Name:Hospital Dra. AmaditaPhone:(809) 242-1293Amenity:Hospital. [read more]
Name:Gasolineria ShellAmenity:Fuel. [read more]
Name:Supermercado AlbaShop:SupermarketSource:KG Ground Survey 2016. [read more]
Name:Tienda Dicone CasualShop:Clothes. [read more]
Name:Ultimo TragoAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Escuela De Sordo/MudoAmenity:School. [read more]
Name:Cuerpo De Bomberos PalmaritoAmenity:Fire Station. [read more]
Name:Panadería DennyAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:El Salto JimenoaHeight:35Waterway:WaterfallA place where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of drops in the course of a stream or river. [read more]
Name:Gregoria SánchezPlace:HamletA smaller rural community, typically with fewer than 100-200 inhabitants, and little infrastructure. . [read more]
Landuse:MilitaryMilitary:CheckpointPlace where civilian visitors and vehicles will be checked by a military authority. . [read more]
Name:Mi Vista Mountain ResortTourism:HotelHotel - an establishment that provides paid lodging. [read more]
Name:Mía Vista AppartmentsTourism:ApartmentA furnished apartment or flat with cooking and bathroom facilities that can be rented for holiday vacations. [read more]
Name:Pollera Los MellizosAmenity:Restaurant. [read more]
Name:Centro De Goma Pacheco. [read more]
Name:Salón MarisolShop:HairdresserContact Facebook:Https://www. facebook. com/salondbm/. [read more]
Name:Ferreteria ContreraLanduse:Retail. [read more]
Name:Caseta Los TablonesPlace:LocalityA named place that has no population. . [read more]
Name:InvernosaShop:PawnbrokerSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Avenida Garcia Godoy. [read more]
Name:FranshescoutureShop:ClothesSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Avenida Garcia Godoy. [read more]
Name:Dr. Agustin BurgosSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Amenity:DoctorsAddr City:La VegaAddr Street:Avenida Garcia Godoy. [read more]
Name:Super Banca AlexShop:LotterySource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Avenida Garcia Godoy. [read more]
Name:Joyería Y Compraventa "Ramiro"Shop:JewelrySource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Don Luis Despradel. [read more]
Name:Nueva ModaShop:ClothesSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Don Luis Despradel. [read more]
Name:Gran AperturaShop:YesSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Don Luis Despradel. [read more]
Name:Mega VegaShop:YesSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr City:La VegaAddr Street:Don Luis Despradel. [read more]
Name:Mini Market El DoradoShop:ConvenienceSource:KG Ground Survey 2016Addr Street:Avenida Pedro A. Rivera. [read more]
Name:Madera Castillo AbogadosOffice:LawyerAn office for a lawyer. Name Es:Madera Castillo AbogadosAddr Street:Calle Chefito Batista. [read more]
Name:Comedor Y Pica Pollo TurísticoAmenity:RestaurantName Es:Comedor Y Pica Pollo TurísticoAddr Street:Hacía Confluencia. [read more]
Name:Gomas Lubricantes Y MotopiezasShop:TyresName Es:Gomas Lubricantes Y MotopiezasAddr Street:Federico Basilis. [read more]
Name:Agroveterinaria Casa SanchezShop:Car PartsName Es:Agroveterinaria Casa SanchezAddr Street:Moca - La Vega. [read more]
Name:Jardin Rosa MariaTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:AntenaTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:Supercolmado La PeraTourism:AttractionAn object of interest for a tourist, or a purpose-built tourist attraction. [read more]
Name:CanchasShop:Bakery. [read more]
Name:Oficialia Segunda CircunscripciónPhone:8095735303Office:GovernmentAn office of a (supra)national, regional or local government agency or departmentWebsite:Https://jce. [read more]