Fondée en 2017, Wisecorp n'a cessé de grandir depuis. Que ce soit de l'assistance technique classique, de la mise à disposition d'experts, de consultants, de l'aide au recrutement ou.. [read more]
The Algerian Tour Operator, VISA TRAVEL was created in 2000 by Mr. CHAIB Mohamed Kamel whose experienced in tourism, dates back to 1985- in 2022, 36 years of experience and 22 years of existence.. [read more]
Tinhinan is a North African-inspired skincare brand that creates natural and organic products to enhance your natural beauty inside and out. We draw on centuries of traditional knowledge and.. [read more]
Electrical and Solar consultancy : Solar energy design• consultancy & grid enhancement• Study the possibility to install the PV system• Environmental impact assessments• Grid.. [read more]
tiifa is a company, located at Ouargla, Ouargla Province. [read more]
Previously Named LAROUI E. S. S School that was founded in 2010. TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (T. D. I) is serving the public and the industry sector by delivering experts lead training.. [read more]
THINK SOL is a company, located at Ouargla, Ouargla Province. [read more]
سمو رقمي شريكك الإبداعي في عالم التسويق الرقمياستراتيجيات ♟️تطوير الهوية 🖌️إدارة الحملات الإعلانية 💸صناعة وإدارة المحتوى 📽️. [read more]
Safety Integrated Solutions is a Training and Consultancy service provider with the mission to ENGAGE our customers to succeed in the AFRICA LOCAL CONTENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN. [read more]
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La sécurité est une priorité dans notre société, Oulift peut vous aider en fournissant un matériel de haute QUALITE et conforme aux normes les plus strictes en matière de levage. [read more]
oilfield services. [read more]
At LINAT , our great tasting products are created with carefully chosen, wholesome, #gluten_free ingredients that help make living a healthy life easier. [read more]
Civil works, turn-key projects, oilfield services in Algeria. [read more]
Sarl Eps Ben Ali Trans is a company, located at Hassi Messaoud, Ouargla Province. [read more]
Safety Pro delivering high-quality Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Training and Consultancy throughout the world. . . . [read more]
RAQIB. . The first control & management portal system, It has been built by Algerians. [read more]
Learn English through performance and real-life situationsClick the link below to join us. [read more]
Un prestataire de service leader dans le domaine de traitement documentaire, PROARCHIVE met à la disposition de ses clients la technicité et le savoir faire nécessaire pour repondre exactement.. [read more]
Travaux à intervenir• Soudage pipe tous diamètre 2" a 48" on BP ou HP• Elaboration des procédés de soudage• Préfabrication montage manifold ou tous type ou cor métallique.. [read more]
OuedRigh. com is a company, located at Touggourt, Ouargla. [read more]
Oil and gas. [read more]
We provide custom software development and IT outsourcing services. Our developers build custom software for individuals, startups, and small to medium business. [read more]
MRO InventoryPhysical counts of your tools, supplies, and parts. Wall-to-Wall InventoryPhysical inventory count of your entire warehouse. Parts InventoryTaking stock of your raw materials, work.. [read more]
The University of Ouargla is a university located in Ouargla, Algeria. It was founded on March 22, 1988. The university covers 88 hectares, has six libraries and 26 research laboratories. [read more]
KHIDMATK is an Algerian company. It is legally domiciled in Hassi Messaoud that design, develop, printing services the company was founded by BENZAOUI Mohamed Abdelghani in 2016. [read more]
« International Sécurité Sud », par abréviation I. S. S. est une S. A. R. L. au capital Social De 80. 000. 000,00 D. A. Son siège social est sis Coopérative.. [read more]
SARL HaiderAli Contracting fondée en 2000 est orientée vers les domaines suivants:Travaux routiers/Aérodromes / travaux d'asphaltage/ Terrassement/Aménagement de pistes/.. [read more]
GiE a pour vocation d'accompagner les industriels dans les différentes phases de réalisation de leurs installations. GiE met ses équipes à votre service pour du conseil en ingénierie avancée.. [read more]
Cher client,Nous fournissons des études professionnelle pour vos projets sur le marché algérien du Oil & Gas / Production d'électricité. Nos services :-Etudes de faisabilité pour vos.. [read more]
Description de l'entrepriseDJEGHOUBI Consulting est un Bureau d'étude, conseil et d'expertise industrielle spécialisé dans les domaines de management de la Qualité, de l'Environnement et de.. [read more]
Eurl BRS Sud et une société spécialisé dans le domaine Travaux Public & Hydraulique et Pétrolier ( Oil and Gas Industry ) qui offre des services multiples aux sociétés étrangères et nationales. [read more]
✒️ | Graphic Desinger📢 | Online Marketer🎯 | I help you achieve your goal👉 | Join me now🤩. [read more]
Well ServicesZergoune NoureddineC. E. O. [read more]
🎓 Training | Conferences | Events | Competitions | Volunteering📍Faculty of HREEUS | Pole 3 U. K. M. Ouargla. [read more]