Gjern Bibliotek is a library, located at Skovvejen 6, 8883 Gjern. They can be contacted via phone at +45 89 70 27 47 for more detailed information. . [read more]
De har de fleste bøger, som man har brug for. Også et stort ungeudvalg inden for bogverdnen. . De er altid søde til at hjælpe. [read more]
Ejstrupholm Bibliotek is a library, located at Præstegårdsvej 8, 7361 Ejstrupholm. They can be contacted via phone at +45 75 77 25 44 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sunds Bibliotek is a library, located at Sunds Hovedgade 50, 7451 Sunds. They can be contacted via phone at +45 96 28 88 66 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ikast Bibliotek is a library, located at Grønnegade 25, 7430 Ikast. They can be contacted via phone at +45 99 60 51 20 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Hammerum Bibliotek is a library, located at Højgade 2C, 7400 Herning. They can be contacted via phone at +45 96 28 88 60 for more detailed information. [read more]
Karup Bibliotek Viborg Bibliotekerne is a library, located at Ved Banen 5, 7470 Karup J. They can be contacted via phone at +45 87 87 35 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Suveræn hjælp på få min var jeg ude af døren og havde ordnet mit ærinde. . . . Et moderne bibliotek med bl. a. faciliteter indenfor IT og 3D-printing. [read more]
Hedensted Bibliotek is a library, located at Østerbrogade 26, 8722 Hedensted. They can be contacted via phone at +45 79 74 13 70 for more detailed information. [read more]
Brædstrup Bibliotek is a library, located at Niels Wongesvej 8, 8740 Brædstrup. They can be contacted via phone at +45 76 29 24 80 for more detailed information. [read more]
Brande Bibliotek is a library, located at Centerparken 2, 7330 Brande. They can be contacted via phone at +45 99 60 34 20 for more detailed information. [read more]
Videbæk Bibliotek is a library, located at Fischersvej 6, 6920 Videbæk. They can be contacted via phone at +45 99 74 26 30 for more detailed information. [read more]
Skjern Bibliotek is a library, located at 6900, Engtoften 1, 6900 Skjern. They can be contacted via phone at +45 99 74 26 20 for more detailed information. [read more]
Egå Bibliotek is a library, located at Egå Havvej 5, 8250 Egå. They can be contacted via phone at +45 89 40 95 00 for more detailed information. . [read more]
They do a lot of great for the local community. Available gardens. A variety of events. Coffee I do however miss more power plugs, so you can bring your own PC. [read more]
Åben 24/7 brug sygesikringsbevis + kode. [read more]
Virkelig dejligt sted. Stor børneafdeling med tablets, spillemaskiner, spil og legetøj, møbler til at sidde og læse i osv. Også en stor læsesal med aviser m. [read more]
Gode åbningstider og altid et besøg værd med børn i alle aldre. . Skønt lokalt bibliotek. . [read more]
Vi siger tak til Skive bibliotek for at booke os Slangetaemmer. dk Det var rart at se så mange mennesker der havde lyst til at se og høre noget om slanger. [read more]
Kjellerup Bibliotek is a library, located at Tinghusvej 16, 8620 Kjellerup. They can be contacted via phone at +45 89 70 48 70 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ansatte på biblioteket er altid meget hjælpsomme. Biblioteket forsøger, hele tiden, at udvikle og følge med tiden. Altid en fornøjelse at komme på biblioteket. [read more]
Great service from the competent staff. Recommended. . Lokal Bibliotek med engageret medarbejder og gå arrangementer ligger i Kulturhus Hasle. Hyggeligt lille bibliotek med venligt personale. [read more]
Åby Bibliotek is a library, located at Ludvig Feilbergs Vej 7, 8230 Åbyhøj. They can be contacted via phone at +45 89 40 95 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Godt kulturhus og bibliotek. Jeg besøgte caféen og fik en god kop kaffe og tærte. Prisen er lidt høj men kvaliteten er derefter. . Biblioteket i Herning har udover at være bibliotek formået.. [read more]
Simply put the greatest theater and group of artists in Denmark. . From their own performances - to the makings of Holstebro Festuge - it always comes out amazing. [read more]
Ulfborg Bibliotek is a library, located at Bredgade 3, 6990 Ulfborg. They can be contacted via phone at +45 96 11 68 80 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fantastisk sted med et godt utvalg bøker, gratis internett og fine steder å sitte både for å slappe av med en bok eller å studere, men det viktigste av alt for meg; utrolig trivelig.. [read more]