Kayan is one of the biggest Marketing Hub that aims to help companies to expand their businesses, increase their profit, and attract the attention of potential buyers inside and outside Egypt. [read more]
بودكاست كلمتين بيتكلم ببساطه عن مفاهيم مختلفه في حياتنا المهنيه و اليوميه. [read more]
Khalteleyal is a start-up company specializing in childcare. [read more]
Khater Raouf Architects is an architecture and interior design firm based in New Cairo, established in early 2021 providing a variety of architectural services to diverse high-end.. [read more]
Tie-Dye based brand since 2014 that became a multi-services provider production house for printing and advertising materials ,give aways and Manufacturer of retail fashion products on a business.. [read more]
We aim to provide professional dental services through our team of specialized dental professionals and the finest quality materials. . [read more]
خدمات الشحن والتفريغ لجميع محافظات مصر بأسعار تنافسية. [read more]
A sustainable design office presents a range of green products including moss walls and green roofs. [read more]
Khmaat is considered a marketing platform for food raw materials, for everything you need in a project or for the housewives and provides an online store for merchants of the raw materials, simply.. [read more]
Marketing is a great help for many business establishments to create revenue options,provide many opportunities to earn profits in the process of buying and selling the goods. [read more]
Objectives of Khazanah School of Heritage:Preserving the local and the shared heritage through:Spreading awareness about Heritage and its importance while linking that knowledge with.. [read more]
If you are an individual who is looking for a suitable job, kafa2a will help until you find the right job that meets your expertise and qualifications. [read more]
We provide the following voice over services for E-learning and other projects. For inquiries, please send us an email via: info@khaledwagdy. com. Albanian Voice OverAmharic Voice OverArabic.. [read more]
مكتب كايزن للمحاسبة والمراجعة والخبرة الاستشارية. [read more]
Kravtsov Dental Lab. [read more]
Legal Advisors for startups and young entrepreneurs. [read more]
Leading consultation and training company for management systems like (ISO 22000/14001/45001/9001/17025. . . etc. ) BRC - IFS - FSSC - SQF. . [read more]
بوابتك لمعرفة الحياة و إدارتهاYour Gate to Know Life & Manage it. [read more]
Providing unique experience for your kids through our locally manufactured toys and kids-related products and services. . [read more]
Egypt's Agent for Bromma || Terberg || Buiscar || XCMG || atlantic track || Cavotec. [read more]
Kayan Company for Trading and Supplying Modern Water and Irrigation Systems and Swimming Pool Supplies. [read more]
It is a non-profit organization that takes care of women by providing them with free training courses in various fields in a practitioner style to cope with the job market needs. [read more]
Kamal Sayed Events was founded in 2019 by Kamal's Family. We've been continuing what he started in 1990. With more than 20 years of experience in this field we know how to make our clients.. [read more]
Televes Egypt. Televes is a worldwide technology company specializing in the design, development and manufacture of MATV and IPTV solutions. We have established strong credentials in.. [read more]
Kidlead is a character building academy specialized in experiential learning. . [read more]
Interesting in all about hand made especially crochet. [read more]
Shopping made easier for you so you have time for things that are worthwhile. Get your monthly essentials at wholesale price, and in just 10 minutes. . [read more]
المساهمه في إيجاد أفضل الأساليب والطرق الإدارية في توفير جميع الخدمات المساندة لرجال الأعمال وأصحاب الشركات الناشئة من خلال خدمات بيزنس. [read more]
We are a one stop shop for all your cabinet and woodwork needs. Let us help you pick out your next cabinets for your home. We will design your Kitchen, Dressing and bathroom project, order.. [read more]
KIRMARY Co. , is one of the largest supplying fire protection systems companies in Egypt, with more than 14 years of experience We are the exclusive agent for SPP INC. [read more]
KSZC Rudnay Gyula Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma is a company, located at Taba, South Sinai Governorate. [read more]
We helped companies in different stages: from ideation till execution, to turn around, face their challenges, and seize opportunities with the most creative and realistic business plans that.. [read more]
arabic languafe. [read more]
We offer modern solutions for growing your businessWe are a team of talented Businessmen making a paradigm shift to Small & Medium companies. [read more]
نحن مؤسسة خيرية تهدف إلى تنمية المجتمع وتعمل بحب ومودة وعطاء نحو حياة أفضل. للتبرع لمؤسسة كريمة العلا الخيرية� نرجو الاتصال :01118888007 - 01116222110� او ابعتلنا رسالة برقم تليفونك. [read more]