They helped me without a lot of bureaucracy, the lady at the registration desk on Friday was very courteous and competent. Thank you again
I cannot recommend this practice. Long waiting times for telephone inquiries and medical examinations, despite an appointment. In addition, there is a sometimes unfriendly team.
Dr. Wang is a great doctor and I thank him and his team from the bottom of my heart.
We were on vacation and unfortunately I became ill. I came across this practice via Google.
Friendly initial contact on the phone, very nice practice team, pleasant atmosphere and a very friendly doctor (Mr. Wang).
I can only recommend the practice community!
Thank you again for the quick help!
I have been in the practice for 35 years and am very satisfied with the team and the doctors. My family doctor has been there for years, Mr. Ölund, he always takes the time you need to give good advice. TOP
Very nice and competent team. I've been there since I was a child and have always had positive experiences. Waiting times are quite manageable depending on how busy it is. If it takes longer, it doesn't bother me - I'm patient and forgiving. In my opinion, that also speaks for the competence. At least you take the time for each patient and I think that's great, that's how it should be.
Die Praxis ist riesig aber das Wartezimmer hat Kapazität für 5 Patienten.
Nur durch langes betteln wird man in die Kartei aufgenommen. Dann wird im Anschluss über einen geredet wieso man nicht woanders hingeht.
Sehr arrogantes Personal.
Keine Terminvereinbarung möglich. Wenn man ein Gespräch mit dem Arzt führen möchte, muss man morgens anrufen um dann später einen Rückruf zu erhalten. Dann wartet man die ganze Zeit auf den Anruf aus der Praxis. Ist man dann endlich dort muss man trotzdem oft noch warten. Das Personal ist stets sehr freundlich. Die Behandlung ist gut.