Sidi Gharib Cemeteries is a cemetery, located at Masjid Sidy Ghareib, Mashtoul El Souk, Sharqia. [read more]
Catholic Coptic's Cemeteries is a cemetery, located at Anobis, Alexandria, Alexandria. [read more]
Cemeteries of Ezbet El Salaheeb is a cemetery, located at Abi El Azayem, El Hamul, Kafr El Shikh. [read more]
Dikirnis Village Cemeteries is a cemetery, located at Dekernes. [read more]
Dikirnis Cemeteries is a cemetery, located at El Zeraah, Dekernes, El Daqahlia. [read more]
Ezbet Ragheb Attia Cemeteries is a cemetery, located at Cemeteries Road, El Mahalla El Kubra, El Gharbia. [read more]
Город мёртвых, или Каирский некрополь — исламское кладбище на юго-востоке Каира, Египет... [read more]
Cemeteries Rest-Sabeel is a cemetery, located at Nasr El Nouba, Aswan. [read more]
Muslims Cemeteries is a cemetery, located at El Qantra Sharq, El Ismailia. [read more]
「メンフィスとその墓地遺跡.. [read more]
Ani ókori egyiptomi írnok volt. Ehnaton fáraó udvarához tartozott. Sírja, az EA23 az amarnai sziklasírok déli csoportjában található; 1891-ben tárták fel. [read more]
Az S 3503-as sír Dzser uralkodása alatt épült, a szakkarai nekropolisz egy síremléke. A sír közvetlenül északra fekszik Szehemka-Szedzs S 3504-es sírjától. [read more]
شركه الشريف تقدم المقابر الجاهزه بجميع المناطق علي مستوي جمهوريه مصر العربيه، بأسعار مناسبه، ومساحات مختلفه. [read more]
The Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Gates of the Kings, is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock cut tombs were excavated for.. [read more]
Amarna Tomb 3 is a sepulchre near Amarna, Upper Egypt. It is dedicated to the Ancient Egyptian noble Ahmes (Ahmose). The burial place is located in the northern side of the wadi that splits.. [read more]
Southern Tomb 23 is a sepulchre in Amarna, Egypt. It was used for the burial of Any, whose titles included, Royal scribe, Scribe of the offering-table of the Aten, Steward of the estate.. [read more]
KV32 on Amenhotep II:n vaimon, kuningatar Tiaan hauta Kuninkaiden laaksossa. Hauta ajoittuu Uuden valtakunnan 18. dynastiaan. Hauta ei koskaan valmistunut eikä sitä koristeltu. [read more]
The Tomb of Merya II is the royal sepulchre of the Ancient Egyptian noble Meryre II. Known as Amarna Tomb 2, it is located in the northern side of the wadi that splits the cluster of tombs.. [read more]
Die Mastaba des Kaninisut auch Mastaba G 2155 befindet sich in Gizeh auf dem sogenannten Westfriedhof der Cheops-Pyramide. Sie wurde für Kaninisut (auch Ka-ni-nisut oder k3-nj-njwś. [read more]
La tombe de la dame Madja et de son époux, un ouvrier de Deir el-Médineh a été découverte en 1934/1935 par l'archéologue français Bernard Bruyère, rattaché à l'Institut.. [read more]
Southern Tomb 11 is an ancient sepulchre located at Amarna, Egypt. It was used for the burial of Ramose (General), whose titles included, "Royal scribe, Commander of troops of the Lord of the.. [read more]
