Hjertebegravelse startede i Allerød og har siden spredt sig til de omkringliggende byer. Fokus har siden starten været på at hjælpe med en god afsked til en fornuftig pris. [read more]
Hornsleth's Eftf. Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Ejnar Schous Allé 15, 7130 Juelsminde. They can be contacted via phone at +45 75 62 10 24 for more detailed information. [read more]
Hornsleth’s Eftf. Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Sygehusvej 4, 8740 Brædstrup. They can be contacted via phone at +45 75 62 10 24 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kronjyllands Begravelsesforretning - Hinnerup is a funeral home, located at Ådalsvej 2, 8382 Hinnerup. They can be contacted via phone at +45 86 98 39 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Glad for den støtte og hjælp vi fik i en svær situation. . [read more]
Kronjyllands Begravelsesforretning - Langå is a funeral home, located at Bredgade 42, 8870 Langå. They can be contacted via phone at +45 86 46 28 22 for more detailed information. [read more]
Midtgaard & Thomsen is a funeral home, located at Kongevej 13, 6630 Rødding. They can be contacted via phone at +45 74 84 16 55 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dorthe var meget hurtig til at hjælpe med alt det praktiske, ved min fars Bisættelse. Kan kun videregive min anbefaling, for et godt forløb. . Dygtig bedemand i Odense. [read more]
Burial GENEGA Skjern A / S is a funeral home, located at Østergade 44, 6900 Skjern. They can be contacted via phone at +45 97 35 19 40 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vesteregnens Begravelsesforretning Tønder is a funeral home, located at Ribe Landevej 49, 6270 Tønder. They can be contacted via phone at +45 74 72 30 25 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vestlollands Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Svingelsvej 70, 4900 Nakskov. They can be contacted via phone at +45 54 95 17 95 for more detailed information. [read more]
Brunsborgs Bedemandsforretning is a funeral home, located at Torvet 13, 4990 Sakskøbing. They can be contacted via phone at +45 29 29 43 26 for more detailed information. [read more]
Stege & Stensved Funeral Business is a funeral home, located at Storegade 85, 4780 Stege. They can be contacted via phone at +45 55 81 44 66 for more detailed information. [read more]
Var meget forstående og overbærende ved min mors bisættelse, vi havde brug for en rolig og venlig bedemand, og det fik vi, tak for hjælpen. . [read more]
Super service og en meget professionel og behagelig oplevelse. . [read more]
Degn Funeral Korsor is a funeral home, located at Fuglebakken 8, 4220 Korsør. They can be contacted via phone at +45 30 80 99 81 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Jerslev is a funeral home, located at Smedegade 44, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 44 47 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Eskebjerg is a funeral home, located at Smedegade 44, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 44 47 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Kalundborg is a funeral home, located at Smedegade 44, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 44 47 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Vemmelev is a funeral home, located at Smedegade 44, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 44 47 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Slagelse is a funeral home, located at Smedegade 44, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 44 47 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Sorø is a funeral home, located at Smedegade 44, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 44 47 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bedemand Annette Bøgh og Henrik Juul - Gørlev is a funeral home, located at Algade 17, 4281 Gørlev. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 85 55 58 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fuglebjergvej Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Ingemannsvej 16, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 55 45 35 16 for more detailed information. [read more]
En meget professionel og behagelig oplevelse, at benytte bedemand Annette Bøgh. Jeg og min familie kan kun anbefale forretningen. . [read more]
Dalmose Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Ingemannsvej 16, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 18 41 43 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fuglebjerg KISTENFABRIK A / S is a funeral home, located at Nøddebovej 4, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 58 04 for more detailed information. [read more]
Venlig, behagelig, empatisk og meget professionel. Bedemand Annette Bøgh og øvrige i forretningen, kan varmt anbefales. . [read more]
Bedemand Berner ApS is a funeral home, located at Ingemannsvej 16, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 10 18 for more detailed information. [read more]
Skælskør Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Nyvej 10, 4230 Skælskør. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 19 41 42 for more detailed information. [read more]
Korsør Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Jens Baggesens Gade 33, 4220 Korsør. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 36 10 48 for more detailed information. [read more]
Korsør Ligkistemagasin ApS is a funeral home, located at Jens Baggesens Gade 37, 4220 Korsør. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 37 03 72 for more detailed information. [read more]
Søvndals Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Volden 2, 4200 Slagelse. They can be contacted via phone at +45 58 52 30 10 for more detailed information. [read more]
Der er bare service hele vejen, selv måneder efter begravelsen, kan man ringe og få hjælp, med papirene. stor tak herfra. . Rart med en lokal bedemand, der kender byens kirker og præster. [read more]
Danske Begravelser. DK ApS is a funeral home, located at Nyager 4, 2605 Brøndbyvester. They can be contacted via phone at +45 71 99 88 00 for more detailed information. [read more]
Nordbornholms Begravelsesforretning is a funeral home, located at Markvejen 1, 3770 Allinge. They can be contacted via phone at +45 56 48 00 20 for more detailed information. [read more]