مستشفي اجيال - دكتوره اميمة شعراوي is a hospital, located at Cairo. [read more]
U100 is a digitalized platform that connects best-fit workers with nearby businesses that require temporary labor in sectors like agriculture, food processing, ready-made garments, hospitality,.. [read more]
مستشفي الامل لعلاج الادمان متخصصة في علاج الادمان من المخدرات و العمل مع الأفراد الذين يعانون من.. [read more]
The State of Art Cosmetic Digital and conventional Dental Services. we provide prosthodontics, from Makeovers to full mouth rehabilitations, with continues hands on General dentistry,.. [read more]
Al Shorouk Specialised Hospital (Swiss) is one of the newly established medical facilities in the Arab Republic of Egypt, we belongs to Swiss Hospitals Management Company, which aspires to gain.. [read more]
sarah's beauty center is a hospital, located at Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
Shorouk Specialised Hospital (Swiss) is one of the newly established medical facilities in the Arab Republic of Egypt, we belongs to Swiss Hospitals Management Company, which aspires to gain.. [read more]
Showdental is an international dental exhibition that takes place in Cairo- Egypt at the leading business center in Egypt: Cairo International Convention and Exhibition Center, One of the.. [read more]
Sleep Care Clinic is a world-class comprehensive sleep centre committed to excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. It was founded in 2009 and builds upon the experience of.. [read more]
Conference meeting Rhinology basic and advanced,sleep disorders,skull base surgery's,maxillofacial surgery. [read more]
Founded in 2015, REAP creates integrated solutions for businesses to facilitate their workflow processes. Since day one, we had a clear goal in mind: to merge deep business knowledge with.. [read more]
Rejuvmed. [read more]
مركز باركنسون مصر لعلاج الشلل الرعاش وأمراض اضطرابات الحركة و إجراء عمليات زرع جهاز التنبيه العميق للمخ. [read more]
We sell hearing aids to help people live a normal better life, and to give them all of their needs. Our commitment extends all aspects of your journey to better hearing by personal care and state.. [read more]
Navy Dental Clinic is a hospital, located at 20 شارع الصومال, Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
We provide a wide range of health care services that can be given in your home for an illness or injury just as effective as the care you get in a hospital or SNF. [read more]
Nefert is the first initiative in Egypt which is created for protecting Egyptian women from the cervical cancer and encourage women to do the early detection which is the only solution to.. [read more]
Medical Key is a start up company has a vision to be one of the best reliable company for surgeons in the next 5 years in all the medical fields. [read more]
MedOne Group for Healthcare services (MEDONE Clinics), A group of clinics placed in different touristic areas in Egypt. MedOne clinics mainly cover the Red Sea region in Egypt represented.. [read more]
نحن مجموعة من الأطباء في مختلف التخصصات الطبية المختلفة نسعى لإضافة محتوى طبي عربي بإسلوبٍ سلس، وشيق،.. [read more]
Medcloud provides cost-beneficial and cost-effective paperless solutions to healthcare providers that improve patient outcomes while easing the systemic stress on healthcare organizations.. [read more]
MTA Established in 2003, The medical freed diagnostic lab material, promoting, selling, and all kinds of solving by all menus. The old brand is DTN. . [read more]
Microlab contributes to excellent patient care by providing high quality laboratory testing and patient focused expert consultation at reasonable prices. [read more]
Mandour Medical Center is one of the leading health providers in New Cairo, delivering a variety of different medical services for patients and customers. [read more]
MedHUB is a hospital, located at Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
dividerLa Perle Clinic has been one of the best cosmetic clinics in Egypt for 5 years. Since our launch in 2017, with 11 branches around the Republic to provide all kinds of beauty services.. [read more]
Dermatology and cosmetic dermatology clinic. [read more]
Welcome to Las Lab medical analysis laboratories. We are proud to provide the most accurate results in record times and with the latest international equipment. [read more]
Egyptian company founded 2013 specialized in importing, distributing and suppling laboratory diagnostics like ELISA Kits , Molecular Biology kits , PCR Kits and Primers. [read more]
Karma Clinics (KDC) is the first fully integrated medical Center of excellence in diabetes and hypertension management and prevention in Egypt that aims to offer state of art medical service in.. [read more]
Kravtsov Dental Lab. [read more]
Kimit Clinic is a polyclinic that aims to provide the best services through providing the best & skilled doctors. [read more]
with a 20 years experiance, more than 7000 clients, we create smiles, improve eating, we are the best. [read more]
Since we started in 2014 our main concern is to introduce integrated solutions for medical and scientific sectors especially diagnostic field (IVD), Medical and Scientific Laboratories. [read more]
إنسايت هو مركز طبي متخصص في العلاج النفسي وعلاج الإدمان، وواحد من أفضل مراكز علاج الإدمان في مصر، حاصل.. [read more]
Our greatest capital is our team of highly qualified and trained medical professionals who, collectively, have a vast experience in treating the entire spectrum of heart disease; from new born.. [read more]