Die Mastaba des Ti ist die Grabanlage eines Beamten in der altägyptischen Nekropole von Sakkara. GeschichteDie Mastaba wurde ca. 2. 400 v. Chr. während der 5. [read more]
The Tomb of Akhethetep, also Tomb or Mastaba of Akhethotep, is a tomb complex that was built and completed at different times in Saqqarah, Giza, Egypt. [read more]
Dzser király sírja az ókori Egyiptomban az abdzsui, ma Umm el-Kaáb nevű temető dinasztikus szektorában az első királysír. A temetőnek ezen részében az ábécé nagybetűivel jelölik.. [read more]
Das Grab des Semerchet befindet sich in Abydos in dem als Umm el-Qaab bezeichneten Teil der Nekropole. Semerchet war der vorletzte Herrscher der 1. Dynastie und regierte um 2850 v. [read more]
قبة وضريح الإمام الشافعي بالقاهرة شيده السلطان الكامل الأيوبي عام 1211 م، ولم يبق منه الآن إلا الضريح.. [read more]
A tumba KV49 (acrônimo de "King's Valley #49"), no Vale dos Reis, é apenas um corredor descendente (veja o site abaixo). Foi provavelmente uma tumba usada para restauração de múmias no.. [read more]
Tell-el-Kebir är en stad i Egypten. Den tillhör guvernementet Ismailia i Nedre Egypten, och är belägen vid sötvattenskanalen och den från Ismaïlia till Kairo gående järnvägen. [read more]
مدافن للبيع شراء مدافن 6 اكتوبر بيع وشراء مدافن 6 اكتوبر. [read more]
Krallar Vadisi ya da Firavunlar Vadisi, Mısır'da bulunan bir vadi. 18. ve 20. Hanedanlık döneminde Yeni Krallık'ın firavunları ve dönemin ileri gelenleri için inşa edilen mezarların bulunduğu vadi. [read more]
La necropoli di Giza è situata nella piana di Giza, alla periferia del Cairo, in Egitto. Questo complesso di antichi monumenti dista 8 km circa dall'antica città di Giza, sul Nilo, e 25 km.. [read more]
孟菲斯及其墓地金字塔(أهرامات الجيزة)是位于埃及開羅郊外,孟菲斯附近,上的考古遺址,其中包括三座金字塔、一個名為狮身人面像的大型雕像、多处墓地及一個工人的村落等。位在距吉薩舊城9公里的沙漠中,在開羅市中心西南方25公里的位置。其中的金字塔在歷史上是的重要標誌,在希臘化時代廣為人知,其中的胡夫金字塔列名在古代世界七大奇蹟中,也是七大奇蹟中目前唯一仍存在的建築物。孟菲斯及其墓地金字塔于1979年列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。金字塔和獅身人面像孟菲斯及其墓地金字塔包括胡夫金字塔﹑卡夫拉金字塔﹑孟卡拉金字塔和一個獅身人面像。胡夫金字塔群胡夫金字塔,又稱吉薩大金字塔,位於埃及吉薩,是古埃及第四王朝的法老胡夫的金字塔,主要作為其陵墓,也是世界上最大、最高的埃及式金字塔,現高,原高,底邊長,約建於前2580年,完工於前2560年,約建了20年,它是古代世界七大奇蹟中最古老及唯一尚存的建築物,其體積約235萬2千立方公尺,用了高達230萬~250萬塊石灰岩建造,其也是世界上質量最大的單一古代建築物體。卡夫拉金字塔群卡夫拉金字塔是埃及的一座金字塔,也是埃及第2大的金字塔,僅次於胡夫金字塔。卡夫拉金字塔也是埃及第四王朝法老卡夫拉的陵墓。卡夫拉金字塔與附近2座金字塔相異的是,在金字塔頂端,仍然保留著部分的石灰岩外殼。. [read more]
شركه دار الرحمه للبيع وشراء المقابر والاحواش على الشريعة الاسلامية فى مدينة (15مايو) و(العين السخنة) و(القاهرة الجديدة) و(مدينة بدر). [read more]
The Giza pyramid complex is an archaeological site on the Giza Plateau, on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. This complex of ancient monuments includes the three pyramid complexes known as the.. [read more]
A Dejr el-Bahari-i rejtekhely, gyakori rövidítése: DB320 vagy TT320 Luxorral szemben, a thébai nekropoliszban található rejtekhely, ahol több mint 50 ókori egyiptomi múmiát.. [read more]