupungissa Etiopiassa sijaitsevat 11 kallioon kaiverrettua kirkkoa. Perinteisesti on ajateltu, että ne rakennettiin kuningas Lalibelan valtakaudella 1181–1221. [read more]