大連理工大学 (だいれんりこうだいがく、Dalian University of.. [read more]
Universitas Nottingham Ningbo China adalah sebuah kampus dari Universitas Nottingham Inggris yang terletak di kota Ningbo, Zhejiang, dekat kota Shanghai. [read more]
金华职业技术学院位于中国浙江省金华市的一所大专院校,于1994年在原金华理工学院基础上筹建,1998年先后合并了浙江农业机械学校、金华贸易经济学校、金华师范学校(含原义乌师范学校)、金华农业学校、金华卫生学校等6所中专。2001年挂牌金华大学(筹)。目前学校规划面积3020亩,已开发2214亩,建筑面积59万平方米,各类藏书132万余册;有专任教师1000人,全日制在校生2. [read more]
ZAFU International College. [read more]
This page helps u to find the suitable medical college for u to study in china. For more information message us and we'll be ready to help you,much love�. [read more]
Hi! We are JUFE Student Support Office, here we will post our latest activities and answer your questions about life in JUFE, welcome to like us!. [read more]
一群大学欢乐的人群. [read more]
山东轻工业学院坐落在风景秀丽的历史文化名城—济南,是一所以工为主,以轻工为特色,多学科协调发展的省属普通本科院校。学校以本科教育为主,积极发展研究生教育。. [read more]
中國大學生自己的專頁Chinese college students own website. [read more]
Hainan University is a comprehensive provincial university in Haikou, Hainan province established in 1988. HistoryThe original Hainan university was established in 1983. [read more]
If anyone wants to go abroad for study with full scholarship come and join with us. For any kind of information contact with Niloy: +8613217003202. [read more]
Applying for prospective students who wants to study in China and provide scholarships Applications services. [read more]
Linyi Hua are professional manufacturer of pe protective film, solar water heater, fiberglass ceiling. [read more]
our company is a big factory,we prouce good quality product with low price. so if you want purchase any mobile accessories,contact me. [read more]
Admissions are open for 2013 intake. Please visit www. ningbouniversity. com. email: study@ningbouniversity. com. [read more]
North China University Of Science & Technology previously known as Hebei United University is located in Tangshan most promising city near Beijing. . . [read more]
长春大学 is a university, located at 吉林省长春市朝阳区卫星路, 130000 Changchun. [read more]
Admissions Open for March 2014 Intake supported directly by the national government Recognized by WHO, HPCSA and Approved by China MOE. [read more]
First "Master of China Studies" in China, for application please email to chinastudies@zju. edu. cn or visit http://csp. zju. edu. cn/. [read more]
东北师范大学是教育部直属高校,国家“211工程”重点建设大学. [read more]
world ranking top most university excellent education system indian food usmle and mci coaching facility's in campus only. [read more]
تضمن لكم صفحتنا منح دراسية كاملة ومنح جزئية في عدة تخصصات تقدمها الجامعات الصينية مع حرصنا على تقديم أفضل الخدمات لكم، إن شاء الله. . [read more]
学院坐落于广东省东莞市南城区,邻近东莞植物园与西湖乐园,环境舒适。学院内配备设施齐全,学生会部门与社团组织种类繁多,可供学生选择。. [read more]
免费视频教程,24小时开放,让您了解如何在海外全球速卖通,亚马逊,whsh,eBay和lubaya销售. [read more]
Chongqing Jiaotong University was founded in 1951 as a university with engineering being the primary focus. The university also teaches management, natural sciences, and humanities. [read more]
湖南女子学院始建于1985年的湖南女子职业大学,2010年升格为本科院校,由全国妇联与湖南省人民政府共建。现有6个系,3个教学部,30多个专业。沿革1985年,“湖南女子职业大学”建立,中共中央总书记胡耀邦亲自题写校名。2010年3月18日,中华人民共和国教育部批准它升格为全日制普通本科院校,并且加入了“世界女子教育联盟”。院系设置经济管理系旅游管理系艺术表演系艺术设计系外语系公共管理系思政课教学部体育教学部成人教育部文化校训懿德睿智,笃行臻美图书馆逸夫图书馆大楼1. [read more]
The University of South China is a university in Hengyang, Hunan province, China. It was formed in 2000 by the merger of Central South Institute of Technology and Hengyang Medical College. [read more]
Hunan First Normal University 湖南第一师范学院. [read more]
Welcome to Hunan Normal University! Founded in 1938, Hunan Normal University enjoys a history of 80 years. It is also one of the leading universities b. [read more]
Welcome to our university's official Fb page. HNU is Hunan's top ranked university & part of 211 projects, having 24 colleges and 51 research facilities. [read more]
Gime International Student Union (GISU) official Facebook page for events. One voice,different nations. . [read more]
'Medicine is the only profession in the world that labors incessantly to kill the reason that creates it' - Sir James Bryce. [read more]
**FAN PAGE**. [read more]
沙洋师范高等专科学校是经国家教育部批准成立的全日制普通高校。学校始建于1956年,从1970年开始与原武汉大学、原北京外国语学院、原武汉师范学院联合办学,许国璋、章含之、赵德鑫等全国知名专家教授都曾在校任教,为江汉平原培养了一大批高中教师。. [read more]
RuiAn RongDa Printing Machinery Co. , LTD is a company in Zhejiang P. R. C. with many years of experience in inventing and producing screen printing machines. [read more]
Dalian University is a university in Dalian, Liaoning, China under the provincial government. . [read more]