SCADAians is a specialized company offering IoT solutions, Fire & Gas, and automation services for integrated systems in various sectors such as oil and gas, utilities, manufacturing,.. [read more]
Shift is a project that aims to help the society by offering trainings for youth whose ages are between 14-17. The trainings depend on gamefication & cover different topics such as.. [read more]
SARD is an Arabic word that can be translated in English into narration. While many research papers and books talked about Shubra, there is not a hub that is permanently located in the middle.. [read more]
صحتك الموقع العربى الاول المهتم بك , صحتك وجمالك يقدم افضل معلومات بالمشاركة مع مختصين ليقدم لك معلومات هامة هادفة ومحتوى يليق بالذوق الراقى. . [read more]
Shop any place Ship to your place. [read more]
About usStrategy Gate is a professional entity specialized in building and managing strategies. It also provides solutions and consultations in all related aspects. [read more]
SAMTRAC INC. is a recognized and highly reputable registered business trademark that has been established in the Canadian province of Ontario in 2003 by the Chairman Mr. [read more]
A company that support the public sector, civilsociety & development entities to utilize technology andinteractive tools in boosting their goals efficiently. [read more]
Gas Detectors Sales & Service Center. Personal Protective Equipment, PPE, Supplier. . [read more]
Facebook: https://www. facebook. com/SemiFormal2022Youtube: https://www. youtube. com/channel/UCNOPDdmq4aqIcaxvejSwdfQ. [read more]
Saucpense is an Egyptian media production company focused on quality storytelling, striking visuals, and innovative design. The combined experience of the in-house team covers commercials,.. [read more]
Studio 39 is a company, located at 14 شارع الصومال, Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
هدفنا اننا نثبت ان التعليم الاختياري افضل الطرق للتعليم الايجابى. . . دلوقتى تقدر تختار الاسلوب اللى تتدرس بيه الانجليزيه. . . يعنى محدش هيفرض عليك اسلوب تقليدي ثابت تتعلم بيه. [read more]
Real Estate as the best tool to build wealth has always been reserved for the wealthy, we are on a journey to change this and democratize the ownership process for everyone. [read more]
Seen real estate is an international Real estate consultancy that was established in 2020 in Saudi Arabia due to our remarkable growth, we are expanding now in Cairo - Egypt providing A wide range.. [read more]
Snapper Productions House is a full service Videography & Photography production company located in Egypt, Cairo & Virginia USA. WE deliver a broad range of services with the highest level of.. [read more]
Shahin Kalila is a Cairo based contracting company with years of experience in planning and executing multi phase interior and exterior projects, including infrastructure design, new construction.. [read more]
أهداف التنمية المستدامة، والمعروفة كذلك باسم الأهداف العالمية، هي دعوة عالمية للعمل من أجل القضاء على الفقر وحماية كوكب الأرض وضمان تمتع جميع الناس بالسلام والازدهار. [read more]
Follow-up of channels frequencies updates, mobile carriers Services, Internet problems solutions, and technology news. . [read more]
Saadawy Hitec is a company, located at 16 شارع الشهداء, Cairo, Cairo Governorate. [read more]
We have chosen Sky Rim as a real experience on the edge of the sky, chosen the highest land point "Al Mokatam" to let you experience the unique breathtaking picturesque view of Cairo. [read more]
. . . هدفنا اننا نثبت ان التعليم الاختياري افضل الطرق للتعليم الايجابىدلوقتى تقدر تختار الاسلوب اللى تتدرس بيه الانجليزيه. . . يعنى محدش هيفرض عليك اسلوب تقليدي ثابت تتعلم بيه. [read more]
Founded by Dr. Yasser Mohamed El-Sayed and continues to operate based on the principle of providing high quality service throughout the design and construction process as we believe that.. [read more]
تأسست سديد في القاهرة ،جمهورية مصر العربية ، كشركة محاماة دولية رائدة ، مكرسة جهودها لتقديم مجموعة شاملة.. [read more]
In SMARTEX we are specialized in providing a wide range of products and services that help in advancing scientific and engineering research and education. [read more]
We are a rapidly growing full-service architecture firm offering interior and exterior design, landscape design and architecture engineering consultancy services. [read more]
SFCL is a research laboratory where four different research hubs and units will be established to serve to achieve the urban design and urban planning department, Ain Shams University's research plan. [read more]
Societe Francaise De Voiture (SFV) is a spare parts trading company. It is the agent and sole distributor of many well-respected international brands. [read more]
Samra Concepts believes that innovation is the key to success, starting from there magic comes. We are providing more than design; we are providing the suitable solution for you. [read more]
Marketing and sales specialists leading your business to grow up with a full online marketing services. [read more]
is a leading Medical Company specialized at projects management and Medical training centers with experience more than 10 years. We are specialized in managing and Equipping Medical clinics ,.. [read more]
special Education is the main topic for special needs. [read more]
For Sweet and Fresh strawberries. [read more]
We specialize in the construction of solid and liquid sodium silicate plants. We have more than 20 years of experience in the field of sodium silicate. [read more]
testing page for sharing pdf. [read more]
Space Dev is providing professional services. Branding, Social media Management, Marketing Strategies, Business Analysis, Web & App Developments, Graphic Design. [read more]