杭州第四中学是浙江省杭州市著名的省一级重点中学,目前拥有吴山校区、下沙校区以及国际部。. [read more]
Riak Machola Riak is a school, located at Hangzhou city, Xiahsa street, Hangzhou. [read more]
Spirit Kids Royal English is an English language training centre located in Jinan, China. We provide fun, crazy and exciting English lessons! :). [read more]
We manufacturer technology products in China. We make affordable 3D/4K monitors, thin clients, cloud office furniture and an 82 inch touchscreen tablet!. [read more]
A + Foreign Language Training Center, located in Lanxi, Zhejiang Province, was founded by Susana Yang and is currently managed by Susana and John Huber with a group of well-qualified teachers. [read more]
The High School Affiliated to Liaoning Normal University, HSALNU (Chinese pinyin alias: LSDFZ) was founded in 1952. HSALNU is the first batch of key high schools in Liao Ning, China. [read more]
중국 강소성 우시에 있는 무석한국학교의 대신 말해드립니다 페이지 입니다! 많은 제보 부탁드려요:). [read more]
Brazilian black belt instructor. [read more]
A school not only being one of the best middle schools in Hebei, but also famous in the country. Official Website: http://www. sjzez. com/. [read more]
怀文抱质、自强不息. [read more]
Yuyao PingAn Fire-fighting Equipment Manufacturing Co. , Ltd. , is located in Liangnong town, Yuyao city, adjacent to the local scenic site SiMing Lake. [read more]
We are an English training center located in a rapidly urbanizing city in northern China! Now recruiting! Contact us for more details. . [read more]
This is a private school,from grade 1 to 12,welcome to join us. [read more]
Zhongshan ProgressEducation founded in 2014 is a specialized English training institution for overseas study. . [read more]
襄阳五中始建于1902年,校址设于古襄阳城西北隅襄阳学宫旧址,从中学堂起,历经湖北省立十中、省立第五中学、省立第五高级中学、省立襄阳中学、襄阳市第五中学等阶段。1953年,被确定为湖北省5所重点中学之一。2001年被省政府教育督导室、省教育厅命名为湖北省示范学校。 2008年9月,占地450亩的新校区开门迎接新生。新校区共拥有教学楼6栋,外语特色楼2栋,实验楼1栋,艺术馆1栋,图书信息楼1栋,体育馆1栋, 400米标准塑胶运动场2个,篮球场16个,排球场12个,羽毛球场12个,网球场3个,乒乓球台20个,图书馆藏书13万余册。配备32个标准实验室、12个多媒体教室、8个网络教室,以及校园网、电视台、广播台、形体训练房、排练大厅、乐器室、科技制作室、书画室、棋社等学生活动场所。 学校历来被称为“鄂西北人才的摇篮”[来源请求],2002年至2008年7年间里,共为清华大学、北京大学、中国科学技术大学、香港大学等名校输送了近400多名人才。该校文理科高考高分率以及重点大学上线率达50%,本科上线率近90%、升学率为100%,[来源请求]在全省名列前茅。截止2008年底,该校共有60名学生荣获奥赛全国一等奖。 学校是北京大学、清华大学、香港大学等数十所名校的“优质生源基地”。. [read more]
Уданшань, гора Удан — небольшой горный хребет в провинции Хубэй, который находится недалеко от промышленного города Шиянь и около 120 км от города Сянфань. [read more]
广东省台山市第一中学 ,简称台山一中,俗称台中,是一所由华侨、港澳同胞捐建的著名学校。. [read more]
吉林体育学院成立于1958年,地处环境优美、四季分明的吉林省长春市,是吉林省唯一一所高等体育专业院校。. [read more]
A school provides modern liberal education, and emphasizes the students' real ability and virtue. Not only being one of the best middle schools in Hebei, but also famous in the country. [read more]
浙江省长兴中学坐落于浙江北端、太湖西畔,创办于1940年。学校占地216亩,建筑面积6. 1万m2,拥有一流的硬件设施,融自然环境和人文精神为一体。. [read more]
Specialists in exclusive permanent make-up. Micro pigmentation treatment, Eyelash enhancement and training center run by professional make up artists. [read more]
Gspeed Formula Student Electric is a formula student electric Team of Jilin University, which participated in Formula Student Electric China since 2016. [read more]
At NBIS, we pride ourselves in providing a warm, friendly, safe environment in which children and young people can learn effectively. . [read more]
Admissions are open for 2013 intake. Please visit www. ningbouniversity. com. email: study@ningbouniversity. com. [read more]
An English school in China serving the minds and hearts of the students we teach. Dedicated to guiding the next generation to discover their purpose. . [read more]
Admissions Open for March 2014 Intake supported directly by the national government Recognized by WHO, HPCSA and Approved by China MOE. [read more]
靖江市斜桥中学创办于1956年,现为江苏省三星级普通高中、江苏省文明单位、江苏省语文阅读能力建构实验课程基地、江苏省普通高中科研基地学校。. [read more]
world ranking top most university excellent education system indian food usmle and mci coaching facility's in campus only. [read more]
Freinet Education Centre of Hangzhou is the first Freinet kindergarten in China. . [read more]
欢迎访问浙江大学紫金港校区的Facebook主页!. [read more]
The first very specialized and professional Mandarin teaching institution in the Yinzhou University Park of Ningbo city, Zhengjiang, China. In cooperation with AuT language school and Beyond.. [read more]
浮山中学由房秩五先生创立于1924年,是安徽省省级示范高中。. [read more]
A high school at Tongling city,China. Tongling No. 1 High school was established in 1938 and moved to Tongling city in 1946. It's one of the best 10 high schools in Anhui Province. [read more]
Welcome to the official Page of Fengnan District No. 1 Middle School. 欢迎来到丰南一中 Facebook 官方主页. [read more]
Private English Language school in Daqing spanning across four branches with a recently opened branch in Dongfeng. Offers lessons with foreign experts. [read more]
Residential Martial Arts & Fitness Training Bases located in The Himalayan Foothills, China - The Arctic Circle, Swedish Lapland & The Caribbean, Barbados. [read more]