you cant go to your doctor, you don`t want to wait in the clinic or you have an emergency health issue, here we are you can use your mobile to request any medical service at home either doctor.. [read more]
هدف برنامج الأطباء الزائرين هو تحسين الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الاوسط من خلال زيارات خبرائنا الأجانب لمستشفياتنا بمصر بالقاهرة والأسكندرية. [read more]
Agyal Recovery For Addiction Treatment is a hospital, located at Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
HVD was founded in 1994 and began business life working out of Vienna. Before launching the company, we recognized that, within the life science business sector, there was a good number.. [read more]
معمل اسنان لصناعة تركيبات الاسنان الثابتة. [read more]
مجموعة خبراء في المجال الطبي منذ ٣٠ سنة، خبرة ادارة العمل بيع وصيانة بشركات فيليبس و توشيبا، أسسوا الكيان منذ ٢٠٠٧. . غرضه التميز فقط. [read more]
Vision:• To meet everyone's medical needs and to reach the largest number of patients for treatment, by providing professional comprehensive medical services. [read more]
DSH medical platform is specialized in providing all professional-level training courses for whom need more awareness about all medical device relates issues. [read more]
Our Clinic's main target to make perfect Smile to all his patients and relief their pain for ever. Proud Your Smile By US. [read more]
The future of women health care is here today. The ASOGIC is the number one Obstetrics and Gynecology conference in Egypt and the Middle East. This year will be different with vast participation.. [read more]
Dental care clinics in Egypt. [read more]
Zohairy Hospital exists to deliver high-quality and affordable healthcare services for everyone in the Egyptian society. It is a leading private multi-speciality hospital located in the heart.. [read more]
ACCT is a top-notch medical company based in Cairo, Egypt. We aim at providing high-quality ICU operation. . [read more]
Agent for Avanos , Enovis. [read more]
Cosmetique Clinics is a hospital, located at Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
Consulto24 offers online medical consultations with expert foreign doctors of various specialties via the Consulto24 web application, providing patients in the Middle East with easy access.. [read more]
Clinique du Caire is bringing a new definition of perfection to the healthcare industry in Egypt in which we focus on every single detail to attain a memorable experience starting from.. [read more]
MD in General Surgery & Oncology & Bariatric Surgery. Associate Professor in Medical Research Institute Alexandria University. Member of the Egyptian and European University of Bariatric Surgery. [read more]
اول متجر طبى الكترونى متكامل فى مصر متخصص فى التجهيزات الطبيه الشامله للمستشفيات والمراكز وخدمه القطاع الطبى بالكامل من اجهزه ومستلزمات طبيه وكورسات وكتب طبيه ووظائف طبيه وخدمات صيانه. [read more]
أكبر مستشفى متكامل في قلب المعاديخدمة طبية متكاملة عالية الجودة بأيدي فريق من الإستشاريين في جميع تخصصات الطب والجراحة. [read more]
Health Care Solutions (HCS)Our experts is supporting different entities and institutions to develop health care, through technical specialized consultations, training and management, via.. [read more]
We are a group of enthusiastic dentists specialized in 3D dental and maxillofacial Radiology with the highest qualification in the diagnosis and obtaining radiological images, reports which.. [read more]
Xscan Dental Digital Solutions is an advanced dental diagnostic and imaging centre that utilizes state of the art technology. We offer premier, high quality, 3D dental images and diagnostic services. [read more]
ونس هى شركة ناشئة تقدم خدمات رعاية كبار السن، من الجانب الصحي والنفسي عن طريق إرسال ممرضين وكوادر مختصة في الرعاية الصحيه. [read more]
مستشفى وادى النيل صرح طبى هائل يستقبل المرضى، بين جدرانه يجتمع نخبة من أكبر الاطباء من مختلف التخصصات والمجالات ليس هذا فسحب بل يتواجد فيه أفضل الخبراء الأجانب فى مجالات الطب المختلفة. [read more]
We are an Egyptian internationally established organisation specialised in Cardiovascular, Vascular Access, Dialysis, Urology, Laparoscopic, and Incontinence. [read more]
Woosh Club is a capacity building start up. Committed to creating an impact in the community through mindfulness practices, self awareness and positive psychology. [read more]
Welcare Hospital we strive on your satisfaction and we're highly dedicated to raise it to it's maximum heights, enrich your experience and build a reputable brand name that's worthy of your trust.. [read more]
تتشرف مستشفى وادي الطب بأن تكون أول صرح طبي متكامل فى شمال القاهرة و جنوب الدلتا يقدم خدمات طبية متميزة و نادرة تعوض بها المستشفى القصور الطبى الموجود بالمنطق. [read more]
The Technology Valley Medical Supply (TV-MS) Co. was established in 2016 to serve the medical sector in Egypt then in East Africa, starting from Tanzania providing medical supplies. [read more]
We aim to be a center of excellence in proficiency-based education, artfully blending academic instruction and experience. The main objective is to deliver customized and tailored education.. [read more]
Established In 2013 U-CARE is a health-tech platform that uplifts the clinical diagnostic scene and ensures a convenient patient experience by building smart, reliable, and accredited infrastructure. [read more]
أصبحنا منذ تأسيسنا عام 2008 جزءًا لا يتجزأ من صناعة الخدمات الطبية في مصر وعززنا خلال هذه المدة.. [read more]
We are Wayak, a colloquial Arabic term used to describe the act of accompanying or even standing by someone. Our goal is to help our customers maintain their health by simplifying and unifying.. [read more]
WEDjAT is the healthcare management and consulting unit of the 57357-group. Our clients and business partners utilize the 57357-group's network and expertise in the healthcare industry to.. [read more]
Who We areVirtual Print is a medical company that has created a variety of artificial intelligence solutions that provide the best work results and progress towards the future. [read more]