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Naschoolse Opvang Alegria Traimerdia is located at Sun Valley X 53, - Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles. They can be contacted via phone at 7362672 for more detailed information.

Alegria Traimerdia ta un naschoolse opvang huiswerkbegeleiding ku ta para garantia pa e yu su edukashon i formashon ya pa 16 anja kaba.

Tags : #Education

Location :
Sun Valley X 53, - Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 15 March 2017

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Un dia di Alegria Traimerdia:

Nos portanan ta habri for di
12.15 pm pa risibi e muchanan,
13.15 pm nos ta kome un kuminda dushi I balansa ku ta wordu kushina ku hopi amor I kreatividat pa Tante Nela mes.
14.00 pm nos tur ta sinta na mesa bek pa nos ban traha nos "tarea di kas".
15.00 pm nos tin pauze.
15.15 pm nos ta sigi ku nos "tarea di kas", nos ta kontrola tur tarea, overhoor tur toets I proefwerk skirbi I nos ta kontrola I firma agenda.

E grupo ta un grupo di 30 mucha so, esaki ta pa e mucha hanja tur atenshon ku e mester. Tambe e muchanan tin stabilidat di e mes un lider!!! NO tur dia un otro lider!! (si dado kaso Tante Nela bira malu tin otro lider pa val in mesora) Tambe nos ta bisti uniform.

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19 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    28 June 2018

    Un anja mas nos ta super duper proud di nos muchanan di grupo 8!! They did it🎓🎓🎉🎈

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  • Anynomous
    31 May 2018

    Djabierne 29 di JUNI Naschoolse Opvang Alegria Traimerdia lo tin un fiesta pa sera schooljaar i tambe pa jama bon bini na nos alumnonan nobo, Si majornan ta intresa pa inskribi e ju esaki por for di awe i mes ora e por partisipa na nos fiesta pa sera konosi ku otro,KORDA SI KU NOS TA TRAHA PA KALIDAT I NO KANTIDAT !! Pues yen ta yen,nos no tin hopi lugar.

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  • Anynomous
    22 March 2018

    Rekordar es vivir wak Alegria aki way back den tempu !! Leanie Maduro WentwoordFabienne WentwoordRashaad MaduroDidier ThodeDayra FowlerAlouette PaulettaTerrence-John GarciaTiffany Garcia KirchnerGedeon NoorXenah CiciliaKendra Samson

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  • Anynomous
    21 March 2018

    Awe un biaha mas nos ta broma ku un di nos Alumnonan !!! E biaha aki ta Stephen Faneijte ku a pasa su examen di KOKI !!! Tante nela ta super super PROUD di su Stephen !!!!!Tante Nela ta hopi kontentu di por a partisipa na e dia importante aki den bo bida stephen.

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  • Anynomous
    01 March 2018

    E prome ADVIESNAN pa middelbare school di nos alumnonan di groep 8 a drenta, PABIEN dushinan

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  • Anynomous
    23 December 2017

    Pa Januari Alegria Traimerdia lo tin 3 lugar habri,esun ku jega prome lo hanja e chens uniko aki, korda ku Alegria Traimerdia su motto ta KALIDAT i no KANTIDAT!

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  • Anynomous
    09 December 2017

    Selebrando otro anja exitoso di nos muchanan su kerstrapport.

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2017

    Let's grow up together this year !!!! Welcome back dushinan.

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  • Anynomous
    16 August 2017

    COUNTDOWN to Thursday 17th of July

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  • Anynomous
    15 August 2017

    Nieuwe Uniforms voor het nieuwe schooljaar zijn klaar !!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    01 July 2017

    Asinaki nos a klousura un anja eskolar exitoso !!!!! DANKI na tur ku a kopera pa hasi esaki un dia inolvidabel pa nos muchanan.

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  • Anynomous
    14 June 2017

    Tante Nela TIN MAG DI BROMA !!!!!!!!! Huntu nos ta logra mi junan.

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  • Anynomous
    14 June 2017

    3 leerlingen groep 8 alle 3 Havo !!!! Alegria a score 100 % ku e siguiente puntonan :8,62---8,31---8,1 !!!!!!! Soooo proud di nos muchanan.

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  • Anynomous
    09 June 2017

    Another Alegria Traimerdia Kid graduated at The University of Curacao.

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  • Anynomous
    24 May 2017

    We had an amazing Baby-Shower for Tante Leanie

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  • Anynomous
    05 May 2017

    Sooooooo proud di nos ex alumno Quishanah Pereira ku a haal Award of excellence in communication and journalism of the Gannett Foundation in New York !!!!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    23 March 2017

    YES I CAN and YES I DID IT, love my job and love my children

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  • Anynomous
    23 March 2017

    We have 1000 likes !!!!! Just because we are the BEST !!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    22 March 2017

    Kleine groep,maximale aandacht, lekker eten,goede prestaties dat is Alegria Traimerdia !!!!! Lees zelf al onze commentaren op deze pagina!!! En Danki Danki Danki voor bijna 1000 LIKES

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