it is a small airport with tight security and 2 gates. no one demands money when you visit the restroom and there is no need to pay an airport fee to leave the country. [read more]
Djibouti–Ambouli International Airport is a joint civilian/military-use airport situated in the town of Ambouli, Djibouti. It serves the national capital, Djibouti City. [read more]
Shop and Ship est un service d'achat en ligne, vous achetez et nous vous livrerons via nos 18 adresses dans le monde. Simple et efficace. . [read more]
Ali-Sabieh Airport is an airport serving the city of Ali-Sabieh in the Ali Sabieh Region of Djibouti. . [read more]
Promotion et Développement du quartier d'Ambouli. [read more]
Port lotniczy Dżibuti-Ambouli – międzynarodowy port lotniczy położony w Dżibuti. Jest największym portem lotniczym w Dżibuti. Linie lotnicze i połączenia Air France (Paryż-Charles.. [read more]
O Aeroporto Internacional de Djibouti-Ambouli é um aeroporto internacional localizado na cidade de Ambouli e que serve principalmente a cidade de Djibouti, no país de mesmo nome. [read more]
Bandar Udara Internasional Djibouti-Ambouli adalah sebuah bandara gabungan militer dan sipil yang berada di Kota Djibouti, Djibouti. MiliterSebagai tambahan dari fungsinya sebagai bandara.. [read more]
吉布提-安布利國際機場是軍民兩用機場。位於吉布提吉布提城。軍事基地除了民用外,還有軍事設施,以下是設在吉布提國際機場的驻機部隊: 法國軍事(法國外籍兵團)法國外籍兵團第13團-空軍Lemonier營-機場西南面。外部連結 機場資料. [read more]
Amboulin kansainvälinen lentoasema on lentoasema Djiboutin pääkaupunki Djiboutissa. Vuonna 2004 se palveli 182 641 matkaajaa. Lentoyhtiöt Air France Daallo Airlines Djibouti Air Eritrean.. [read more]
L'aéroport international de Djibouti offre un service avec ou sans escale vers plus de 125 villes du monde et destination. . [read more]
Der Flughafen Dschibuti oder Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport, ist der größte Verkehrsflughafen im ostafrikanischen Staat Dschibuti. Er liegt etwa vier Kilometer außerhalb der.. [read more]
ジブチ国際空港(ジブチこくさいくうこう、Aéroport.. [read more]
Djibouti-Ambouli internasjonale lufthavn er en flyplass i byen Djibouti by i Djibouti. Flyplassen hadde i 2004, 182. 641 passasjerer, og er betegnet som en internasjonal flyplass. [read more]
Aéroport International de Djibouti-Ambouli مطار جيبوتي الدولي is an airport, located at Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport, Route Nationale 2 / الطريق الوطني رقم 2-Ville. [read more]
Aérodrome de Tadjoura مطار تاجورة is an airport, located at Tadjoura Airport, Piste des Sables Blancs طريق الرمال البيضاء, Tadjoura. [read more]
Aérodrome d'Obock مطار أبخ is an airport, located at Obock Airport, الطريق الوطني رقم 14, Obock. [read more]
Aérodrome d'Ali Sabieh مطار علي صبيح is an airport, located at Ali Sabieh Airport, Ali Sabieh - Djibouti جيبوتي-علي صبيح, Ali Sabieh. [read more]
Base Aérienne de Chabelley مطار شابلي is an airport, located at Chabelley Airport, Holhol-Djibouti / طريق هلهول - جيبوتي, Shabili. [read more]
Aérodrome de Dorra مطار درة is an airport, located at Dorra Airport, Piste Dorra-Mouddo طريق درة-مودو, Akaré. [read more]