Ανεξάρτητος, υπερκομματικός Πολιτευτής Independent, non-partisan Statesman. [read more]
Fitness Centre- Join our brand new Fitness Centre in Nicosia! SPECIAL OPENING OFFER: 4 months for just 200 EURO!. [read more]
Το Ιδιωτικό Φροντιστήριο Εύνοια, ασχολείται αποκλείστηκα με το μάθημα των Μαθηματικών Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης. . [read more]
We undertake any kind of mechanical works , Central heating of any kind, Air conditioning , Plumbing and ventilation. [read more]
Επιλεγμένα αυτοκίνητα στις καλύτερες τιμές. [read more]
•Φιλολογικά μαθήματα σε μαθητές Γυμνασίου και Λυκείου. •Βοήθεια και καθημερινό διάβασμα σε μαθητές δημοτικού. • Τηλ. 95786941. [read more]
Σπιτικές μοναδικες δημιουργίες με ιδιαίτερη προσοχη στη λεπτομέρεια, για να εντυπωσιάσετε τους φίλους και την οικογένειά σας!. [read more]
EarthMasonry is a research project aims to develop an environmentally friendly earth masonry system that will be composed of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs). [read more]
Violin maker as a profession and violinist as a hobby, Marios trying to produced the best making and sounding handmade violins. . [read more]
Find many designs in cheap prices. Even more you can find any other phone or laptop accessory and soon you will be able to search diferent categories of products. [read more]
Voulez-vous vous poursuivre vos études en Chypre ? Business consulting international avec ses agents compétents et dévoués vous rassure une admission rapide et garantie à 100%. [read more]
A refurnished and restored hostel in the center of Lefkosa with a restaurant. . [read more]
Школа - Клуб Помогаем повысить личный социальный статус, зная секреты этикета и изящных манер. . [read more]
AUTOTRADER araçlarınıza en az sizin kadar değer veriyor. Tecrübeli ekibimiz, uygun fiyatlarımız ve dürüst hizmetimiz ile herkesi bekliyoruz. . [read more]
Εργοληπτική εταιρεία Α. Ι. Κ Καγιάς Λτδ is a real estate agency, located at Αθηνών 97Α, 2035 Nicosia. They can be contacted via phone at 22421838 for more detailed information. [read more]
Yenişehir, Lefkoşa'da bir bölge. Nüfusu 4156'dır. Bölgedeki ilk yerleşim 1930 ile 1945 yılları arasında gerçekleşti. Bölgede yaşayanların 2135'i erkek, 2021'i kadındır. [read more]
28 Mayıs 2019 tarihinde 32/2019 sayılı yasa ile Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, İstatistik Kurumu hizmete başlamıştır. . [read more]
Yenişehir is a suburb of North Nicosia. Its population was 4156 in 2006, with 2135 males and 2021 females. The first settlement to the area was made between the years of 1930 and 1945. [read more]
Valuable clothing, books & other items are looking for a new home! Excellent condition and affordable prices. In the spirit of conscious consumption, supporting second hand is one way to go. [read more]
World Cuisine. [read more]
Developing and implementing unique products since 2015. Create software of any level of complexity, develop and produce equipment. And also: IT outsourcing, consulting, expertise. [read more]
Η Purelogicol είναι μία βρετανική εταιρεία, πρωτοπόρος στην εσωτερική και εξωτερική ομορφιά από το 2002. . [read more]
Geometric and Dot work Tattoos. [read more]
A renovated one-bedroom studio in the heart of Nicosia. Only a few steps away from the city's restaurants, bars, shops, as well as historic and cultural sites. [read more]
Συνεργειο αυτοκινητων, επιδιορθωσης και συντηρηση. Νικος Νικολαου (ΚΑΡΜΙ) Βιομηχανικη Στροβολου. . [read more]
Ousha était une ville de Galilée occidentale, située entre les villes actuelles de Kiryat-Ata et de Shefa Amr en Israël. Le Sanhédrin y a été transféré depuis Yavné à deux reprises, au. [read more]
Τα προγράμματα ενισχυτικής διδασκαλίας έχουν δημιουργηθεί για να προσφέρουν στα παιδιά που χρειάζεται διδακτική υποστήριξη ούτως ώστε να ενταχθούν ευκολότερα στο κοινό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα. [read more]
Beads-Swarovski-Pendants-Chains-Clasps. [read more]
MLM personal and family products suppliers. . [read more]
iHeartafrica_apparel > the sole threshold into the realm of elegant attire. We bring into the world quality fabrics that ooze morden african culture & style. [read more]
The grand inspiration in my Art is love and the inner world of the multidimensional human being. Beautiful poem, a nice film, inspirational piece of music,. [read more]
Ev yapımı kıvamında taptaze lezzetli ve hiçbir katkı maddesi olmayan ürünlerimiz için bize ulaşabilirsiniz. . [read more]
Tüfekçi Group companies supply ready mix concrete, foam concrete, asphalt, and sand-gravel products in addition to project development services in Northern Cyprus. [read more]
TOPTAN SATIŞ. [read more]
Eviniz için aradığınız herşey. Address: Gönyeli postahanesi karşısı, Türk bankası yanı. Gönyeli/Lefkoşa Telefon: (0392) 223 9628. [read more]
Özay Günsel Çocuk Üniversitesi’nde 6-17 yaşındaki çocuklara renkli ve eğlenceli farklı bir eğitim veriliyor. . [read more]