Ethiopian Tigrigna online social platform for news and entertainment. . [read more]
ዮወሴ ኃላፊነቱ የተወሰነ የግል ማ. YOWSE TRADING PLC. [read more]
We specialize in providing IT services to small-to-medium sized businesses and non-profit organizations in Addis Ababa. Our ultimate goal is to save you time, money, and lost productivity by.. [read more]
*ስለ ሞባይል ስልኮች አዳዲስ መረጃ ና ጠቃሚ ምክሮችች *በራስዎ ሊያስተካክሏቸው የሚችሉት ሶፍትዌር የብልሽች መፍትሔ *የቅድመ ጥንቃቄ መረጃ እና ሌሎችም. . [read more]
Elda Software Developments is a professional software development company with professional programmers to deliver a trusted software consulting and software development services with a focus area.. [read more]
Maddaale Studio Waa Wakiilka Kaliya Ee Fanproj Ee Magaalada Jijiga. . Page Kana Waxaan Oogu Tala Galnay Macaamiishaanada Iyo Qof Kasta Oo Xiiseeya Aflaamta Inuu Nagala Socdo. [read more]
I'm the initiator and coordinator of Destiny Ethiopia Initiative. I'll use this page to interact with fellow citizens on the realization of the Dawn Scenario for Ethiopia. [read more]
Собор Святого Георгия — собор Эфиопской православной церкви в г. Аддис-Абебе. Его отличает характерная восьмигранная форма. Собор находится в северном конце улицы Черчилль Роуд. [read more]
The Guenete Leul Palace is a palace in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was built by Emperor Haile Selassie in 1930. The Emperor and his family made the palace their main residence, but the seat.. [read more]
Isla Xisaabtanku Ma Aha Dambi. [read more]
Page kan Waxaad ka heli doontaa, wararkii ugu dambeeyay, Wararka Xanta suuqa kala iibsiga, Sawiro tayo leh, Qormooyin ku xiiso galiya, Stats-ka iyo dhamaantood Waxkasta ku saabsan Manchester United,. [read more]
ኔትወርክ ዝ ር ጋታ እና ኮምፒውተር፣ላፕቶፕ ፣ሪዞ ማሽን ፣ ፎቶኮፒ ማሽን ፣ፕሪንተር እና ፕሮጀክተር አጠቃላይ ጥጋና. [read more]
ፋሲል ከነማ ስፖርት ክለብ በ1960 ዓ/ም ተመሰረተ የአጼዎቹ ክለብ ከተመሰረተ 52ኛ አመቱን አስቆጥሯል፡፡ ለበለጠ መረጃ፦ +251918770424. [read more]
The first multIpecialized clinic and advanced imaging center in Gondar town which is lisenced in 5 multi specialties i. e Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatric, Ophthalmology and Radiology. [read more]
Information Science of Haramaya University We are INFOSA batch of 2011 E. C. [read more]
Merhaselam Media Services already agrees with two medias to prepare a program which bases to make opportunities a description for job accesseblity! so after making the actual performance on air,.. [read more]
ሚድያ ላዛና ሓደሽትን ትኩሳትን ሓበሬታታት ናባኹም ይብፅሕ። ላዛና ሚድያ ኣዳዲስ እና ትኩስ መረጃዎች ወደ እናንታ ያደርሳል።. [read more]
แชร์ข่าวดังทั่วโลกให้ผู้สนใจได้รับข่าวสารที่ถูกต้อง ชัดเจน. [read more]
Fuula FB kanarratti Walaloowwan Mimmiidhagoo kanneen isin barsiisaniifi bashannansiisan akkasumas hojiiwwan aartii biroo argattu! Like, comment, Share gochuun nu hordofaa!. [read more]
ይህ ቻናል የኢትዮጵያ እና የኤርትራ ትግርኛ አማርኛ ሙዚቃዎች በምስል የታገዘ ግጥሞች የሚቀርብበት ነዉ። "Like Page" የሚለዉን በመንካት ይቀላቀሉ።. [read more]
ስለ ባለታሪካዊቱ ከተማ ወረኢሉ እንምከር ፣ እንወያይ የድርሻችንንም እንወጣ ። ወረኢሉ ወደ ልማት ጎዳና ። የመልካም አስተዳደር ችግርን እንቃወም::. [read more]
The First Ethiopian Remote Sensing Satellite (ETRSS-1). [read more]
Mihwar Science & Technology Association is a youth for youth association which is established to support teach and inspire young innovator and future leaders. [read more]
We provide quality toner cartridges at quality price. ጥሩ ጥራት ያለው ቶነር በርካሽ ዋጋ እናቀርባለን ፡፡ Call ፡- 0973 939360 / 0948 000 000 Join our telegram group: A+ stamp and ink supplier. [read more]
Ayat share company builds modern G+1 and flat appartments and shoping centers in CMC and Ayat u can buy and invest by using long time paymented system. [read more]
Prosperity Party is the ruling political party in Ethiopia established in December 2019 as a successor to EPRDF. Having an overall objective of making Ethiopia a prosperous country, its values.. [read more]
Ketenberi trading Plc is leading supplier of different heavy duty machinery , computers and other equipments. [read more]
Let's have a cup of coffee to discuss how to level up your company's #visibility from the crowd and grow #revenue. Reach us via Telegram: t. me/joSiMPLEX. [read more]
ሰላም ጤና ይስጥልኝ እንኳን ወደ ብስራት ኦፊሻል (Bisrat Official) የፌስቡክ ፔጅ በሰላም መጣቹ. [read more]
ግንብ ልስን ቻክ ቀለም ቦርድ ፍሬም ሴራሚክ ቴራዞ ቧንቧ ኤሌክትሪክ የዲዛይን ሥራ ኪችን ካብኔት ሥራ አልሙኒየም ሥራ ጠቅላላ የዋጋ ግመታ ሥራ. [read more]
Gebetajobs. com Apply for job online or post a job online and manage it online for free. Apply Now!. [read more]
We all need love but first food, because first we eat then we do everything else. Gebeta365 is all about giving an online food experience to blow your taste buds. [read more]
Boostup Media and Advertising is a dynamic #media and #Advertising company that specializes in #socialmedia management, # branding and #digital marketing. [read more]
1. Hi, everybody. Our job is to make you richer. Help you earn money from those who give this opportunity. Every day we earn money and we want to give you this opportunity. [read more]