A brand new spacious Apartment 170sq mtr with: big Living and dining room, Four Bedrooms, Three Toilet (one bathroom and two showers, Modern open kitchen, very clean shared common area,.. [read more]
ሁሉንም በእኩልነትና በፍትሃዊነት የምታስተናግድ አንድነቷ የተጠበቀ የበለጸገች ኢትዮጵያ!. [read more]
ከ Ethiopia First- ኢትዮጵያ ትቅደም ወቅታዊ ዜናዎችን፣ ከኢትዮጵያ፣ ከአፍሪካ እንዲሁም ከዓለም ዙሪያ ታገኛላችሁ።. [read more]
ለኢትዮጵያን ከፍታ ከአራቱም አቅጣጫ በተባበረ ክንድ ወደ ላይ ከፍ ብለን እበራለን ከብልፅግናው ማማ ለመውጣት፡፡. [read more]
ጥቅስ ፡- ከተከፋን እንድንደሰት፣ተስፋ ከቆረጥን አዲስ ተስፋ እነዲኖረን፣ ካዘን ከሐዘናችን እንድንፅናና……… ያደርጋል፡፡. [read more]
በዚህ የፌስ - ቡክ ገፅ ላይ የሚቀርቡት ሐሳቦች በግሌ የማራምዳቸው እና የማምንባቸው ጉዳዮች ናቸው!!. [read more]
የኢትዮጵያ እንዲሁም የአለማቀፍ የፖለቲካ፣ መዝናኛ፣ እና ልዩ ልዩ ወሬዎችን ይከታተሉ።. [read more]
This Page is a forum to Learn more about Cooperatives, Social Economy, Commons beyond the class room with the objectives of improving Cooperatives Knowledge, Practices and Governance all over.. [read more]
welcome. [read more]
+ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ነኝ + የተዋህዶ ልጆዎች እንኳን ደህና መጣችሁ. ! like አድርጉ. [read more]
As a Medical Tour Consulting and Channel Partner Associate:- We are associated with more than 100 Hospitals and we do capitalize on our large volumes to get the best rates for our patients. [read more]
ኦርቶዶክስ መልስ አላት እምነታችንን እንመርምር እንወቅ እንጠይቅ ላላወቁ እናሳውቅ እኛስ የተሰቀለውን ክርስቶሥ እንሰብካለን!. [read more]
እዚ ልሳን ውድብና ህወሓት ጨንፈር ሳምረ እዩ. [read more]
تأسست شركة البرج للمختبرات الطبية في عام ١٩٩٨ بهدف تقديم الخدمات المخبرية وفقا للمعايير الدولية للجودة. . [read more]
This is an Entertainment Platform for producing and promoting Music, Music videos, Short movies and Documentaries !. [read more]
በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን እነዚህ እና ሌሎች አዳዲስ ጨዋታዎችን በየቀኑ እየተዝናኑ #ይደግፉ #ይወራረዱ #ያሸንፉ #ይሸለሙ @nigussoprtbetting @nigussoprtbetting. [read more]
Negus adventures offers hiking excursions off the beaten path in and around the city, with more advanced hike offerings in the near future. . [read more]
All of us (oromo) have a responsibility to protect our culture which is unique in our planet, from damage and to transfer to the next generation. . [read more]
“ ብሕታዊ ወኪል ማሕበረሰብ ንግዲ ትግራይ!”. [read more]
Melkam Mezmure is a TV show created and produced by Gospel TV Ethiopia to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through different songs and worships. [read more]
ስለግቢያችን እና በግቢያችን ስለሆኑ ነገሮች ፖስት እናድርግ፤እንወያይ።ሌሎች አስቂኝ፣ማህበራዊ፣ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና ፖሊ. . . . . . . ጉዳዮችን እንጨዋወት።. [read more]
For different printing& computer accessories. [read more]
CENTER FOR FAMILY SERVICE ORGANIZATION (CFSO) is an Ethiopian nonprofit organization established July 2020, which is legally registered and has legal license from FDRE Agency for Civil.. [read more]
Our promotional services include *Embroidery printing on any garment and leather products * Heat transfer and screen printing. [read more]
we serve our customer by fair price brand computer order now. [read more]
Welcome to International Makeup School and studio, where we believe a woman deserves to feel and look both beautiful and confident. Our motto is enhancing the natural given beauty of our.. [read more]
Tadesse Desta Business Group is one of the leading Ethiopian companies exporting agricultural products and importing Heavy Trucks, Construction Machinery, Tools, Equipment and Steel bars. [read more]
Waxaan kuhamiyaynaa midnimo soomaaliyeed iyo cadaalad inaan gaadho. Waxaan higsanayno waanu gaadhi doonaa Hadaan geeri nagu iman!. [read more]
•Exclusive Draft beer line cleaning agent for BGI Ethiopia with rich experience in provision of draft beer line cleaning services • Certified & Accredited by FMHCACA & ECAE • HVAC Services. [read more]
יש לכם שאלה? משהו לברר? צריכים רעיון לבילוי, לארגון, לחיים? רוב הסיכויים שאני יכולה לעזור לכם. קוראים לי אופירה ואנייודעת דברים. . [read more]
Radix provides you with a complete garden solution for both indoor and outdoor purposes. . [read more]
This page is strict and zero-tolerance to false and/or fake advertisements and fraud posts. Only of real products and services for sell and buy promoted through ethical and business code of conduct. [read more]
ይህ ገጽ የተለያዩ ጽሁፎች የሚዳሰሱበት ነው ፓለቲካዊና ሃይማኖታዊ አስተያየቶችን ባለመስጠት ይተባበሩኝ።. [read more]
አላማውን መረዳዳት ላይ ያደረገ. [read more]
የላፍቶ ደብረ ትጉሃን ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሰንበት ትምህርት ቤት. [read more]
The main aim of this page is to make the learning materials available to students at the Cheraba school in the best possible way. For example, it is our duty to do our part in collecting.. [read more]