اضرب فق لا دقس خاوتك. [read more]
Pharmacie AHMADOU Hadja is a pharmacy, located at Kais. They can be contacted via phone at +213 560 70 27 33 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Gynécologue Mdergnarou is a hospital, located at Unnamed Rd, Kais, Kais. [read more]
CEM Hadouf Ammar is a school, located at Kais. [read more]
السوق اليومي للمواد الغذائية is a store, located at Kais. [read more]
المسجد العتيق هو اقدم مساجد قايس بني عندما كانت قايس عبارة عن قرية صغيرة سنة 1354 للهجرة الموافق ل 1932 م يتواجد منذ الفترة الاستعمارية يقع جنوب الطريق الرئيسي لقايس. [read more]
كشك أدوات الصيد is a store, located at Kais. [read more]
مدرسة تعليم السياقة, located at Kais. [read more]
مسجد منظم ما شاء الله. [read more]
مركز مليح وجد مفيد. [read more]
epspkais is a doctor, located at Kais. [read more]
يتوفر هنا مخبر للتحاليل الطبية. [read more]
ملعب رقعة ناجي is a stadium, located at N88, Kais. [read more]
موقف السيارات is a parking, located at Kais. [read more]
Agence Mobilis, located at N88, Kais. They can be contacted via phone at +213 32 77 91 32 for more detailed information. . [read more]
صيدلية العابد is a pharmacy, located at Unnamed Rd, قايس, Kais. [read more]
أقرب مدرسة ابتدائية لحي الباطيمات. [read more]
يجانب مسجد عمار بن ياسر. [read more]
Lycée Achi is a school, located at Kais. [read more]
صيدلية اليسر is a pharmacy, located at Kais. [read more]
إكمالية الأخوة ريحاني is a school, located at Kais. [read more]
Hako boutique info-tech, located at Kais. [read more]
يحتوي على قاعة عائلية. [read more]
المؤسسة الوطنية للأشغال العمومية, located at Kais. [read more]
ZerfaFayssal is a store, located at نهج سعد ابن قيس، Sidi Bel Abbès. They can be contacted via phone at +213 676 28 49 24 for more detailed information. [read more]
laati fateh is a home goods store, located at N88, Kais. They can be contacted via phone at +213 32 77 07 77 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Pharmacie Sahraoui is a doctor, located at Zoui. They can be contacted via phone at +213 32 33 94 22 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Controle technique Automobiles Azzedine is a gas station, located at Tazougart. They can be contacted via phone at +213 32 73 85 14 for more detailed information. [read more]
مسطوصف متعدد الخدمات is a hospital, located at M’Toussa. [read more]
مدرسة مرابط is a school, located at M’Toussa. They can be contacted via phone at +213 667 78 01 27 for more detailed information. . [read more]
ملعب كرة القدم, located at امتوسة, M’Toussa. [read more]
سوق مغطى is a shopping mall, located at pres mtoussa, M’Toussa. [read more]
يتعلم فيه الناس العديد من المهنات. [read more]
Gestion de Contacts utile et facile d'utilisation. Offre également toute une gamme de services gratuits. . [read more]
A wonderful Wedding Hall, expensive but worth it. [read more]
المعهد الوطني المتخصص في التكوين المهني الشهيد الهادي عمراني خنشلة, located at 160 El-Zawya Housing, Khenchela. They can be contacted via phone at +213 32 70 40 56 for more detailed information. [read more]