Cab Ride - Your Trusted Airport Transfer Service. Book your Frankfurt airport transfer online with CabRide. We offer reliable airport transfers, city, and intercity rides. [read more]
ELS Executive Limousine Service offers a excellent and luxury transportation service for private individuals, business travellers and companies. All limousines belong to the premium car segment.. [read more]
BEONTRA Scenario PlanningIntegrated corporate planning suite for infrastructure providersTraffic infrastructure is being designed and built for the long-term. [read more]
We understand it: every customer is unique - and so are the Amorph Solutions!We empower our clients with best prediction and forecasting technologies for riskless and reliable decision making. [read more]
Schwäbisch Hall-Weckrieden is an airport, located at Tüngentaler Straße, 74523 Schwäbisch Hall. They can be contacted via phone at +49 791 2031 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kehl-Sundheim is an airport, located at 77694 Kehl. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7851 5360 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Rottweil-Zepfenhan is an airport, located at Hirtenstall, 78628 Rottweil. [read more]
Gruibingen Nortel is an airport, located at 73344 Gruibingen. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7164 2464 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Ingelfingen-Bühlhof is an airport, located at Lerchenbühl, 74653 Ingelfingen. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7940 8462 for more detailed information. [read more]
Leutkirch-Unterzeil is an airport, located at Flugplatz 16, 88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7561 3156 for more detailed information. [read more]
Albstadt-Degerfeld is an airport, located at Degerfeld 1, 72461 Albstadt. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7431 800580 for more detailed information. [read more]
Giengen-Brenz is an airport, located at Irpfel 1, 89537 Giengen an der Brenz. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7322 7278 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bartholomä-Amalienhof is an airport, located at Wolf-Hirth-Straße 27, 73566 Bartholomä. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7173 7530 for more detailed information. [read more]
Winzeln-Schramberg is an airport, located at Flugplatzweg 1, 78737 Fluorn-Winzeln. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7422 8750 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mosbach-Lohrbach is an airport, located at Am Flugplatz 1, 74821 Mosbach. They can be contacted via phone at +49 6261 674791 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regio Airport Mengen is an airport, located at Flugplatz, 88512 Mengen. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7572 711047 for more detailed information. [read more]
Aalen-Elchingen is an airport, located at Hinteres Härtle 4, 73450 Neresheim. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7367 7122 for more detailed information. [read more]
Radolfzell-Stahringen is an airport, located at 78333 Stockach. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7771 2829 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Schwenningen am Neckar is an airport, located at Spittelbronner Weg 62, 78056 Villingen-Schwenningen. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7720 5823 for more detailed information. [read more]
Segelflugelände Teck is an airport, located at Alte Bissinger Straße, 73265 Dettingen unter Teck. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7021 54410 for more detailed information. [read more]
Herten-Rheinfelden is an airport, located at Hauptstraße 80, 79618 Rheinfelden (Baden). They can be contacted via phone at +49 7623 4571 for more detailed information. [read more]
Altdorf-Wallburg is an airport, located at Flugplatzstraße 2, 77955 Ettenheim. They can be contacted via phone at +49 7822 896843 for more detailed information. [read more]
腓特烈港机场(Flughafen Friedrichshafen,),亦称博登湖机场(Bodensee-Airport),是一座位于德国巴登-符腾堡州腓特烈港的区域性商用机场,是德国境内最南端的机场,也是及的枢纽机场,并毗邻。地理位置及交通腓特烈港机场位于博登湖畔腓特烈港的东北部,距离腓特烈港市区约3公里。机场用地约各有一半分属腓特烈港及梅肯博伊伦管辖。从来自乌尔姆方向的和来自弗赖堡方向的可以直接抵达机场,而通过的2号出口(林道)也可连接至机场。此外,机场在线上也设有自身的站点,即。历史腓特烈港机场的商用飞行历史可以追溯到1913年。当时德意志国正在齐柏林飞艇的工厂附近寻求合适的场地,以对飞艇机组人员进行培训。1915年,首座飞艇机库在现址落成,宣告了腓特烈机场的诞生。并在同年举行了首架飞艇完工后的处女航。自1929年起,汉莎航空开始在腓特烈港设立定期航班。1934年,的前身,多尼尔金属制造公司(Dornier Metallbauten)在机场建成了一座全新的带测试部门和飞行运营功能的机库。1945年机场被法国军队占领,同盟國将其称为R. [read more]
Mannheim-City is an airport, located at Seckenheimer Landstraße 172, 68163 Mannheim. They can be contacted via phone at +49 621 419390 for more detailed information. [read more]
El aeropuerto de Friedrichshafen está situado a 3 km al noreste de Friedrichshafen,. HistoriaSus inicios se remontan a 1913, cuando el Imperio Alemán buscaba un lugar cercano a la factoría de.. [read more]
Ihr zuverlässiges Taxi in Pforzheim. Sie brauchen ein Taxi in Pforzheim und Umgebung? Wir schicken es Ihnen! Bitte rufen Sie uns unter der Telefonnummer an: 0 72 31 / 45 54 54 *** Bitte.. [read more]
Bitburg Airport is a commercial airport serving Bitburg, a city in the Rhineland-Palatinate state of Germany. It is located 2 miles southeast of Bitburg, 32 km north of Trier, and 217 km west.. [read more]
Der Flugplatz Bitburg ist ein Verkehrslandeplatz mit Nachtfluggenehmigung bei Bitburg in der Region Trier. Er war zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges ein Militärflugplatz der US Air Force und trug.. [read more]
فرودگاه شهری مانهایم یک فرودگاه با کد یاتا MHG است که یک باند فرود آسفالت دارد و طول باند آن ۱۰۶۶ متر است... [read more]
Luchthaven Friedrichshafen is een luchthaven, 3 km ten noorden van de Duitse stad Friedrichshafen. Het is de op drie na drukste luchthaven van Baden-Württemberg; hij zorgde voor vervoer.. [read more]
Der Heidelberg Army Heliport, zuvor Heidelberg Army Airfield, ist ein ehemaliger Militärflugplatz der US Army im Heidelberger Stadtteil Kirchheim, der als Heliport benutzt wurde. [read more]
Wir machen Parken einfach und bezahlbar. [read more]
Empresa Localizada em Wurmlingen Na Alemanha,com mais de 10 anos prestando Serviço de transfer para Empresas da Região e também Clientes Particulares. [read more]
Motorflug in Heidelberg auf dem City-Airport Mannheim EDFM. [read more]
Zu unseren Dienstleistungen zählen: - Stadt & Überlandfahrten - Flughafentransfers - Hochzeitsfahrten - Ausflugsfahrten - Radtaxi bis 16 Fahrräder auf einmal - Discotransfers - Patiententransporte. [read more]
Heute stellt die TAXI ZENTRALE Böblingen Sindelfingen mit insgesamt über 45 Fahrzeugen knapp 85% des Böblinger Taxigewerbes und ist somit mit Abstand die bedeutendste Taxizentrale der Stadt. [read more]