
Tags : #Lodging, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
Bahir Dar

11 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    13 April 2018

    Good quality and great service. There servers are very humble and communicate friendly. I appreciate their effort to meet customers need. Good job!! Keep it up.

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  • Anynomous
    30 March 2018

    Locals say this is one of the best local hotels in town. It’s not, though budget travelers may feel it is good for the price. Let us use their breakfasts as a barometer of quality, rather than the mosquitoes and cockroaches: the breakfast buffet is almost entirely leftovers from the previous day, and at least 70% are bread-based, being various leftover-ingeria dishes and various things done with sliced-up stale bread.
    The food at the breakfast buffet will also be cold. And no one seems to care. I am often one of the first people in the restaurant. The food had already been sitting I don’t know how long in serving trays, but long enough to be room temperature. Only when patrons begin arriving so servers light the flames beneath. This is the perfect condition for bacteria growth - food is cooked and slowly cools to room temperature and then ever so slowly reheats over the little flames.
    The irony here is that you will not be able to get cold milk for your corn flakes. You will only receive hot milk which immediately turn your crispy flakes to mush. So where is that milk before it’s heated? Mystery of mysteries.
    I’d say having an omelette or scrambled eggs is your safest food option, but today they are using that skillet for toasting bread, so good luck with that.
    Staying here for multiple months on business, my consistent inability to get a steady flow of morning cups of coffee, particularly with milk, was nightmarish. One day the staff heeded my suggestions and placed a large thermos of coffee so we could keep refilling without long waits for individual too-small cups; and eventually the same was done with milk as getting milk for coffee was also confusing for the staff.
    I worked in kitchens for several years, and my observations from ordering meals at other times here is that they make them one at a time but without individual attention: you will wait a long time for food and dishes to your table will arrive whenever (table guests finishing their meals by the time other table guests received theirs).
    Also, getting your bill is a long, laborious process. Someone sits behind a computer, the sever goes to them and recites what you ordered, and I assume that person scrolls through lists of items (?) and 10 minutes later you have your bill. Last night I came in thirsty and had a mineral water at the bar. When finished I asked how much because I just wanted to leave the cash+tip and go to my room. We went back-and-forth with How much? I’ll get your bill. No, please, how much? I’ll get your bill ... on and on and I didn’t want to wait 10 minutes for my bill so I asked someone how much it was and left cash on bar with tip.
    Anyway, we prefer to eat at the Waterfront Hotel down the street for its better quality dishes, but there you’ll wait 45 minutes for a simple meal for similar reasons.
    A special note on tips: if you eat three meals in your hotel restaurant you will have consumed 1/3 or more of your servers’ monthly salary, so please tip them generously!
    I should add the the WiFi has been atrocious, and the only clear pictures on your tv are the football game channels, though I don’t get how they pull that off.
    And though the GoogleMaps profile says there is a “hot tub” I do not believe that is true and if it were I would hesitate to enter its water. Though this hotel does not have a pool, international travelers may be put off by the green tint of pool water at other hotels here.
    Good downtown location! And good value-for-money, depending on your standards.
    I’m writing as someone forced to live here because my promised housing from my employer was so mold-ridden it was too unsanitary to live in, admittedly to my developed-world standards. This hotel is much better than that, incomparably so.

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  • Anynomous
    09 March 2018

    A nice hotel with a nice meal! Beautiful clean rooms.

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  • Anynomous
    17 February 2018

    All are good in this hotel in bahirdar

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  • Anynomous
    27 January 2018

    It's very good hotel we r enjoying

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  • Anynomous
    16 November 2017

    Very good hotel. Rooms are big and comfortabel. Beds are fine and so is the bathroom. Staff is great, hospitable and kind. Good food in the restaurant. Wi-Fi available.

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  • Anynomous
    15 November 2017

    best hotel, the speed of the wifi is amazing, loved the room clean and all facilities avilable, friendly staff. thank you!!

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  • Anynomous
    09 November 2017

    Clean rooms, good food and free wifi

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  • Anynomous
    28 October 2017

    Good to look Such hotel in Bahir Dar.

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  • Anynomous
    21 May 2017

    Hotel, jeśli chodzi o standard, to jak na warunki Etiopii, to dobry.
    Jeśli chodzi o internet, to działa tylko na dole w lobby i to jeszcze bardzo wolno. Osoby pracujące w restauracji hotelowej są niekompetentne. Gdy zamówiłem pizzę wegetariańską z karty, to powiedziano mi, że tego nie ma. Potem gdy się poskarżyłem, to zmieniono zdanie i mowa była już o tym, że jest, ale trzeba będzie długo czekać. Tak więc czekałem sumie 2 godziny na pizzę. Następnego dnia potrafili ją zrobić w 30 minut. Czyli można tylko brak chęci tych, którzy się tym zajmują. W restauracji są bardzo brudne obrusy na stołach. Jako wegetarianin, na śniadanie nie miałem co zjeść. Bardzo mały wybór jedzenia. Plusem jest, że gdy w mieście wyłączono prąd, to u nas w hotelu włączono awaryjne zasilanie. Trwało to długo, bo z godzinę, ale jakoś sobie poradzili. W pokojach powinni poprzykręcać klamki do drzwi, bo przy otwieraniu zostawały w rękach. Zamek do drzwi ten na łańcuszek, zamontowano nie do futryny drzwi, ale do listwy, która jest naklejona do futryny, tak więc gdy ktoś wchodzi do pokoju, gdy drzwi są zamknięte na łańcuszek, to urywa całą listwę przy drzwiach. To chyba robiła osoba całkowicie pozbawiona rozumu. Prysznic jest tak zrobiony, że gdy się myjesz, to woda leci na muszlę klozetową. Dużo ludzi się kręci, ale mało robią. Zauważyłem, że niektórzy pracownicy hotelu, to był chyba pomocnik elektryka, jawnie zaczepia osoby ( dziewczyny ) wynajmujące pokoje w tym hotelu. Trochę to żenujące. Brak windy. Bagaże chętnie zabierają do góry chłopcy hotelowi, ale gdy musisz bagaż znieść na dół, to już nikogo nie uświadczysz.

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  • Anynomous
    23 October 2015

    the hotel is super and also Ethiopian foods do

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