El Karamat is a mosque, located at Al Huwaiteyah, Al Agouzah, Giza Governorate. [read more]
الله بارك في كل القائمين علي امور المسجد وبارك في اولاد الشيخ عبدالله شحاتة. مكان جميل ، محتاج بعض التحديثات. خطب جمعة تستحق يتراح له. [read more]
ربنا يجعلنا من عمار المساجد. [read more]
Very good but always crowded outside. . I go there for jumma lately. Very nice mosque. Very big. Always very crowded. . One of the best mosques, quiet, calm, clean, large and has big parking area. [read more]
El Gamaaiah El Sharaaiah El Raaisyah is a mosque, located at Safar, As Sayedah Zeinab, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
اللهم ارزق القائمين عليه بيوتا فى الجنه. اللهم اجعلنا من عمار المساجد. بسم الله ما شاء الله تبارك الله. [read more]
Moahemd El Baioumi is a mosque, located at AZ Zahraa WA Masaken Al Helmeyah, Qesm Ein Shams, Cairo Governorate. They can be contacted via phone at +20 109 706 2207 for more detailed information. [read more]
مسجد النصر المبين. [read more]
الصالحين is a mosque, located at As Soyouf Qebli (Include Izbat Derbanah), Qesm Al Montazah, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
مسجد مكارم الاخلاق تاسس سنة 1998 م أسسه المغفور له المهندس /عبدالمنعم سعد دياب. . [read more]
El Hoda is a mosque, located at Al Mansheyah Al Bahreyah, Qesm Al Montazah, Alexandria Governorate. They can be contacted via phone at +20 3 5323973 for more detailed information. [read more]
Elsaiadah Sakinah Bant Elhussin is a mosque, located at Abu an Nawatir, Qesm Sidi Gaber, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
Noor Islam Mosque is a mosque, located at Victor Emanouil Al Thaleth, Ezbet Saad, Qism Sidi Gabir, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
Ford Mosque is a mosque, located at Izbat Saed, Qesm Sidi Gaber, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
El Behr Village Mosque is a mosque, located at As Soyouf Qebli (Include Izbat Derbanah), Qesm Al Montazah, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
El Aziz (Permanently Closed) is a mosque, located at Khorshid Al Qebleyah, Qesm AR Ramel, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
مسجد يذكر فيه اسم الله. [read more]
مسجد الصعايدة. [read more]
Mohamed Ibn Mohamed Ibn Saidan is a mosque, located at Al Mandarah Qebli (Include Izbat Al Gabal), Qesm Al Montazah, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
مسجد الإسراء. [read more]
It is a truly wonderful mosque because it is the house of God Almighty that contains the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Beautiful place. A very old mosque in the Asafra tribal area. [read more]
مسجد الإمام البخاري. [read more]
مسجد الخلفاء الراشدين مسجد مكون من ثلاث طوابق ويقام به صلاة الجمعه مكيف يوجد مصلى للنساء. مكتبة المصري أمام مسجد الخلفاء الراشدين. [read more]
مسجد الفولى بشارع إسنا. مسجد الشهيد احمد الفولي من اقدم المساجد في منطقة العصافره. من المساجد الجميلة ملأهو الله بالمصليين آمين. [read more]
مسجد أبو هريرة. [read more]
مسجد محمد متولي الشعراوي. The mosque has huge space for prayers. [read more]
الحمد لله رب العالمين. [read more]
مسجد بمساحة متوسطة. ولا يوجد امام راتب للمسجد. . [read more]
Salam Mosque is a mosque, located at El Nabawy El Mohandes, Al Amrawi, Qism El-Montaza, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
جمعية اهلية تابعة للشئون الاجتماعية بعزبة عرامة. [read more]
Al-Aziz al-Hakim Mosque is a mosque, located at El-Malaha, Al Mandarah Qebli, Qism El-Montaza, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
مسجد علي أول شارع اسكوت. [read more]
مسجد الصابرين. [read more]
Because it's my home Quite and peaceful place. [read more]
Sekalam Mosque is a mosque, located at As Soyouf Qebli (Include Izbat Derbanah), Qesm Al Montazah, Alexandria Governorate. [read more]
المسجد ممتاز من حيث المساحة. صدر المعموره. [read more]