Bedson Creative Studio is an Addis Ababa based interior and graphic design studio. . [read more]
የማሪያም ተረፈ የመኪና መሸጫ የእግር ኳስ ክለብ በአ. አ እግር ኳስ ፌዴሬሽን ተመዝግቦ በከፍተኛ ዲቭዝዮን እና ከ፩፯ ዓመት በታች እየተወዳደረ ይገኛል. [read more]
You can contact us to Rent, sell or buy Buildings, Houses, warehouse, Condominiums, vehicles, Construction and agricultural machineries,Imported goods. [read more]
Nirvana Restaurant and Bar is an elegant establishment in Laphto Mall, a family friendly shopping environment. [read more]
ጥንታዊ ስልጣኔዎች ፣የጋርዮሽ ስርአት፣ዘመናዊ አብዮቶች፣የታሪክ ክስተቶች የቴክኖሎጅ አብዮቶች፣አዳዲስ ክንዉኖች ትላልቅ እሳቤዎች ይዳሰሳሉ፤ይቃኛሉ፤. [read more]
Telos is a consulting firm located in Ethiopia. The company provides high-quality consultancy services in the fields of public health and development. [read more]
ለመዝናኛ አፍቃሪዎች በፍቅር የተዘጋጀ! Entertainment hub!. [read more]
Sheraton Hotel Addis Ababa is a lodging, located at Addis Ababa. They can be contacted via phone at +251 11 5171717 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Corks Wine Bar & Restaurant Serving Traditional, International and Jamaican Cuisines, Fine wines and cocktails Situated in the CMC area of Addis Ababa. [read more]
I am a digital marketer who manages -Search Engine Optimization -Content Marketing. -Social Media Marketing. -Pay Per Click (PPC) -Affiliate Marketing. [read more]
Country Club Developers Plc. is a real estate company established in constructing and delivery of suburban High-End properties. . [read more]
Deli, located at Addis Ababa. [read more]
الأرشيف والمكتبة الوطنية بأثيوبيا يوجد مقر هذه المؤسسة بالعاصمة أديس أبابا، وكما يدل على ذلك اسمها فهي تقوم في نفس الوقت بدور دار محفوظات أو أرشيف ومكتبة وطنية. [read more]
Home Base Wood Works is local company established in 2002 E. C as per the commercial code of Ethiopia; in order to manufacture wooden materials like Kitchen. [read more]
ATL Consulting Enterprise. [read more]
RENED Event Management PLC is one of the best event organizer company managed by well qualified and experienced personnel’s in the area of event management. [read more]
Urban Music Producers, YouTube Content Creators and Designers Working for an everlasting Ethiopian Entertainment in the capital city of Africa. . [read more]
In the begining of 2018, a permanent chicken restaurant joint opened in Mekanisa, 400m from Vatican Embassy: Amrogn Chicken was born. This modern day our chicken joint serves up the most.. [read more]
Ebtisam disasa, located at Ethiopia, _ Addis Ababa. They can be contacted via phone at 0913093125 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Il Museo memoriale dei martiri del Terrore Rosso è un museo situato ad Addis Abeba, capitale dell'Etiopia. Il museo venne inaugurato nel 2010 quale memoriale delle vittime del periodo di.. [read more]
Muluken Girma Addis Ababa Tour Guide Professionally, Muluken is a tour operator and guide in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Graphic Design, Logo Creation, arts, and music are my other passions. [read more]
እያነበብን እንገበያይ መጽሐፍትን ያሉበት ቦታ እናደርሳን. [read more]
Besh Gebeya is an authentic wholesale BRAND, offering a massive platform for re-sellers and consumers. Owned and administrated by EATH, Besh Gebeya provides cash and carry service by premium.. [read more]
We deliver Origenal and quality fashion clothes, footwear and accessories direct from Europe and north America to Addis abeba with a lower price. [read more]
Clothing (Brand) Traditional Dresses. [read more]
City Tour & Travel is a travel agency, located at Addis Ababa. They can be contacted via phone at +251909909090 for more detailed information. . [read more]
*We welcome any suggestions to further improve and for good education empowerment. . [read more]
ኢትዮጵያዊነት የአኩ ሪ ታሪክ ባለቤቶች ለምለም ሀገር ያለን ኩሩ ህዝቦች ስንሆን ይህንኑ በእዉነተኛ መረጃ በማስደገፍ ዘገባ የሚቀርብበት ገፅ ነዉ፡፡. [read more]
Ethiopian Tenders is fast, reliable and accessible tendering website. . [read more]
Green Networks delivers Simple to complex engineering services related to electrical installation and computer networks. . [read more]
Tiglachin ou le monument Tiglachin est un monument à la mémoire des soldats éthiopiens et cubains ayant participé à guerre de l'Ogaden. Il fut érigé sous Mengistu Haile Mariam sur.. [read more]
የትኛውንም አይነት ዲዛይን በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ በትእዛዝ እንሠራለን ይዘዙን። If you are interested in our best Ethiopian traditional clothes with fair price please order us. Quality and beauty in one!. [read more]
aborabiea من أديس أبابا أثيوبيا. [read more]
Ethiopian Star News has always connected with people and communities and is proud of its commitment to both clients and readers. Ethiopian Star News has always been committed to the communities.. [read more]